Maybe next year
I am beginning to think I may be a bit of a klutz.
I really thought I would make it through the entire Fourth of July vacation without hurting myself. Guess not! I had a little incident right before we headed home today.
Don’t worry though, it didn’t involve a man-made water slide. It involved me walking along the shore in front of my aunt and grandma’s cabins (below) and slipping on some cement covered in moss (also below) and landing on it and a log, on my left side (the side of my most-injured (ha ha) leg).
Luckily, my grandparents helped me clean up after it happened, and it didn’t stop me from going on one last boat ride.
Sigh. Maybe next year will be injury free!
Other than this morning’s accident, I had a great time! I would give you the full recap, but isn’t that kind of boring? Instead, I’ll just share a few pictures (and my dad wanted me to give him credit for them ALL being from his camera).
As you can see, we had some crappy weather toward the end. We didn’t let that stop us from having fun though!
Now I have the “back from vacation blues.” How do you deal with the “back from vacation blues”?
I deal with them in three ways:
- By planning more vacations! We will be back in Guttenberg at the end of the month, and we are going with Erin and Jason to Champaign in two weeks!
- By sharing photos from vacation! After I post this, I am going to email some and post some on facebook.
- By talking with family and friends about the trip.
Oh! And bonus way – arriving home to goodies! Tori watched Data this weekend and left me a birthday gift (my birthday is at the end of the month but she’ll be out of town). What a sweetie!
Ouchie! But the rest looks super fun! Glad you enjoyed!
Oh girl, you have had a rough summer! Battle wounds of a good time… lol
Ouch! That looks painful! Looks like a fun weekend other than that fall.
Mmm philosophy body wash! Love all their scents :).
But that leg… yikes! I’ll be rooting for you to go injury free next year ;).
Oh my god, you look like you’ve been attacked by a crazed cat! I’m glad you showed us how it happened or I would have been having a talk with Data!
Sweet! Philosophy Cake Soap! It’s awesome to smell like yummy food all day! My favorite is WAFFLE CONE!
Ouch! Well, at least you made the vacation extra memorable.
You got a wicked looking gift basket though! That should make everything better.
Ooooh that looks painful!!!
I definitely need to start planning my next vacation the second I get home. It’s too depressing if I don’t!
<3 <3
If I had access to a lake and a boat like that, I don’t think I’d spend one single summer weekend at home. Just saying … that I think your weekend looked like pure and utter bliss!
I can’t believe you got hurt! I was thinking about that while we were at your house. It sounds/looks like you had an awesome weekend anyway though.
Wow, you & Erin are going to Champaign? Whatcha gonna do there?
Steven has been doing autocross racing with Jason out here in Chicago (they race his Mazda RX6) and they are going to go do it in Champaign as well, so Erin and I are going to watch them race, and also run/bike and chill
That looks painful! Ouch. That is your souvenir I guess. Better than a keychain.
I deal with the post vacation blues by taking time on my vacation to decide what changes i make a home (pesonal goals, etc). Then when I get home I have something to focus on. Kind of helps.
Tori is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. And I’ve met a lot of people!
Your trip sounds like a lot of fun, minus the injury (oooowww!).
Boooo mossy log. Yayyyyy boats!! I will admit that I did snicker just a bit that you took a picture – totally something that I would have done. It would have gone something like this:
1. Fall
2. Swear and kick log
3. Swear again
4. Tell my wife “i’m going to take a picture and post it on my blog”
LOL. My husband rolled his eyes when he saw this post, and skipped over ALL of the pictures of my leg (because you know I took a ton) when we were looking at pics from the trip together.
That was some fall you took. I hope it’s feeling better? It looks like it will bruise pretty bad.
Your trip looked like so much fun.
After vaca-blues – I couldn’t keep my eyes open yesterday. It seemed like the longest day. Not much motivated me to get up this morning either since our next vacation is a month away
My leg does hurt
It’s kind of swollen now. I hope it will get better soon though!
I could barely stay awake at work yesterday too. Is it bad that I was already wishing it was the weekend on my first day back?
My new motto is, “I may have given up drinking, but I didn’t give up falling down.” I am a serious klutz. But man! That one looks awful. Hope you feel better soon. And back from vacation blues? I have strep throat. That makes it even doubly worse.
Oh no, your leg! I’m a klutz too, but I seem to avoid noticeable scrapes most of the time. Wait, I take that back (memories are flooding in). I hate back-from-vacation blues. It’s hard to get back into the routine of things. I try to just let myself mourn and take it easy for a few days!
Wow, looks like a great vacay, minus the injury. And I say YUM to the Vanilla Cake bubble bath! Enjoy that!
Well it looks like a fun time, except for your fall. Hope it heals up quickly!
Oh my gosh, Kim – that looks SO painful! Hopefully you are fully recovered. At least it makes for a good story (and good pictures)? That’s what I tell myself when I do something similar…
Good lord, ouch indeed. But your trip sounds amazing. Cool photos too by the way.
ouch!! I am a complete klutz so I 100% understand and feel your pain literally
Nice scrapes! That looks like one nasty fall, glad you are alright!
Goodness…that is one heck of a fall. I am glad it wasn’t just some surface scratches and nothing more serious! But it DOES look really painful!
BOO, INJURY! It looks quite painful. Good for you for getting right back up and having a great time.
I am going to Champaign with Erin ( so our husbands can do a race in Rantoul together.
I’m a klutz too… I sprained my ankle once, by stopping to cross a street and pressing the “walk” button on the light. Yep. Not while I was running, but after I had stopped. Somehow my foot landed half on cement, half on the grass that had become muddy due to rain, and it slipped and I fell straight down with my foot under me. Fun times…
Oh my goodness! I think you are my clumsy-twin!
Wow! Looks like you banged your leg up good — hope it’s feeling less hurty now!
How do I get over the “back from vacation blues”? I rehash the vacation I’ve just been on quite a bit, then I figure out the next thing to look forward to. Right now it’s a camping trip coming up in just over a week. Hooray!
ouch! you’re really scraped up!
Oh yikes…that looks nasty!! Ouch!