Two cat household

By , November 15, 2010 7:30 am

For a moment on Friday I thought we were going to become a two cat household!

While I was at the outlet mall with my mom and sister I received the photo above in a text from Steven. And this one too:

He said “All cats love the Datsun!”

Steven said the cat showed upย at our garage, with no collar/tags. The cat hung out with Steven and my dad for a few hours while they worked on the car.

When I came home, it was still there! I figured after a few hours, someone would go looking for their lost cat, right? I held him for awhile, but then went to ask the neighbors if it was theirs. The cat followed me. The first neighbor said no, but the second neighbor said “Hey, that’s my cat!” while the cat ran in to the house. Uh… duh? It was so bizarre.

Of course, those are the neighbors that frequently have the cops come by to visit, so who knows what is going on in their house. Maybe the cat would have been better off in ours!

Have you ever found a stray pet and tried to find its home? Have you ever “lost” your pet?

I think one of our cats ran away. Maybe two of them did.

Not to be outdone, Data was helping in the garage too, but not at the same time:

21 Responses to “Two cat household”

  1. Kandi says:

    LOVE the photo of Data on the opened hood!
    We “lost” a dog once-upon-a-time. We had a 2 yr old beagle and we used to let him roam free with my grandma’s dog (she lived out in the country). When it came time for us to go home that evening, my grandma’s dog came back but not ours. We think he got caught up on a scent or something… or someone thought he’d make a good hunting dog and took him. We never saw him again despite posting signs and ads in newspapers. It was so very sad for my family. After working at a pet store I found out that it’s common for beagles to wander off because of their nose!

  2. bobbi says:

    We have temporarily lost pets (my parents had a dog that was an escape artist) but never permanently.

    LOVE Data. Those pics of him are great (and LAUGHING at “all cats love the Datsun!”)

  3. Stephany says:

    When I was little, we had a stray cat that my dad would leave food out for. She was the sweetest little thing and I seriously wanted to keep her. But we didn’t.

    I’m so tempted to get another dog, but my mom is against it. Sigh. My little man needs a friend to play with! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Kim says:

    Aww, I hope the cat’s owners keep a better eye on it!!
    I seem to attract stray animals. Most of our cats growing up were strays (or rescues from the animal shelter). It always breaks my heart to find a stray. I can’t help but keep them. We really can’t have another cat though. Three is way too many for 900 square feet.

  5. Gina/Mannyed says:

    Aww the neighbor’s kitty is cute. Do you think Data would have liked a roommate?

    Luckily, Manny hasnt tried to escape, but sometimes I loose him in the house, haha.

  6. Erin says:

    I personally don’t understand people who let their cats or dogs roam free. I’m way too paranoid for that.

  7. That last picture is AWESOME.

  8. k8 says:

    I found both Dax and Kiki and after looking for owners, I took them in. Kiki ran away once and I tell you what. I was devastated. Completely and totally – we had just moved to NC and I felt so alone. But early the next morning, when Jason opened the door, she shot in like a bullet and right into bed with me.

  9. Alice says:

    oliver has escaped from my house on more than one occasion, but he always stays nearby (or returns, perhaps!), i suspect because he’s smart enough to know where his easy food comes from.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. diane says:

    Pretty kitties!
    When I was still living with my old roommate, she found a kitten hiding under a car that we took in. He didn’t have any tags and no one put up any signs for him. I thought we should try putting signs up, but her feeling was he’d probably fare better at our house anyway.
    On the rare occasion Bastet gets out, she goes down to my friend’s apartment on the first floor and just hangs out outside her door. It’s cute. ๐Ÿ™‚ But I’m DEFINITELY glad that’s a rare occasion!

  11. Courtney Ilax says:

    Kim, I have called the Evansdale animal control manytimes. First time was a basethound going through peoples garbage. I felt so bad for that dog cause he was so skinny but yet I can’t have apet due to the road we live on . 2nd time was a cat that came by halloween night. your dad held it for awhile then we just let it go. 3rd time was a puppy ( black lab ) This time we let the boys play with it for a good hour and then called evansdale animal control even though we didn’t want to . All these animals had no tags what so ever. So I wounder why don’t people take care of their dogs. I don’t get it ๐Ÿ™

    • kilax says:

      I always wonder too… if they don’t want them, why they don’t make an effort to re-home them or take them to the shelter. I feel bad when they just let them go!

  12. Denise says:

    Stray cats find us. We think there is a sign(that only cats can read)on our house somewhere, that says “FREE FOOD,FREE LOVE”. And they continue to just show up. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I have placed an ad in our local paper when one of them disappeared for more than a week. Eventually she came home. We think she might have been locked up in someone’s barn. She was very nosey.

    We can’t stand it when people don’t take care of their pets and we have rescued several from bad owners.

    I think you should rescue the neighbor’s cat. Yes, he/she would be better off at your house. And Data needs a playmate! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. claire says:

    Wow, that hood shot is really something. Data’s quite the acrobat!

    I read a post (wow, 2 months ago. Guess it made an impression.) about the lengths to which someone went to return someone’s dog:

  14. Etta says:

    I had a few cats “run away” when I was younger. One disappeared at the same time as my bike. I think he stole it.

  15. we are a two kittie household ๐Ÿ™‚ Ours have never run away and thank goodness, I’d probably have a melt down.

    In our KC house we had cats show up all the time at the back door, but they never hung around very long.

  16. sizzle says:

    Data cracks me up. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I try to help stray animals all the time. I haven’t ever kept them though. If I can’t find the owner, I take them to the SPCA.

  17. My cat that I had for a very long time (and whom I miss terribly!) was a rescue. She was roaming the streets of my hometown and after much begging I was allowed to bring her home. ๐Ÿ™‚

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