Sharing product/service feedback

By , May 24, 2010 8:44 pm

Look at what was in my Chipotle burrito tonight:

Chipotle Garden Blend

After I was served bacon and cheese on my salad for lunch, along with chicken as the main course, I took it as a sign from the universe. It is time to start eating meat again.

No more vegan Kim.

Ha! You guys know I am just kidding, right?!

I was served those things for lunch but I politely asked that they bring me a vegan dish (of course, this started a whole conversation I did not want to have with a bunch of people I just met!) and they did. And this burrito? It has Gardein “meat” in it!

Steven shared* this article with me about certain Chipotles trying this Gardein alternative. None of the locations are in Chicago, but you guessed it – there is one in Washington DC !

They call this fake meat the “Garden Blend” (see on menu below). I ordered it in a burrito, along with beans, rice, peppers + onions, guac, lettuce and salsa. YUM! It added a chewiness and spiciness to the burrito that was much welcomed. And it is a lot different than tofu!

Chipotle Garden Blend

Chipotle Garden Blend

I wanted to make sure to tell the manager how awesome I thought it was, in hopes they will continue to have it and bring it to other stores. He told me Dupont Circle is the only Chipotle that has it (contrary to the article) and that people come in from PA to eat it. He said they have had it four months and it has been a huge success.

Do you share product/service feedback with the provider – whether good or bad?

It’s really easy to share negative feedback on a product/service, but I try to share positive feedback as well. As much as we love to bitch, it is important to let people know what they are doing right! I will call the store owner tomorrow!

Now the question is, did I run far enough with Carla today to earn a burrito (and chips)? Ha ha… like I care! You will have to wait until Sunday to hear about my fun run with Carla! BUT, if you are a runner and looking for new blogs to read, check hers out! She runs in DC and is getting married in Brazil in November! I think her blog is very interesting!

5/24 run with Carla

Me and Carla after our super sweaty run

*Yes, Steven and I share blog posts with one another on google reader – ultimate dorkiness!

31 Responses to “Sharing product/service feedback”

  1. Carla says:

    I’m far from vegan (hmmm, meat), but that Chipotle burrito does look yummy!

    Thanks for the shout out! It was great having company during my commute home 🙂 Sorry I didn’t talk much, my main concern was “keep breathing.” I’ll be more chatty when we run slower on Wednesday!

  2. Nora says:

    This sounds silly but I’m envious of vegans; I can’t have that kind of lifestyle currently but maybe someday…

  3. claire says:

    Hmm. I find it much easier to share positive feedback. Negative isn’t easy at all.

  4. Amy says:

    Wow – that sounds awesome! Hope you are having a great time in DC!

  5. Kristie says:

    Sweet! Is it bad that I made a mental note to myself to see if that Chipotle still has those in July when I’m there for a wedding? 😉

  6. Yay! I’m so excited to see Chipotle adding a veggie version … and not the least bit surprised(!). They are one of the few establishments that I enjoy eating out, in. Did that make sense? Ha Ha.

    Anyway, yes, I love, love, love to give positive feedback, and try to do so as often as possible. You’re right – we typically gripe waaaayyyyy more than compliment, so I try to do my part and balance the feedback.

    I’m going to ask our ‘favorite neighborhood Chipotle’ about the veggie version… bet we get it b/c they are awesome.

    HUGS from Orlando!

  7. Erin says:

    I’ll definitely have to try this! I used to love chicken on my burritos and really miss it–I make beans at home so much that is just doesn’t excite me at Chipotle anymore. DC win! 😀

  8. After our trip to Grand Cayman, I wrote a bunch of reviews on Trip Adviser … as that website helped me immensely plan our trip. If I were more committed, I’d likely write reviews on Yelp, too … but, the reality is, I don’t use Yelp all that often.

  9. onelittletrigirl says:

    I always tell a manager when I have good service. Rarely do I complain. The way I look at it, they get enough complaints.

  10. I do give feed back about a new product good or bad.. for example Raymond and I went to Macaroni grill a few months ago and noticed their salad, salad dressing and bread is different I asked about it from the manager and he said that they just made these changes and are wondering what people think of it so I told him it sucks go back to how it used to be.

