Do vacations make you happy? / Alternative Baking Company Cookies Giveaway WINNER
Duh! What kind of a dumb question is that?!
Well, according to a study done in the Netherlands (whose residents get about 4 weeks of vacation per year) it is not the vacation that makes you feel happy for the longest period of time, but planning for it and anticipating it.
The researchers studied happiness levels among 1,530 Dutch adults, 974 of whom took a vacation during the 32-week study period. Their findings were interesting:
- The largest boost in happiness comes from the simple act of planning a vacation. In the study, the effect of vacation anticipation boosted happiness for eight weeks.
- After the vacation, happiness quickly dropped back to baseline levels for most people. How much stress or relaxation a traveler experienced on the trip appeared to influence post-vacation happiness. There was no post-trip happiness benefit for travelers who said the vacation was “neutral” or stressful.”
- The only vacationers who experienced an increase in happiness after the trip were those who reported feeling “very relaxed” on their vacation. Among those people, the vacation happiness effect lasted for just two weeks after the trip before returning to baseline levels. (One reason vacations don’t boost happiness after the trip may have to do with the stress of returning to work. And for some travelers, the holiday itself was stressful.)
- The study didn’t find any relationship between the length of the vacation and overall happiness. Since most of the happiness boost comes from planning and anticipating a vacation, the study suggests that people may get more out of several small trips a year than one big vacation.
When I first read this article, I kind of thought it was a bunch of baloney, but as I thought about it more, I realized it describes me exactly. I LOVE daydreaming about upcoming “vacations” and races. And sometimes I enjoy the daydreaming more than the actual trip. It allows me to escape the mundane and live a little fantasy in my day-to-day life. It gives me something to look forward to.
And I can definitely relate to the stress of going back to work! I think I could say my mood is worse after coming back from a vacation. As much as I try to be cheery, I just don’t want to be back in the office!
Do you sometimes enjoy planning and anticipating a vacation more than the actual vacation itself? What are your tips for relaxing on vacation (and leaving work and other life issues behind)? Do you have any vacations coming up (share them with me – I am definitely not taking any and will live through yours!)?
I better post some pictures if I am talking about vacations! Here are some from the last two we’ve taken – Aruba and Denver. Can you guess which photos are from which locations? Ha ha.
You guys really like cookies – I cannot believe how many people entered to win the Alternative Baking Company cookies. Wait – maybe I can believe it. These are damn good cookies!
I did use the Random Number Generator for this giveaway. There were just too many entries for me to do it the old-fashioned way! Before I put the entries in though, I deleted all the non-entry comments and pingbacks (sorry!) to make it fair.
And the winner is…
#92… Holly from The Balance Broad! Congrats Holly! Please email me your address and I’ll send these delicious cookies your way! (Please send it soon – if they sit on my kitchen counter any longer they may get eaten!).
As always, thank you to everyone who entered. And a big thanks to everyone who provided a recipe! I have so many to try now!
And since I am always asking your opinion on things, please let me know in the poll below (and your responses) if you think I should keep doing giveaways. I really enjoy doing them, and think they are a great way to meet new bloggers, but was wondering what you guys think. Thanks!

I have a trip planned for April and I have been excited since we first booked it. I can definitely see how anticipation plays such a big role in happiness.
I think you should keep doing giveaways if you enjoy doing it. I don’t enter many of them….I always end up forgetting to link the person’s blog or tweeting the giveaway. So many giveaways seem so involved! So many steps! But if you enjoy doing them and people are entering, then, then that’s a good reason to keep doing it.
I’m always torn between the giveaways…I like them, because people usually give away fun products, and hey, who doesn’t like free stuff? BUT, on the other hand, it takes away from the comment reading and discussion, which is really my favorite part of the blog world, you know? I don’t mind them every now and then, but I feel like some blogs are ALWAYS hosting a giveaway, and when that happens, I pretty much just stop visiting the blog, sadly.
I love vacations!!! And the planning is what stresses me out, lol. I just want to get there!
I agree – anticipating and planning the trip is sometimes just as much fun as the trip itself!
And as for the giveaways – I think if YOU enjoy doing it, then you should keep doing it!
This post was very fitting for me, as I’m just coming back from a vacation that was all about doing/seeing everything and less about relaxing. I love planning trips and I love looking forward to them even more! I have to agree though that I’m much more stressed now than I would be if I had just stayed home during my break. Am I saying I wouldn’t have gone again if I had the chance? No. But its definitely added to the post-break stress.
