Three Years!

By , September 1, 2010 8:45 am

Today is our three year wedding anniversary!

It amazes me how much our love and relationship has grown in just this short amount of time. I thought I knew Steven really well when we got married, but as we have gone through some of life’s hardships and joys together, I have discovered even more about the amazing person he is. That’s pretty cheesy, but it’s the truth.


  • Photos of the wedding here
  • Photo slideshow here
  • Awesome photographer’s website here
  • Special wedding song here

71 Responses to “Three Years!”

  1. Hilly says:

    Happy Anniversary to you both! I cannot even believe it’s been three years already. I am so happy for you and your happy life, Kim. Yay!

  2. bobbi says:

    Happy Anniversary!!!!

  3. J says:

    happy Anniversary!! Love the wedding pictures!!

  4. bobbi says:

    OMG you have the best wedding photos ever!! So so so pretty and FUN!

  5. Happy anniversary! You two make a beautiful couple! P.S. Isn’t marriage awesome?!?! 🙂

  6. Happy Anniversary!!!! Having met and spent time with both of you I can say that I just absolutely love the way that you are with each other. And you look pretty adorable together too.

  7. Christina says:

    Happy Anniversary and many more!

  8. Jamie says:

    Happy Anniversary! Beautiful pictures!

  9. Amy says:

    Happy anniversary and congratulations!

  10. Kandi says:

    What a beautiful bride and dashing groom. Happy anniversary!

  11. Lacey says:

    what a great photo!!!!!!! you both look so happy and beautiful/handsome. happy anniversary!

  12. You make a very handsome couple … love your wedding photographs. Happy Anniversary!

  13. Erin says:

    Happy anniversary!

  14. sizzle says:

    Happy anniversary you two lovebirds!

  15. Pauline says:

    Happy Anniversary!! You guys picked a beautiful spot to get married and you looked beautiful! 🙂 (And still do!)

  16. Jen says:

    Happy anniversary!

  17. k8 says:

    Happy happies! I hope there are many, many more!

  18. Kim says:

    Aw, congrats! I love that picture of you two. Hope you do something fun and celebratory today 🙂

  19. aron says:

    Happy Anniversary!!!!

  20. Alice says:

    happy anniversary!! your wedding sets are SO SO SO gorgeous!! you guys are adorable! 🙂

  21. Etta says:

    Happy anniversary!!!

  22. Happy Anniversary to a really, really great couple! Enjoy your day! I can’t believe it’s been three years already!

  23. Leah says:


  24. Oh, happy anniversary! Here wishing for many many many many more!

  25. Paula says:

    Yay! Happy, Happy Anniversary!! Mine is 19 more days away. September weddings are the best! <3

  26. Happy anniversary! 🙂

    <3 <3

  27. Sarah Who? says:

    Happy day to you both! And your photos are gorgeous!

  28. Kate says:

    Happy third, Kim and Steven! I’m so happy for you guys! Our third anniversary is exactly two weeks from today. September 2007 was a good month. 🙂

  29. claire says:

    Happy anniversary!

  30. julie ilax says:

    Ok, I’m sitting here watching your slideshow crying, remembering how much fun we had that day and wishing we could do it all over again. Love you both soooo much, Happy Anniversary!

  31. Christina says:

    ^^Awh mom is so cute! Happy anniversary seester!! I love you both! <3 I remember your wedding like it was yesterday and can't wait until you're the "matron" of honor in my wedding! 😀

    • kilax says:

      She is so cute! I can’t wait to be in YOUR wedding! Could my speech ever be as awesome as yours though?

      Love you too!

  32. teamarcia says:

    Happy Anniversary! Your pics are phenomenal! Is that the Cuneo Estate? Love it!

  33. Jenn says:

    Happy anniversary!

  34. Happy Anniversary, beautiful!! I hope you’re celebrating it up! 🙂

  35. PS. I love your wedding photos!

  36. kilax says:

    Thank you everyone!!!

  37. Kristie says:

    Dang it, I miss one day of Google Reader and it happens to be your anniversary?! Happy belated anniversary Kim! Also 1) you look gorgeous in your wedding pictures and 2) woo hoo wedding pictures. Okay that’s all ;).

  38. Holly says:

    Happy (belated) Anniversary!! I LOVE the picture of you. You are beaming and BEAUTIFUL!

    I can tell from how you write about Steven that you love each other so very much. I hope to have that kind of love like you two do one day! 🙂

  39. Mica says:

    Happy anniversary, Kim and Steven! You two are such a cute, great couple. Here’s to many more years of biking and running and adventures together!

  40. Mallory says:

    Happy Anniversary! I wish you two many more years of growing happiness!

    I didn’t realise how much my and my husband’s relationship would change and grow once we got married, and we’re only on year two!

  41. martymankins says:

    Happy Anniversary to you both.

  42. RunningLaur says:

    Happy late anniversary. I guess since I’m late, you’re going to have to celebrate again 🙂

  43. Katie H. says:

    Congratulations!! (belated, haha- I tried to comment at work the other day but it wasn’t working out).

    Doesn’t the time fly by? It seems like I just got married yesterday and it’s already almost six months 🙂

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