Wearing the race shirt on race day
Amanda (Run to the Finish) wrote a fun “Runners Etiquette” blog post. I recommend checking it out! Those lists are always so fun to read and add to! Item number 3 interested me (taken from her post):
DON’T WEAR THE RACE SHIRT ON RACE DAY: Race shirts state that you have already completed that race, on race day you have not completed that race..stop wearing the shirt! Caveat: If the race gives out bright orange shirts like Pumpkin Run specifically because it’s only Halloween and you will never wear that shirt again, or it’s the Komen walk and you want to promote the cause then it’s ok. End Caveat.
Most of the commenters agreed with her. However, this is something that does not bother me at all. In fact, I have done it! Check out my race recaps page – I have done it quite a bit. I like to be matchy.
Of course, now, I realize I need a more “technical” top and cotton’s not going to cut it. But why does this bother so many runners? Tell me what you think!
Do you think it’s wrong to wear a race shirt on race day? Why or why not?
And of course, the poll below, for you guilty culprits to fess up!

The only race I’ve had the opportunity to participate in was a Komen 5K, so of course I wore the Komen shirt.
Actually, none of the above…I’ve only raced once where they gave a shirt…it was a tech shirt…but I already had my race day outfit all planned out. But seriously, I didn’t think it was such a big deal…less so if it’s a tech shirt. I mean, you are actually running the race right…doesn’t seem that important to me 🙂
I didn’t know wearing the race shirt on race day was such a big deal?! lol but I’ve only ran in 2 races so I guess this is good info to have
I have run in race shirts (both cotton and technical), but these days I personally run in a non-race tank because I like to plan out my race outfit ahead of time, just like Anne! And I usually save the race day for the day after, so I can brag 😛 But I really don’t care what other runners wear, as long as it’s not smelly, and not too revealing 😛
I think it’s bad luck to wear the race shirt before completing the race – I’m really big on superstition of some of those things, so for me race shirts are a big no. I do however, tend to change immediately into said race shirt following the race though – it’s like my reward or, badge of honor or, explanation to people why I’m hobbling around later in the day (very frequently).
I have worn the shirt for things like Komen, where it’s a big deal that people wear it, but I do opt to wear a shirt from the year before if I have that.
To each their own though! I won’t hate on you 🙂
I don’t care if people wear race shirts (although I’ve heard how it’s a no-no too), but I don’t because I like to have already worn a shirt on runs so I know how it will fit (and that I won’t chafe too much!). Plus I like to wear my shirts around in the day or two following the race :).
Running attracts a lot of rigid, rule-focused people. I knew this “rule” so I always save the shirt for when I change out of my sweaty clothes after the race. But really, who cares? Some people need to lighten up.
Back in the day I probably wore a race shirt during the race but I can’t recall. Somewhere along the lines I heard or read that same “rule” and now definitely don’t wear the shirt on race day. I don’t mind if other people do it, but I guess I don’t want to be seen as a rookie by other runners who take that rule more seriously. Also, I’d have to agree with RunningLaur about being superstitious. I’d be much more likely to wear the shirt just after finishing a race.
I knew it was the ‘wrong’ thing to do when I did it (once) but I did it anyway because I was going for a stealth, all-in-black look and the race shirt was the only black tech shirt I owned. Fashion trumps race etiquette I say!
I had never thought about this and didn’t know it was poor form to do so! Oh well. I think you should wear whatever you’re comfortable in. For me, I think I would be more comfortable in a shirt that I had run in before…no surprises on race day 🙂
I never wear race shirts on race day. I kind of equate it to buying a shirt in a store, cutting off the tags and wearing it out of the store. Unless it’s an emergency, it just isn’t necessary.
I don’t think it’s a big deal, people should do what they want. But I won’t wear cotton T-shirts and I usually want wear one of my own tried-and-true technical shirts that I have worn several times to be sure I won’t have chafing issues. The only time I have worn the race day shirt was for the Ladies Run, where they wanted everyone to wear the same Nike technical shirt – it did look really cool to see the surge of ladies all in the same color!
I never wear a shirt that I haven’t “tested” on a run run before. Besides, a new shirt from the race hasn’t been washed yet! Most of the races we do offer a tech shirt instead of a cotton shirt. (I had so many cotton ones that I sent them to Afghanistan.) I always let the race directors know how much I appreciate a tech shirt AND ladies sizing (no more of this “unisex” stuff that is just really a man’s size). It irritates me that races are often more than 50% female and they don’t offer a gender specific shirt! Ladies – unite!!
