Friday Question #120

By , July 2, 2010 5:56 am

What are your holiday weekend plans?

Yay! Holiday weekend! Yeah, this is an easy question. I like hearing what everyone is doing!

Steven and I are headed to Guttenberg, IA to hang out with these peeps:

Anyone else think my sister’s boyfriend looks a bit like Zach Galifianakis?

and go here:

and do this:

and this:

and this:

but will probably avoid doing this again:

even though it was fun… I don’t want to end up like this:

(Although, I could just be more careful on the slide this year!).

My parents, grandparents and aunt all have cabins/homes in Guttenberg. It’s a great place to go and relax. All there is to do is eat (and drink), play in the sun/water, and sleep! Sounds like it’s just what I need. I have been extremely worn out and busy lately. I need more silly time.

24 Responses to “Friday Question #120”

  1. J says:

    Graduation party tonight, then town fireworks and carnival tomorrow and heading to the beach on Sunday! Also there may be some running in there too! Its going to be a jammed packed weekend!

  2. Have fun! My weekend is pretty low key…5k, BBQ, parade and Phillies game.

  3. That sounds like so much fun! I hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Erin says:

    Looks like you have a great weekend ahead! I’m staying in town but am booked up with friends — grilling, watching the Capitol fireworks from a rooftop, hanging out at the pool… Very All-American. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. salwa says:

    Sounds like you have an amazing weekend planned! I totally wish we had family with cabins and such :).

    My husband’s taking me out tonight for my birthday, tomorrow afternoon we’re going to a friend’s BBQ, and after that our Sunday and Monday are blissfully open! It’s so refreshing to be plan-free for a few days!

  6. teamarcia says:

    Have a super fun holiday weekend and be careful! How can you resist that awesome slip n slide?

  7. diane says:

    Yay for silly time! Be safe, and have lots of fun!
    I have very fluid plans this weekend (maybe a picnic today, maybe Toy Story 3 at some point, a bbq either Sunday or Monday) which are sometimes the best kind. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. K says:

    I want to go where you are going!! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I love Zach G! Ever seen the movie Out Cold? Amazingly hilarious. And yes, your sister’s bf does resemble him. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m heading to Baltimore for a quick day trip today to walk around the Harbor and go to the aquarium and eat delicious food. No other real plans this weekend except blueberry picking.
    Have fun on your family trip!

    • kilax says:

      I haven’t seen Out Cold! I better add it to our queue.

      I hope you had fun in Baltimore!

  9. Kristina says:

    Sounds like a great weekend! Enjoy yourself!
    I’m looking forward to low-key! Go for a hike, do a 5-K fun run/walk, and a long-ish bike ride on Monday. I can’t wait!

  10. Christina says:

    Enjoy, eat drink and be silly!

  11. Adam says:

    I’m going to have people lick my arm…….oh wait. ๐Ÿ™‚ (there has to be a story behind that, right?)

    We’re just going to do the grill / pool thing here at the house. Have fun at the lake!

    • kilax says:

      Unfortunately, there is no story – that is just me and my sis being stupid. I do have a pic of me pretending to lick her foot from this weekend (okay, okay, I accidentally DID lick it).

  12. bobbi says:

    Hooray for silly time! We are being lazy here…BBQ with friends is about all that’s on the agenda. Have a great time!

  13. Sarah Who? says:

    Have a wonderful weekend! It looks like fun!

  14. sizzle says:

    That sounds like a blast- enjoy!

  15. Oh fun fun fun! I so want to go some place and swim my heart out! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Let’s see, as for your previous question, I geek out about Harry Potter, well I did. Although I didn’t dress up. I also geek out about video games and consoles. Does that count?

  16. martymankins says:

    Yes, your sister b/f looks a bit like Zach. He’s obviously not a wolf pack of one. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    My plans.. working on the deck at our house. Staining it and putting up some side rails. Also mixed in with some BBQ, drinking, watching fireworks and some much needed filming and putting together some Scooter Sunday videos.

  17. Kim says:

    Haha, I love the pictures. Sounds like you have a fun weekend in store. And, yes, your sister’s boyfriend does look a bit like Zach Galifianakis (who, for the record, is hilarious in my opinion).

    We have ZERO plans for the 4th. I’m not too interested in being around crowds this year, and we don’t have family plans or anything. It’ll be nice to just have a 3-day weekend to relax!

  18. What a fun weekend!!!! And your sister’s bf DOES look like Zach Galifianakis….who is flipping awesome!!!

  19. My weekend consists of an intoxicated trip to Playland with friends tomorrow and then on Sunday, a trip to an organic farm. Haha.. I need to balance my Saturday out somehow. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  20. Shannon says:

    Looks like a fun weekend! We will be moving into our new house this weekend. Exciting, but not exactly relaxing ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. kaylen says:

    Fun!! Can we join you? We have no real tradition, which I’m sad about…
    I’m going to my friends house to bbq and watch a movie-not very patriotic. Not very exciting. And I almost would prefer to stay at home and scrapbook all day…lame, I know!

  22. Mica says:

    Your weekend sounds super fun! I hope you’re having a great time with your family and Mr. Galifianakis. Teehee.

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