Vegan potato salad (+ vegan Chicago dogs)

By , June 21, 2010 5:25 am

I love summer picnic food – watermelon, strawberries, chips, cookies, fresh veggies, potato salad, hot dogs.

Wait! How does a vegan eat potato salad and hot dogs?

Vegan potato salad and chicago style hot dogs

Veganize them!

We’ve been craving vegan hot dogs. There are a few varieties out there too! Our favorite is the Smart Dogs Jumbo brand. If you find them in your area, consider yourself lucky! We’ve only found these a few times, so we had to use the regular (smaller) smart dogs.

Vegan hot dogs don’t equal a complete meal though… what goes with hot dogs? Potato salad*! Steven came up with a really good potato salad recipe on the fly on Saturday:

Vegan Potato Salad

Vegan potato salad and chicago style hot dogs


  • 6 potatoes
  • 1/3 c chopped onion
  • 1/2 c chopped celery
  • 1/2 c chopped carrots
  • 4 garlic cloves, pressed
  • 1/2 c veganaise
  • 1 1/2 tsp mustard
  • 1 1/2 tsp celery salt
  • 1/4 tsp onion powder
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder
  • Paprika (for looks)


  1. Peel and wash 6 potatoes. Cut in to small chunks (your size preference) and cook in boiling water until almost soft.
  2. Remove potatoes with slotted spoon and put in large bowl. Save potato water and keep it boiling.
  3. Cut up onion, celery and carrots. Press 4 garlic cloves. Blanche all in boiling potato water, remove (you can dump the water now).
  4. Mix potatoes in large bowl with onion, celery, carrot and garlic.
  5. Mix the remaining items, except the paprika, together in a small bowl. Mix in to larger bowl with potato and veggie mix.
  6. Cool (if you are patient enough).
  7. Sprinkle a bit of paprika and celery salt on top. Enjoy!

Yum! This potato salad was so good! I love how Steven can just whip things together without following a recipe! And this could obviously be made with regular mayonnaise in place of veganaise.

And how did we dress our dogs? Well, Chicago style**, of course!

Vegan potato salad and chicago style hot dogs

That’s with:

  • a poppy-seed bun (almost purchased, oops!)
  • yellow mustard
  • chopped white onion
  • sweet pickle green relish (forgot, oops)
  • peppers
  • tomato wedges
  • pickle spear
  • celery salt (oops, forgot again)

Notice something missing? No ketchup. I am pretty sure if you eat a hot dog with ketchup on it in Chicago you will get shot. Just kidding! I am not sure where the “no ketchup” rule came from. Don’t tell anyone, but we each put ketchup on one of our dogs and each enjoyed that one more!

What is your favorite summer picnic food?

*Real complete meal after we added the ice cream at the end. Ha ha.
**As close as we could get, anyway!

16 Responses to “Vegan potato salad (+ vegan Chicago dogs)”

  1. I like hot dogs, but not the actual “chicago dog”… (sshhhh…. don’t tell!)

  2. Kristie says:

    I love a good potato salad, but I really love all the grilled foods that come with summer picnics! I don’t have a grill so when I’m in the presence of grillers I take advantage ;). I like the smart dogs too – they’re realllly good in vegan creamed chipped beef (haha I’m crazy I know – but when I’m really craving salt and creaminess these are tops).

  3. Steven is amazing with how he comes up with such delicious things. I am a great baker but kind of terrible when it comes to thinking up real foods to eat. I dread meal times because I know that I need to feed my kids a balanced meal and I just stink at thinking up interesting things and we end up having the same things over and over and get so bored. If it was up to me though, I would either have black bean burgers or this yummy bean dip thing I make and just have that for dinner every single night. My kids are not so crazy about beans so that leaves a slight obstacle for me in planning something we all like.

  4. Sarah Who? says:

    That dog looks amazing–and so does the potato salad. I will definitely need to try this out this summer. You know, I don’t have a fave summer food (though, I am a sucker for a good [turkey] hot dog), but I often get asked to bring deviled eggs to parties year-round (I rarely eat them).

  5. Dave2 says:

    GAH!! I want to be back in Chicago right now!! Delicious!

  6. Kim says:

    Cool recipes! I love summer food. I love berries and ice cream. I love vegetables on the grill, veggie burgers, corn on the cob. Yum!

  7. Nicole, RD says:

    I love that you made a Chicago hot dog meal vegan, that’s great! 🙂 And it looks wonderful! I see veganaise in Whole Foods all the time – I’m going to try it out when my mayo is gone 🙂

  8. Alice says:

    no no no! i am an east coast girl – my hot dogs are stadium dogs: with ketchup, mustard, and relish 🙂

    i am so impressed (and jealous) with how steven can just whip up recipes. such a cool skill.

  9. Leah says:

    Steven never fails to impress with his recipes!! That potato salad looks amazing. I LOVE potato salad. My favorite summertime food though is totally broccoli salad.

  10. mmmm that potato salad sounds sooo good right now! I made some cauliflower mashers the other day and ate them like they might disappear.

    my favorite summer food though is watermelon

  11. We aer having people over on the 3rd and I was thinking of using veganise for the potato salad. I am assuming you would recommend it?

    • kilax says:

      I do recommend it. We have just bought the regular kind, but I am surprised how much I like it!

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