Ha! Carol, you crack me up. I do think that is something we need to unite on though. Men’s sizing doesn’t even work for me, and I am not a small girl!
I don’t race and have only done charity walks so take my POV with that in mind. I don’t see anything wrong with it, in fact I would say most of the time I wouldn’t wear a shirt outside the race day.
I never realized it was a big deal but I usually have my own outfit picked out. I think if its for a cause you should assuming you are comfortable in it.
I don’t think it is “wrong” to wear the race shirt, but I usually don’t because I’ve got my own technical gear. Plus if it’s a cotton shirt I won’t wear it… and a lot of races that have given out technical tops are shirts that don’t fit me at all and I don’t want to be uncomfortable. But I think it’s up to the runner… if you want to wear it, go for it! If not, don’t. Easy as that!
The only time I’ve done it for a race was when the Nike Human Race printed our bib numbers on the shirts so we had to wear them. I admit, it was pretty cool to see everyone wearing the exact same shirt. I also wore the cotton t-shirt for the cancer benefit walk I did in Arizona because it turned out everyone wears their shirt for that race. Some people design their own team logos or put who they’re walking for on the back so it’s expected that you’ll wear it.
Otherwise, it’s a no-no for me until I’ve finished the race. I don’t even want to wear the Waterfall Glen race shirt since the race was canceled and I didn’t do the make-up run. I feel like I didn’t earn it!
Technically it wasnt so much a race as a walk, but they gave me the tshirt and told me to wear it. So I did. 🙂
I prefer to wear more tech materials, but for other non-running events (like climbing the CN Tower) I totally rock the shirt.
If Amanda doesn’t wear shirt to show, then that’s her deal, no sense getting all offended. If you’re there running it you have every right to wear the damn shirt whenever you please, including during the race.
Sorry Mallory, I didn’t mean to come off as offended! It’s just never occurred to me not to wear the shirt so I was interested to hear other people’s thoughts behind it 🙂
I don’t think it’s a big deal at all — it’s not like wearing a band t-shirt to that band’s concert. I’ve never done it, but that’s because I usually pick up my shirt on race day can’t show up topless 🙂
I didn’t vote because none of your answers really apply to me BUT, no, I haven’t. Mostly because i already have a race day outfit picked out ahead of time and I’m superstitious about messing with things like that!!
I haven’t worn a race t-shirt for no particular reason. Though I don’t really care if people wear them, especially if it’s a fun event for a good cause. I guess it all depends on the race.. but I see where people are coming from when they say you shouldn’t wear it.
🙂 I think on the smaller races it’s totally ok because you probably won’t wear it again honestly… marathon day just don’t do it
Ha ha. I definitely wouldn’t for a marathon. And I use all those 5K shirts for the gym!
Hope it was okay I posted this! I was interested to hear what other people thought! 🙂
I never knew this was a big deal! I have done it before a few times, but mostly I like wearing my own clothes (since I already know what to expect, and I like being able to spot myself in pictures easily, as if I wear the race shirt, half the people will look the same!)
At the end of the day, who cares, really? Wear whatever you want!
I have nothing against runners wearing the race shirt, I never have, because I’ve never got a shirt that I liked. The few I did get that I love, were long sleeved and to warm to wear, or I didn’t want to get it all sweaty 🙂
I don’t wear shirts on race day because I generally already planned to wear something that I “trust.” (What if there’s an awkward, itchy seam in the race shirt?!?) Also, I try to “earn” the shirt by running the race. However, when I see people wearing the shirt on race day, I think that they look super enthusiastic about the event, which makes me smile.
I don’t like these “Runners Rules” type-lists. I think that “rule” about not wearing a race shirt just makes us sound like an unappealing bunch of elitists, who look down on people who might make an “honest” mistake.
Seems like a silly thing to get annoyed about. The only race I can think of that had shirts didn’t give them out until the end anyway, so it was moot.
I voted “no way!”. Not sure WHY I think that it is a big deal….I totally run in cotton. In fact, all of my socks & underwear are cotton *gasp*
I have definitely worn the race shirt on race day, when I get it right before the race and don’t have time to run it back to my car!
If they are cotton, I don’t but only because they are cotton. But I have run in the tech shirt. I am actually surprised to hear it is on an etiquette list.