Who’s your cheerleader?

By , September 30, 2010 5:22 am

Me and my mom, from our first half marathon

In my Chicago Marathon outfit post on Monday, my mom left this comment:

Wow your race is on 10/10/10? One of the teachers I work with is getting married on 10/10/10. Wear the bright yellow/green we can usually find you in that outfit.

To which I responded (in an email):

Wow, the way you wrote that, it almost sounded like you were coming for the race. 🙁

I have known for awhile that my parents aren’t coming for the race, and that bums me out, because they are (especially my mom) my #1 cheerleaders. But, my mom almost made up for it by writing back with this:

I will be there in spirit holding a big ass sign that says:


I immediately emailed her to ask if she made up that up. And… when she didn’t respond directly to that question, I called her (ha ha)*. She said she made up that poem just for me! She did some research in an online running dictionary to write it! Isn’t she clever?

You’re not off the hook mom – I expect to see a picture of you with said “big ass” sign in my email on 10/10/10 in the afternoon!

Who is(are) your cheerleader(s)? Whether it’s running, another sport, or just life in general, who cheers you on? Who encourages you?

Obviously, Steven gives me all of my day-to-day support. He was incredibly supportive when I decided to switch jobs and it really showed me a lot about him and our relationship. At that point, I knew I would have his support in any decision I made.

My parents have always been supportive of all my extracurricular activities. My dad went to every soccer game I played in high school, even though our team was awful. And of course, they’ve always supported my life decisions too. Except for maybe a year in high school. Sorry about that, mom and dad.

They came to Kenosha, Wisconsin for our very first half marathon!

Me and my parental units

My sister** and Erin also come to mind. You can talk to them about anything, and you know they have your best interest in mind. You know they want the best outcome for you.

Writing this, I think the reason I am bummed my mom (and dad, but let me explain) won’t be at the race is because she has no shame or sense of embarrassment – LIKE ME! I know she would make ridiculous signs and be a complete nut cheering for me.*** My dad is not as crazy as that. And neither is Steven. But that’s okay. There will be LOTS of people cheering! And really, I am happy that Steven can be there at all.

*And when she didn’t answer her cell, I called my dad’s… turned out my mom dropped her cell phone in the bathtub. Buah ha ha!
**My sister was at the first 5K I ever ran! (scroll to bottom of this page)
***Ha, now that I think about it, I bet my sister-in-law Courtney would be a fun spectator. I think she also… doesn’t hold back. Ha!

28 Responses to “Who’s your cheerleader?”

  1. Sorry the ‘rents can’t be there. My parents have only been to one of mine- and I wish they could go to more because running has become so important to me. But I have my two girlfriends Annie and Mon who help to fill that gap and keep me going with all their excitement from either running with me or the sidelines!

    • kilax says:

      I think that is so cool that you are that close with your GFs and that they are so supportive! Every woman needs friends like that 🙂

  2. Kandi says:

    Your mom sounds a lot like my mom. That poem for the sign sounds like something my mom would have written! My parents don’t make it to a lot of my races but the past two years when I ran the 15k in their neck of the woods, they drove along the course (point to point) and cheered for me at different places along the course. My mom would yell and cheer and clap (while my dad just stands there or runs into a dealership to look at new trucks (that seriously happened!)). People who were running around me thanked her after the race for cheering for them too!

  3. salwa says:

    Aww! That’s so sweet! Love the poem too :).

    My biggest cheerleaders are DEFINITELY my mom and my husband. When I walked the 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk, my husband showed up at a cheering station every single day, and was there waiting for me at the finish line. He is supportive of me on a daily basis, and on bigger things (like my venturing off to become a photographer). My mom last year surprised me at the end of the MS Walk (a mere 6.5 miles), and over the years has been an incredible cheerleader for stuff like that.

  4. Kristie says:

    See, I don’t really think any of my family members are really “loose” enough to make a sign and do anything crazy. I kind of dream that one race maybe Chris will make a sign for me haha. So sweet that your mom looked that stuff up for your poem too :).

  5. Joanne says:

    10/10 is the big day! YAY! Aren’t you glad all that training will finally be over?
    Do you have a plan in re- to time? or you just want it to be a great experience no matter how long or how short a race? That’s my main focus: Just let it be a great time!

    • kilax says:

      I will be sad when training is over, but not miss the schedule – just the miles 🙂

      My plan is to start and finish. Maybe under 5:00 but don’t really care that much 🙂

  6. My mom is without a doubt my biggest supporter! She comes to almost everything!

  7. bobbi says:

    I LOVE your Mom!! She rules!

    My mom, while a big supporter, has never seen me race – she’s super busy. But she’s coming to this one (both my parents, my sister, BIL, nieces and my kids will all be there).

    Usually, it’s my husband – he’s my biggest fan. And my kids too.

    • kilax says:

      I still think that is SO COOL that your whole family is going to be at the Marathon! JEALOUS!

      • bobbi says:

        btw, thank you so much for offering to pick up my stuff! but as crazy as it’ll make my day, I still want to hit the expo…I just need to experience it, even if I don’t get to stay for very long.

  8. Your mom is awesome.

    My homemade sign would read, “Kick Some Asphalt, Kim!” Creative, I know. Hahah.

  9. Alice says:

    aww that deere sign is so awesome!! i’m sorry she can’t be there – imagine a big sign from me, too, that says “YOU ARE AWESOME, KIM!” in large glittery letters 🙂

  10. Erin says:

    I love that your mom made up that poem!

    I think that Jason is my biggest cheerleader. He always supports me no matter what.

    And that’s so sweet of you to say about me! *blushes*

  11. Katye says:

    So awesome! It’s so great to having a running support system! Eventhough my family can’t make it to many races they are always tracking me online =)

  12. Amanda says:

    That poem is hysterical and awesome! My parents, and Richard, are my biggest cheerleaders for sure. They support me in all my crazy endeavors and all though my childhood were at every event I participated in. I found with running, having people who genuinely care and are interested makes it that much more rewarding.

    • kilax says:

      I agree – when you have someone interested in your running and supporting you, it just makes it that much better…

  13. Kim says:

    Aww, what a sweet post! It’s so great that you have such cheerleaders. My mom is also a big cheerleader for me. She reads all my fiction and supports me in my publishing dream. In day to day life, Lawrence is my biggest support. I feel him cheering me on all the time. I’ve never felt someone so committed to my happiness and dreams 🙂

  14. k8 says:

    My posse. I know. That doesn’t get too specific, but our group of friends is always there for each other. No matter what we’re doing. I am so blessed.

  15. sizzle says:

    My mom is a great cheerleader too. She helps out at all my fundraising events and it’s really great to have her there for moral support and to have her see what I have been slaving away on. Mr. Darcy supports my yoga habit as do many close friends.

  16. Stephany says:

    That poem is awesome! Haha, I love that your mom made it up for you!

    My mom and my grandma are my two biggest cheerleaders. I can talk to them about anything and I know they’ll have my back.

  17. Christina says:

    Mom told me about her poem at lunch! She’s so silly!! I wish I could be there for your race too! 🙁

  18. mom says:

    I really like Gina’s and Alice’s sign ideas I think you should combine the two into one big poster. Glitter makes everything better. “You are Awesome Kim, Kick Some Asphalt!”

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