  11. I’m so glad you had a great run!

    I am kind of the opposite of what you said about it being easier to share negative feedback. I find it so much easier to share the positive. If I have to say something negative I get all nervous and don’t want to do it. I do, but I hate it. When we went out to lunch on Friday I had to send my salad back because I get the same salad every single time and it was clearly all wrong this time. I felt awful sending it back. And that is the same way I feel if I have to share negative feedback. I do, but I feel sort of sick about it. It is so much easier for me to share the positive feedback. I have an example from when I was in the hospital but I feel like all I did was use examples from the hospital on Sunday and even I am sick of hearing myself say “in the hospital”.

  12. I wish I could get Scott to use Google Reader! He doesn’t so I have to IM him stuff I find interesting. And we share an office but sometimes it’s just eaiser to IM him then to turn around and say “hey go to this site, w-w-w….”. 😉

    Positive feedback, you bet! If I do a review on my blog of a product that I like, I’ll email that company to let them know!

  13. That is so great that Chipotle is trying out meat alternatives in certain locations! I wish they would do that here in Miami!

  14. Christina says:

    I try to remember to compliment the manager if we receive good services. When we went on our snorkel trip to Maui, I had to write the owner to tell her how great of a time we had. She passed it to our guide and it made her day!

    If the service was horrid I make sure to tell people and I have spoken to a few managers.

  15. Negative feedback is hard and I rarely give it but I always make sure to tell someone when I am happy!

  16. Erin says:

    What a great alternative to the ol’ bean and veggie burrito. That’s great that you told the manager how much you enjoyed it. I’m really bad at telling people when I get either good or bad service.

  17. That’s amazing!! I love Gardein products and I’m surprised that Chipotle is using them. But good for them! I hope this trend spreads to other locations across the country (so keep up that positive feedback. ;))

    I feel like I might be the opposite when I’m eating in restaurants. For some reason I always get nervous or feel bad when I want to say something negative. But I love telling them when I think something is really good. Maybe I’m just afraid of confrontation. haha

  18. Kim says:

    I’ve never heard of Gardein! I’m always skeptical of faux meat stuff unless I hear really good things about it from others. As far as giving feedback to providers, I do that if the service/product is at the extreme end — either really amazing, or really terrible 🙂

  19. I really dislike when I’m at a lunch have to explain my food preferences, but on the other hand I do agree that I should share great experiences!

  20. Nicole, RD says:

    That’s wonderful that Chipotle is being so accommodating in certain locations. The vegan protein option sounds great. When I’ve worked in the restaurant business, our managers always wanted to hear the good (and some of the bad) from customers. It’s important to know!

  21. how cool about chipotle! you had me thinking you were going back to meat though for a minute!

  22. Alice says:

    wow, good for chipotle! i’m glad to hear it’s good AND is so popular.. i hope they expand it to other stores!

  23. Adam says:

    Chipotle is super good about stuff like that I feel. they are all about free range this and organic that.

    For some reason though, I sort of forgot that you were vegan. *shrugs* I’m not much into labels or judging people so I normally forget stuff (which has bit me in the ass in the past… “wow, this bacon sandwich is good, you want to try some??”)

  24. Mica says:

    Mmm, I’m excited that Chipotle is offering some vegan alternatives. The just veg+beans burrito is good, but I’m all about texture in my food!

    I should be better about giving positive feedback. I try to fill out the Meijer survey every week after we do our grocery shopping. And I always write positive things on professor course reviews…?

  25. K says:

    That’s so interesting about Chipotle! I had no idea the one in Dupont had a meat alternative. I only ever go to the one in Gallery Pl/China Town. I had my first vegetarian burrito from Chipotle last week and I have to say, it was pretty tasty… but I missed the texture of meat in the burrito.

  26. Joanne says:

    Interesting. If it’s really popular, I’m sure a disgruntled employee will bring the recipe to other places. I hope to – I’m always looking for good alternative protein sources.

  27. i don’t share negative feedback in person. but online, yes!

  28. Vicki says:

    I love Chipotle already but I am DYING to try the Gardein. It would definitely make my black bean and rice burritos much more interesting.

  29. Jamie says:

    that sounds good! I hope they roll it out to other cities soon.

  30. Leah says:

    I worked in customer service for a LONG time, so I think its important to give positive feedback.
    All I ever got were complaints, and granted, I should never have been in customer service in the first place, but there were so many people I went above and beyond for. None of them ever said a word, so I only ever got in trouble. It sucked.

  31. martymankins says:

    If I were there, I would have totally grabbed that bacon and ate it. The chicken would have been sent back (I rarely eat chicken anymore).

    Chipotle is a great place to eat. I’ve never had any negative experiences there.

    Feedback… I provide feedback where I can. This little 5 question survey that most places have is something I always try to fill out.

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