Training Week 38

By , July 11, 2010 1:39 pm

I am currently getting back in to running so I can run the Chicago Half Marathon and Chicago Marathon.

Day 260 | July 5, 2010: rest

Day 261 | July 6, 2010: rest

Day 262 | July 7, 2010: 3 m run

I think taking three days of rest really made my legs feel great! We took off at the beginning of our 3 mile run, completing our first mile in 10:00. That doesn’t seem very fast, but for someone who hasn’t run in a month, it is. And the new inserts weren’t bothering me at all!

Unfortunately, it was hot (80s) and humid outside. And we seemed to be running through mosquito country. So we slowed down for the last two miles (and walked a bit in the beginning of the second one).

My legs felt great, except for the epic scratch I have on my left leg. My left knee ached a bit after I was done running, but I couldn’t tell if it was from it being swollen, or because of the stress fracture I had there. I’ll keep an eye on it.

Distance: 3.0 | Time: 31:52 | 1: 10:01 | 2: 11:23 | 3: 10:24

Day 263 | July 8, 2010: rest

Day 264 | July 9, 2010: rest

We were supposed to run on Friday, but my left knee started hurting pretty bad on Thursday… enough to make me limp a bit! So I took two days off. And felt extremely frustrated and worried.

Day 265 | July 10, 2010: 3.5 mile run

Well, that’s the second dumbest thing I’ve done this week (can you guess the first?) – run at 11:30 AM in the bright sun, at this temp:

Don’t be deceived – I was melting. I basically whined my way through this whole “run.” I shuffled along, and spent most of my time staring at the back of Steven as he ran in front of me (until the last mile when he stopped and said “That shuffling does not sound good – you are only going to hurt yourself.” So I tried to speed it up!).

I hoped for shade, but it was few and far between (we were on a pretty open loop at the Grant Woods Forest Preserve). And when I got to it, the mosquitoes just ate me up.

I was so happy to be done. I drank about 16 ounces of water (along with the water I brought along on the run).

And I made sure to look extra pathetic for our post run photo.

I hate this part about getting back in to running. Hate it. My breathing is awful. I feel like I have lost all of my fitness.

And the sun sure doesn’t help! We are not running in the hot sun like that again!

At least my knee felt okay though! And I am not really upset about how crappy this run was. What do I expect, going out in the middle of the day, in the open sun (and after eating a ton of crap they day before)? Things can only get better… right?!

Distance: 3.5 | Time: 39:50 | 1: 11:09 | 2: 11:27 | 3: 12:02 | 4: 5:12

Day 266 | July 11, 2010: 4 m run

I made it to the Millennium Trail by 7:30 am… a little better than the day before! It was still extremely sunny, but only 75°, and there was even a bit of a breeze.

The run went better, but I still felt slooooooooow. And I had to stop at the 2-mile mark and literally give myself a “you can do this” pep talk.

Pep Talk Face

There are a few hills on this trail, and while they weren’t that bad going up, they hurt my knee going down. I think I need to avoid hills for awhile.

I started to feel pretty good toward the end of the run. Not “I could keep going forever” good, but “this feels natural” good. And I was excited to make it to four miles!

After I ran, Steven and I went and worked in the garden (weeding, watering, picking) for a couple of hours. I will do a post about it tomorrow, but here is a sneak peak:

Green Beans


Distance: 4.0 | Time: 44:53 | 1: 10:47 | 2: 11:16 | 3: 11:27 | 4: 11:19

Week Summary: 10.5 miles

I had an awesome run at the beginning of the week… and the last two were kind of poo. I don’t expect things to be easy right now, especially in the HOT sun. I just feel discouraged I have to re-build my endurance all over again. And I worry that running at a slower than normal (for me) pace is not good for my form. I hope things get better soon. There is nothing for me to do but keep at it.

So, what about strength/yoga/cross this week? Yeah, I am slacking. Honestly, I didn’t even feel like running this week, I was exhausted. And I know this upcoming week is going to be difficult because I will be in training for three days at work, and not be able to workout during lunch. Maybe I will get up early and work out at home… we’ll see!

Maybe I should go back to planning out my workouts (loosely) at the beginning of the week – do you ever plan your workouts in advance? I think most runners have an idea of what they will run in the upcoming week, but do you plan your support workouts as well?

8 Responses to “Training Week 38”

  1. Etta says:

    Your running is so inspiring. I need to ‘learn’ how to run. Oh, and stop being a lazy lump. 😛

  2. I don’t usually plan out my workouts because I enjoy just doing what I feel like. However, I do find that when I take the time to plan things out I get more variety and it helps me exercise when I’ve been feeling extra lazy and unmotivated.

    Keep it up Kim! You’re endurance will come back but don’t push it.

  3. K says:

    I don’t usually plan workouts or runs. I have a little bit of an idea of what I want to run but I don’t really know what I’ll actually do until I do it. I was pretty good this past week considering we had 3 days over 100 degrees and I usually run at 11:30 am. I had to adjust my running accordingly (i.e. after work, on the treadmill, in the morning).

  4. ChezJulie says:

    Girl, you would not last long in Texas if you think 83 degrees is hot!

    That’s terrific that you have been able to run again without more than a little soreness. And that the inserts are feeling good. I know it’s a drag to get back to something when you feel like you should be able to do it (for me it’s push-ups; I hate losing my push-up strength).

    Try not to think of your running right now as compared to your ideal running. It’s just not gonna be that while you are easing back after the injuries. Think of it as gentle rehab that you are doing in order to get back to your real running. Maybe that will make it easier to enjoy the sense of accomplishment even if things seem off.

    Also, your green peas look like weird monster fingers!

  5. Shannon says:

    Right now my workouts are kind of limited since I can’t run (until baby arrives!). So there isn’t much planning involved. No pool access, so I just hop on the elliptical and go. I’m so glad I can do that pain free!

    Good luck with your training. You’ll get there. The most important thing is to not get injured again.

  6. onelittletrigirl says:

    I feel you with getting back at it. I did horrible in the 2nd 5k of my DU this weekend. I hate starting all over, which is basically what I did. But you’ll get there!!! PS- love the water drinking photo!

  7. Erin says:

    You keep saying you’re worried about slowing me down but after my run yesterday I’m worried about slowing you down! Summer is a really hard time to get back into running and I think you’re doing great.

    I do plan all my workouts in advance but sometimes I hate that it makes me inflexible. I try to be okay with changing it up if something makes it so I can’t do a planned workout but I’m not always.

  8. Adam says:

    it is so awesome that you are back running again. YESSSS

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