What really matters…

By , June 23, 2010 5:15 am

We had more severe weather in Chicagoland on Monday night. This time, it actually resulted in a tornado warning that required us to get out of bed and go downstairs*.

You always wonder – what possessions would I grab if I had to leave my house in a hurry?

Well, apparently, I would grab**:

My engagement ring and wedding band:

wedding rings

A blanket (this was to sleep downstairs until the warning ended, ha ha), and my external hard drive, which has all of the photos I have taken in the last 5-6 years on it:

And what would Steven grab?

His iPhone:

And the cat.

Data is a pharoah

Complete with protective head gear

I’m glad we’ve got our priorities straight. How did Data end up on the end of the list? Sorry, Dates.

Later on, when we went back upstairs (I guess the storm blew over), I was laying in bed thinking “I should have grabbed the Garmin 405!

Oh, brother.

What possessions would you grab if you had to leave your house in a hurry?

*We have a two-story home with no basement, so our “safe place” during bad weather is in our powder room on the first floor. We just sat on the couch this time, though.
**And this is after putting a bra on.

33 Responses to “What really matters…”

  1. J says:

    Cute post, but not so cute about the tornado warning. Glad you and all your things are ok. Currently my bedroom is in the basement so I wouldn’t need to grab anything lol, but if I had to I would probably grab my scrapbook and then my cat.

  2. teamarcia says:

    Really? There was a tornado warning? I totally missed it. Maybe that’s a good thing!
    I’d take my pics and jewelry I guess…of course the kids and pets…

  3. Mica says:

    Ooh, the external HD is a good idea. Since we’ve been having some nasty weather, I should keep that on my list.

    Bodger would also be there. I also grab my weather radio so I can hear when the warning is over, a camera, some food, and Harrison.

    Do you take off your rings when you sleep?

    • kilax says:

      You have a weather radio? Too cool.

      I do take my rings off. Is that uncommon? I sometimes leave stud earrings in but that is it.

  4. Anne says:

    Photos (which means my laptop) for sure, my cell phone for emergencies and my purse (which has all my cards that would be such a pain to replace). All of these things are easy to grab…a bra, however, I’d probably go without ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I would grab my kids and the dog. Probably my phone too so we could check weather updates. I would also probably bring a book and some knitting. I hate tornado warnings and spending time in the basement waiting. My mom is terrified of storms and the last time she was here we had a tornado warning. I felt awful (as if it was my fault?) and still feel sort of bad whenever we have one and I remember that. My husband spent time making himself hot tea to bring down with us and the kids and I all thought he was CRAZY! But I guess that is what he would bring…since he did.

  6. Kandi says:

    I’ve always wondered this… especially if my roomie isn’t home (she has two cockatiels and a cat- all of which would be tricky for me to carry out of the apartment with my dog in tow). My dog would be the #1, then my phone. I don’t know if I would think to grab anything else. I suppose if the roomie wasn’t home I’d try to figure out the cat situation but I’m not sure I could manage the birds- their cage is way too big!

  7. BostonRunner says:

    I think about this a lot (I have no idea) and I would definitely (besides of course making sure everyone is safe.. if we’re talking strictly possessions here) grab my external hard drive. I’m a big memories person and I think I would die if I lost all my pictures.

  8. We were just talking about those storms last night. Sweets didn’t even know there was one. I, of course, woke up to the thunder. I hate that he can sleep through stuff like that!

  9. I would definitely grab my laptop and my camera! And the cat, don’t forget the cat!

  10. cher says:

    wow, i have no idea what i would grab. the mice and toads, definitely..and an antique plate that was my grandparents and my special necklace (i keep my rings on at all times)….but i don’t think there is anything else that i could grab in time

  11. Christina says:

    My rings, the dogs and cat, and my phone.

    I am amazed at the storms recently. They ahve been crazy.

  12. RunningLaur says:

    Love Data’s headgear.
    I’ve thought of this a bunch, and I know I’d go for the hard-drive with photos. It seems like it’d be easier to do one of those online secure backups that you pay a little each month for, but I always think those are a scam some how…

  13. Adam says:

    WHAT did you do to the poor kitty’s head!? ๐Ÿ™‚ Although, as a former closet Trekie, I do love the name Data. (even if that has nothing to do with the name)

    I’d bring……….anyone living or breathing. Honestly, as long as everyone is out safe I don’t care. (I realize this is sort of ‘cheating’). Memories can be replaced, “stuff” can be bought, but I sure can’t replace people. But, if everyone was ok, and I had time, I’d grab a few photo albums. Everything else is in my fire proof safe.

