Training Week 35

By , June 20, 2010 9:05 pm

I should be training for the Chicago Half  Marathon (9/12/10) + Full Marathon (10/10/10) right now, but my injured legs are keeping me from running. So this training is more of an attempt to try to keep some sort of fitness, until the doc gives me the go-ahead to run again.

Day 239 | June 15, 2010: strength

I woke up Monday morning and felt like I needed to crawl out of bed! My legs were pretty sore from walking the half marathon the day before. I was not surprised… I didn’t really train to walk a half marathon! That was just me being stubborn!

I decided my upper body should match my lower body in soreness, so I focused on it during my strength workout.

Rope Pushdowns: 3 x 15 @ 30 lb
Arm Curl: 3 x 15 @ 25 lb
Lat Pulldowns: 15 @ 45 lb, 2 x 15 @ 60 lb
Pectoral Fly: 2 x 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 60 lb
Shoulder Press: 3 x 15 @ 20 lb
Lateral Raise: 2 x 15 @ 37.5 lb
Biangular Lat Row: 15 @ 45 lb, 2 x 15 @ 60 lb

Day 240 | June 15, 2010: rest

Day 241 | June 16, 2010: cross

I was finally able to do a vigorous bike workout during lunch. That meant I could only work out for 30 minutes since I had to allot time for a shower, but it felt great to be covered in sweat and completely exhausted. I miss that from running.

Bike Time: 30:00 | Distance: 6.33 (Set on “Forest Ride” but varied it so that I could keep up the intensity)

Day 242 | June 17, 2010: strength

I am so happy I made it to the gym to do strength twice this week. That hasn’t happened in… awhile!

Seated Leg Press: 15 @ 70 lb, 15 @ 90 lb, 15 @ 110 lb
Leg Curl: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 40 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
Hip Abduction: 3 x 15 @ 115 lb
Hip Adduction: 3 x 15 @ 55 lb
Biangular Lat Row: 15 @ 45 lb, 2 x 15 @ 65 lb
Biangular Chest Press: 15 @ 30 lb, 2 x 15 @ 50 lb
Lat Pulldowns: 15 @ 45 lb, 2 x 15 @ 60 lb
Rope Pushdowns: 3 x 15 @ 30 lb
Shoulder Press: 3 x 15 @ 20 lb
Pectoral Fly: 2 x 15 @ 45 lb

Day 243 | June 18, 2010: cross

I’ve been wanting to ride our bikes on the Des Plaines River Trail for a long time, but never did, since it was a pain in the butt to get the bikes there. Not anymore!

June 18 bike ride

We headed south on the trail and went 7 miles before we turned around. We stopped at a forest preserve on the way back to fill up our water bottle (it was hot – 90° and muggy). We ended up riding a total of 15.25 miles!

North Shore Half Oops

A lot of the path is shaded, which makes me think it might be good for running… but a lot of it is open too!  We saw a few runners and I was surprised – we were out at noon, on a hot day with no shade. Doesn’t seem like a good time to be running.

June 18 bike ride

June 18 bike ride

I had a lot of fun riding my bike for so long. I thought, maybe I could replace running with this. Maybe.

And I love having the bike rack on my car. It’s so much easier than putting the cars in to the trunk! However, after this bike ride, I was spent. I felt pretty dehydrated and dizzy. Oops! Guess runners are not the only ones who shouldn’t be out exercising in the full sun!

June 18 bike ride

Too tried to lift the bike up – it is really heavy though!

Oh, and something to remember when I am biking? Close my mouth! I ate a bug!

I’d really like to know – how fast do people ride their bikes in triathlons? I don’t have a road bike, but I am curious about what sort of speed I should be aiming to hit (although, if I am out of breath and my legs are sore, I am pretty sure I am working my body!).

Bike Time: 1:23:51 | Distance:15.25 | Average Speed: 10.9 mph

Day 244 | June 19, 2010: gardening

Oh yes. I am totally counting the two hours I spent pulling weeds as a workout! If my legs are sore, it was a workout!

Pile of weeds

Day 245 | June 20, 2010: gardening + cross

We spent another two hours gardening in the morning – this time shoveling through heavy, heavy dirt!

Then we went on a leisurely bike ride through the neighborhood near ours after dinner. Every time I sped up, Steven kept telling me to slow down. Ha ha.

Bike Time: 37:52 | Distance: 5.41 | Average Speed: 8.6 mph

Week Summary: 0 (running) miles

This week has gone so much better than the last few, considering the amount of activity. I like to think “no running” means “do nothing at all,” but it really doesn’t.

I would like to focus more on stretching and yoga this next week. I completely forgot about it this week, believe it or not. And I am feeling it – my right hamstring is feeling tight – either from biking or weeding.

I am trying to be optimistic about my recovery from these stress fractures. I am taking all of my vitamins, including spraying the Calcitonin up my nose. I only felt a slight twinge under my left knee twice this week – and for maybe a few minutes, max. I am going to call the doctor at the end of this week and see if he will see me the following week. I haven’t run at all in June. I want to start running in July again.

9 Responses to “Training Week 35”

  1. That bike trail looks so cool! Very pretty!

  2. bobbi says:

    The Des Plaines Trail is one of my favorite spots for running! It’s very well maintained, and such a nice break from pounding the pavement…

  3. I think people ride at around 19 or 20 mph in triathlons. When I used to bike to work, I would average 15mph, and I was the SLOW one on the trail (I would go fast, but not really push it, since I used to enjoy the ride too).

    If you’re interested in doing triathlons, I’d invest on a road bike — that will make you a lot faster (probably to my 15mph) from the get go. Amazing how heavy mountain bikes weigh you down!

    Is eating bugs still considered a vegan diet?

    • kilax says:

      Oh gosh! I am SO SLOW compared to that!

      Ha. No. Bugs are NOT vegan! Oops!

      • I agree that investing in a road bike is a good idea, but I would get a race under your belt first. Bikes are expensive and it isn’t just a bike…but pedals, clips, aero bars, cages…etc. I did my first tri on a shwinn from target. Of course I love my Specialized road bike, but at least I waited to know I loved tri’s before the investment.

        • kilax says:

          Unfortunately, I will not be getting a road bike anytime soon. I have exactly 0 dollars to spend on myself. Someday. Someday!

  4. Adam says:

    *flexes* way to crank on the weights.

    I really need to get a bike rack for my car. I don’t have one that fits the bikes so I end up having to totally disassemble them if I ever want to go anywhere.

    Oh my god, that is a TON of weeds!!!

  5. As far as tri’s…it depends. I am slow and I ride around 14-16. Average around here is like 23ish. The fast ones go over 26! No joke wicked fast!!!!

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