The Garden Project: We never have to weed again, right?

By , June 22, 2010 5:20 am

Well, now that we are done weeding, we won’t have to do it again, right?

Garden before weeding


Garden after weeding


Pile of weeds

Pile of weeds – not as impressive as it looked in person!

Ha, I wish!

It really wasn’t that bad. We spent about two hours on Saturday pulling weeds in the hot sun*. Then we went back Sunday morning and spent a couple of hours planting our sweet potatoes, and various tomatoes and peppers (yeah, we’re a bit late on those), in the not so hot sun.

We started our sweet potatoes at home on May 15th (you can see some process photos here). They were ready to plant about a week ago. And they take about 120-150 days to fully grow in the ground, so it was time to get those bad boys in there! Maybe they will be done just in time for Thanksgiving?!

Sweet Potatoes

Waiting to be planted…

Sweet Potatoes in the ground

… and in the ground!

The soil in our garden is so wet and dense right now. It was a struggle to break it up to plant on Sunday. I spent a lot of time breaking up the soil with a shovel while Steven did the planting.


We planted a few kinds of tomatoes  (8 total plants) – lemon boy (3), heirlooms, red beefsteak, better boy and bonnie grape (2).


And we planted a few kinds of peppers (6 total plants) – big early red bell, bonnie green bell (2), yellow bell, purple beauty, and wenks yellow hots. And a little tiny basil plant (above the second “p” in “Peppers” in the photo above).

I hope our new plants are successful!

And our “older” plants? Well, some are doing better than others. The cucumbers and zucchini are going strong – no surprise there! The lettuce and onions appear to be doing well too.


Lettuce and zucchini


The green beans and broccoli though? They seem to be struggling. And the carrots are coming along fine, it seems… only time will tell. Honestly, we have no experience in this and no idea what to expect!

I’ve been having a lot of fun doing all of this gardening! (That is, until I am dehydrated and hungry… hours in the sun make me cranky sometimes!) Like I said, I don’t really know what I am doing, but Steven is giving directions!

Do you like to tackle new projects, even if you know nothing about the subject?

Steven is really good at that. And like I said… I take direction. I told Steven I am the “Sous” gardener. Ha!

*I only had to call my grandma once to identify a plant. We were 99% sure, but I knew she had them (green beans) in her garden too, so thought I would ask.

23 Responses to “The Garden Project: We never have to weed again, right?”

  1. Pauline says:

    I’m hoping that our vegetables-onions, hot peppers and tomatoes- are doing well too, but its hard to tell plant from weed at the moment.:)

    I usually research a bit before tackling new projects, but with gardening, I tend to just attack the weeds, plant seeds, water and hope for the best.

  2. Nice work guys! 😀 I hate pulling weeds but I love digging. I’ll total shovel the crap out of whatever you need. 😀

  3. I think that is an awesome project you guys are doing! I find that taking on new projects can be very rewarding, especially gardening. Keep up the good work! 🙂

  4. Oooh that looks awesome… I am kind of jealous. 😉 I tend to tackle new things too quickly sometimes, and it’s kind of stupid to do that when I don’t know enough about it! Case in point: my own garden, or lack thereof. :p

    <3 <3

  5. Our nomadic lifestyle right now forced my plants into containers, which for one thing means no weeds! As far as the broccoli, I read in a new container planting book I just got that it is a cool weather plant, for Fall/Winter.

  6. Tony says:

    I give you a lot of credit for doing all that work. I opt for going to the grocery store, but I am sure it fails in comparison to the fresh veggies you are going to be enjoying!

  7. Christina says:

    I am weird about tackling new projects. I like to have done my research first so that I know what I am getting into. Your basil looks great and the onions. I am envious!

  8. k8 says:

    I never knew beans were so finicky until I hardly got any at all last year due to the wet, rainy June that we had. Unfortunately, I think this year is going to be similiar. Hrmph. I love green beans.

  9. sizzle says:

    I like new projects but I’m more of a starter than a finisher. And I love the IDEA of gardening but, again, like I said, I’m not good at finishing. I can barely keep a houseplant alive! So sad. I’m impressed with your garden!

  10. Adam says:

    WOW! Weeds grow so fast there – that was only a few weeks or so!!?!?!

    I’m a total project guy. At our house in Kansas City, I finished our basement with little knowledge when I started. In fact, I think that I may try to figure out how to cut down the massive trees in our front yard!

  11. tricia says:

    the garden looks great!

  12. BostonRunner says:

    I like to know a little bit about what I’m doing. I usually research a bit before I start new projects.
    Gardening is hard! My boyfriend is a landscaper and loves every minute of it – I don’t know how he does it!

  13. Mica says:

    I like to be an EXPERT on whatever I am doing, so the internet has been my saving grace on everything. I’m so bad at just getting out and trying new things without knowing anything about the subject first. (Harrison corrects me by saying “…without knowing EVERYTHING about the subject first.”)

    Your garden is looking great! You and Steven will have some great veggies to eat.

    • kilax says:


      We are big on researching things before we do them too. Obviously, Steven more than me though 😉

  14. Kim says:

    I have to say that I think you inspired me to grow my basil. Start small, right? 😉 I am really impressed with your garden! I usually like to tackle projects, but I’m tentative about gardening. It’s hard for me to imagine I’d be very successful. Ha. But, I do live in CA where the weather is good. And I am developing a real fondness for certain vegetables — cucumber and zucchini are recent favorites. I think I’ll live vicariously through you a bit longer 😉

  15. Holly says:

    Wow – now THAT is a garden!!! I am SO impressed, seeing as I manage to kill 90% of plants/flowers around me.

    I do love new projects, but like you, I really only like it if someone is telling me what to do! I get crazy stressed if I’m the one in charge. 🙂

  16. oh weeds-they are the worst and they just keep coming back. YES once i painted my whole house-never having painted anything!

  17. Kristie says:

    I actually really don’t like tackling new projects – I hate that feeling of cluelessness! Haha, I know it’s something that won’t really go away though so I’m trying to dive into new things more often now.

  18. Sarah Who? says:

    I’m jealous! I love, love, love your garden. I so have a green thumb, but I live in the city and don’t even have a veranda! Is this on your property, or is it a (what we call in Seattle) “P-patch”? I love it! I wish you lots of wonderful green veggies and delicious fruits!

    • kilax says:

      It is a community garden in my community. Is that what the p-patches are? Thanks for the well wishes!

  19. Anne says:

    Your garden is looking great! We always plant a garden…sometimes larger, this year smaller. Fresh veggies are exquisite! 🙂

  20. Etta says:

    Ugh. We spent a couple f hours Saturday pulling out the giant weeds that grew from all of the rain. Our backyard was beginning to look like a jungle!

  21. Odie says:

    I don’t suppose you’d want to come and weed my garden? It’s about a third the size of yours, but I think there are 4 times the weeds! It’s been too wet to get into it lately, but I think I may have to break down and slog through the mud this weekend if it doesn’t dry out!

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