    Funny you should post about this. I saw on FB that where I grew up in IA was having storms so I called my dad. He was sitting in the garage with a beer watching it storm. in fact, there were confirmed tornadoes less than 10 miles away!
    (He lives in Humboldt county)

    • kilax says:

      Steven would only take in a cat if he could name it Data. He wants the next pet to be name Riker so he can call them #1 and #2.

      I did forget that we have some photos in the safe! As long as it does not blow away…

      Ha ha. Good thing they wrote “Sac City” in the end of the article or I might not have made it through the entire thing. Your day sounds funny ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. sizzle says:

    Hmmm good question! I have thought about this some- like if there was a fire in my building- I would grab my cats, my great grandmother’s ring, and some of my very old photos including ones of my Dad. I recently moved the cat carrier from my storage unit on the ground floor up to my second floor apartment because I thought “What if we had to get out quick and had nothing to put the cats in?” They cannot be wrangled easily.

    • kilax says:

      Good call on the cat carrier. We keep ours by the front door. What if we had to leave for a fire though? Guess Data is going out the window with us… somehow ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. k8 says:

    Purse, laptop and phone. I’ve always worried about the cats though. If I had to go in a hurry, I don’t know how I’d manage. I only have one carrier and they are NOT outdoor cats, so would more than likely run away. It scares me.

  16. Aw, I’m glad someone grabbed the cat! lol

    I would probably grab my lap top (it has all my pics on it too), and my Garmin (because it was expensive)

  17. Sarah Who? says:

    The only thing I’ve ever imagined grabbing are my two cats. They’re top priority. After that? Good question. (We’ve had two unfortunate fires [one fatal] in my neighborhood in the last year, so I think about this more often than I should.)

    I need a PLAN!

    I love your list. ๐Ÿ™‚ Do you take your rings off at night?

    • kilax says:

      It would be a good idea to make a plan! I think I need to think about it more. Or put the important things in easily accessible areas.

      I do take my rings off. The only thing I sometimes leave on is stud earrings.

  18. Kim says:

    I’ve thought about this before since I grew up in “fire country” (our house almost burned down a handful of times). Cats, laptop (since my books and things are on there), photo albums. I really don’t think anything else is that important.

  19. Glad you are okay! First thing I would do is grab my pets (2 cats, 1 dog) and make sure they are somewhere safe. Then I would go for photos, important documents, my phone, and my laptop. It’s always a good idea to plan for stuff like this!

  20. Mallory says:

    Good call on the bra. I don’t take my wedding ring off, so I don’t have to worry about that. My whole photo album is online, so I don’t have to worry about that either. Pretty much all of my possessions would be paid for by insurance….so really I would just grab my husband, my dog and my cat. And maybe some snacks. And my passport, issuing a passport without id is such a pain in the ass.

    I don’t live somewhere where there is any crazy weather, natural goings-on, so I wouldn’t even know what to do if there was a weather warning….I would probably be caught at home on the phone, taking a bath, or something equally stupid.

    • kilax says:

      Where do your store your photos online? Maybe I should do that.

      After this incident, I asked my husband if he remembered what our home insurance policy is. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Where do you live?

      • Mallory says:

        I’m not sure, my husband dealt with that plus he put them on a hardrive as well, so I don’t really ask. And my cousin was our wedding photographer so she put all those photos up on her flickr account, plus she has the originals.

        We’re in Toronto, so all we really get is snow, but not even that much.

  21. Leah says:

    I need to get an external hard drive.

    I’d grab my dog above everything and anything else. Next would probably be my laptop and purse. My purse has my whole life in it, as does the laptop.

  22. tornado warning!!!! my heart just skipped a beat. i would probably grab the things i normally do – my phone, my wallet, my water bottle, my keys…and my dog julius too.

  23. Kate says:

    Hmmm … probably just my purse. It has just about everything important in it — barring my Social Security card — that I need to function on a day-to-day basis.

  24. Nat says:

    After the people…

    Just the laptop with the photos. (maybe my purse if it was handy.)

  25. Denise says:

    HAHAHA Poor kitty Data. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Larry says to tell you he’s writing the Humane Society on Data’s behalf, for abuse. Haha
    He’s kidding of course. I started laughing and said,”poor Data” And Larry says, “what does she have him dressed in this time?” Funny. Data you are such a handsome boy hat or no hat.

  26. martymankins says:

    External hard drives, laptop, my 6 boxes of photos and memorabilia from my childhood, the cat and my cell phone… not in the exact order. But I would hope that I could grab all of the above.

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