I am currently getting back in to running so I can run the Chicago Half Marathon and Chicago Marathon.
Day 267 | July 12, 2010: rest
I was feeling pretty bad about the previous week’s runs (pace, difficulty) so I looked back at my October training log, because I also had to start all over in October. And guess what? I was hitting about the same times when I restarted in October (and that was in cooler temps!), and it took me about 1-1.5 months to get my pace under/around 10:00.
So that gives me hope!
(Of course, in October, I was not trying to train for a marathon!)
Day 268 | July 13, 2010: 5 m run
Steven and I ventured out to the Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve for our 5-miler. This particular forest preserve is mostly open. As in… wow, we were burning up in the hot summer sun (it was in the 80s).

But – we ran the entire 5 miles! There was a bit of “I’m running out of steam,” “you’re running too close to me,” “I need to slow down” coming out of my mouth, but overall, we did really well. We won’t be venturing into negative split territory anytime soon, but we were definitely in, “I don’t feel like I am going to die” territory. Running actually felt natural (even if it doesn’t look natural, see below).

After the run, we got in our Maserati and drove home.

Ha! Just kidding. I just took a picture of this Maserati because we thought the back end looked really nice. Front? Not so much. (And wow, awful parking job and BAD parking spot)
My stomach was a bit upset after the run. That whole “do I need to run to the toilet right now?” feeling. I always thought that was a sign I was pushing it too much, so… oops?
Distance: 5.0 | Time: 55:03| Avg Pace: 11:00 | 1: 10:36 | 2: 10:56 | 3: 11:10 | 4: 11:11 | 5: 11:05
Day 269 | July 14, 2010: yoga
Ah, yoga, why do I neglect you so? I haven’t done yoga since May! Ha! I could say “Oh, I will totally start doing it now…” Yeah, not going to make THAT promise.
I did the YogaWorks Beginners AM/PM DVD. It’s about 45 minutes of basic moves. You know it’s basic when you feel out of breath doing a downward dog. Oops!
And I forgot how much yoga focuses on breathing (duh). I wonder if that will help me with my running.
You know, if I stick with it.
Day 270 | July 15, 2010: 5 m run
Steven and I did an exploratory run and checked out TWO new (to us) forest preserves!

We take a picture of the two of us before and after every run – guess it’s a running ritual
We started in McDonald Woods Forest Preserve (which turned out to be quite hilly and BEAUTIFUL)

then went through a residential neighborhood

until we ended up in Bonner Heritage Farm

and had to stop and take a few goofy photos

You’ll have to zoom in on that one!
we kept running into another neighborhood, then turned around and went back through Bonner Heritage Farm and through McDonald Woods.

We took a quarter mile walk break at 3.25 miles, but still finished this 5-miler 8 seconds faster than Tuesday’s! And it was still hot, in the 80s. Maybe the walking helped. Or the change of scenery!

Distance: 5.0 | Time: 54:55 | Avg Pace: 10:58 | 1: 10:49 | 2: 10:45 | 3: 10:48 | 4: 11:49 | 5: 10:41
Day 271 | July 16, 2010: yoga + cross
I did the YogaWorks Beginners AM/PM DVD then rode my bike about 4 miles to our garden to water it. I got there and was immediately attacked by mosquitoes. I thought about leaving, but some nice gardeners, Bob and Susan (have to write their names down or I’ll forget), sprayed me with repellent. We talked quite a bit until they left.
The 4 mile ride home was hard. It was hot (87°), super sunny, and I was riding in to the wind. I was pooped when I got home! I always thought biking would be the easiest part of a triathlon… maybe not?
Bike Time: 34:38 | Distance: 7.74 | Average Speed: 13.4 mph
Day 272 | July 17, 2010: 5.8 m run + cross
Guess who I got to run with on Saturday?

Two of my favorite bloggers – Erin and Mica!
Erin and I went to Champaign-Urbana with our husbands so they could do some autocross racing (in Erin’s husband’s Mazda RX-8). Erin and I both had runs scheduled, so of course, we had to ask Mica to join us!
The run was a lot of fun (aren’t they always when you are running with friends?). We started in a residential area then went to a park that really reminded me of the prairie forest preserve we run in. We were chatting so much that I didn’t really even notice how freaking hot it was… okay, that’s a lie! I was still sweating buckets, and I cherished the functional stops we had to make and even requested a short walk break just before mile 4. But running with friends made the heat much more bearable (especially on our way back when I said “why doesn’t anyone have their sprinklers on?!” and Erin proceeded to find a house with their sprinklers on for me to run through (another lie – stand in)).

Running with Erin and Mica really pushed me, in a good way. I think I averaged around a 10:30 pace for this run, whereas my other runs this week have been around 11:00. I did have to fall back a bit at the end, but not because anything felt wrong – it was just the heat. And I am happy they went ahead of me! (And thankful they hung around my slow-ass for as long as they did!)
Erin was great and planned out a course that allowed us to run about 6 miles, then loop back so I could grab my crappy wonderful bike and she and Mica could continue to run 4 more. I wish I could have run those last 4 with them, but it just isn’t in the cards for me… yet.
Runs like this are a luxury for me. And they make me feel a bit sad because I don’t get to do them that often. I wish I got to run with good friends more often!
Distance: 5.8 | Time: 1:01:08 | Avg Pace: 10:32 | 1: 10:28 | 2: 10:30 | 3: 10:19 | 4: 10:42 | 5: 10:36 | 6: 8:30
Bike Time: 46:26 | Distance: 4.26 | Average Speed: 5.5 mph
Day 273 | July 18, 2010: rest
Week Summary: 15.80 miles
This was an awesome week for running! I did a whole 5-miler without walking, Steven and I got to explore some new places AND I got to run with friends! Can every week be this great?
And, I actually did some yoga and a little bit of cross training. I hope I can keep that up.
Thank you for all of your advice on the long run (in marathon training) this week! The overwhelming suggestion was to take walk breaks, so I think I am going to work on a plan to fit them in.