I love planning vacations, but it’s so STRESSFUL. I guess I enjoy the anticipation of knowing I’m getting away, but I hate the logistics involved.
(I LOVED Aruba, BTW. Awesome diving. ;))
<3 <3
This post could not be more perfectly timed as there are 19 days until I leave on vacation. And I agree with the research results. For me, it’s the planning of the vacation and being away from work. However, the week before I leave is always crazy as I’m trying to wrap everything up before I leave. And the week after is equally as crazy because of everything that’s piled up while I’m gone!
YAY!!! Thank you so, so much! I’ll e-mail you my address right now. 🙂
Isn’t Denver amazing? I went there for the first time a couple years ago, and seriously thought about moving there. Everyone is NICE and active, not to mention it’s breathtakingly beautiful. I mean, almost as beautiful as Indy.
I love vacations once I get to the destination. I am reluctant to leave home up to that point (hate leaving my dog) but enjoy active vacations the best. I don’t like laying on a beach under the hot sun. I like to walk or try new things.
I love vacations but as they approach the planning really starts stressing me out. Especially if Maya is involved in the trip because I am always nervous about entertaining her on the plane ride, or her getting sick, or remembering the 100 things she needs to bring with her. I am getting stressed out just thinking about it!
Kim, I think it is great that you have giveaways! I wish I could have them but I am a. too scared to ask people to donate things, and b. too busy/lazy to get organized!!
Have a great Monday!
In January Mr. P and I planned this weekend at the beach (where I am currently laptopping) for the half, then we leave on Friday for Tampa, then a 7 day cruise. I was sort of sad when we were running yesterday because I knew it was almost goiing to happen, and then be over. We completely are in love with the planning. We have already picked a place to go in the Smoky’s, and a trip in December. We!!
I think I love nothing more than planning vacations. It’s what I do all the time and I love love love researching! Of course I often first check what the local food specialities are ;).
I agree that looking forward to the trip is my favorite part of the vacation! It usually takes me a few days to get into the vacation groove and by that time it’s almost over.
As for giveaways, I like that they introduce me to products or websites I wouldn’t have heard about otherwise. Plus, I especially like yours because they don’t involve Twitter 🙂
I don’t think that the anticipation/planning provides more happiness per day, but I think there are more days spent anticipating/planning than actually vactationing so I can see where overall it might provide more happiness than the actual trip. Vacations themselves are amazing, although I do find myself dreading the end and getting back into work mode. And I totally agree that my mood is worse after the vacay because I’m usually so ticked to be back at work and stressed about catching up on work-work and housework.
Oh I so needed that Aruba pic! Take me away! I’ve got a FL girl’s weekend in April followed by a little junket in Beantown. I’d be looking forward to both more if I wasn’t obsessed with my training or lack thereof!
I LOVE planning vacations. I think I started planning our last trip to Europe about a year in advance. I like to look up every hotel, restaurant, historical site, and shop and daydream about going to all of them.
As a planner, one thing I have learned to encourage relaxation on the actual vacation itself is to plan in unstructured days with no museums or tours or anything on the agenda. Part of the fun when you are actually on vacation is just going with the flow. And yes, they can be stressful but so stimulating!
Hmmm…I don’t know about this one…I so rather be on the actual vacation than do the planning part. Planning is fun, but not as much fun as a vacation, IMHO.
You’re Aruba picture is fantastic – Aruba is def on my list!
You’re not a sellout for hosting giveaways, silly! 😉
I read that article and totally agree. I am itching to plan a vacation right now b/c I enjoy all the researching and stuff so much! I’m extra excited for our upcoming summer vacation because it is our second honeymoon/celebrating the husband’s Ph.D. trip, and we’re planning on going all-out 🙂 Hawaii is the front-runner right now, but we might do a cruise or a trip to the Caribbean…
oh my god, please keep the giveaways coming! please please please!
i always have mixed feeling after a vacay….i’m usually happy to get back to my routine! but i agree, the planning and anticipation are some of the funnest parts!
i’m not sure if vacations make me happy…i guess there is only one way to find out. i should take one in the name of research!
I will have to let you know how I feel after I take my Spring Break trip! I do agree that I get super excited about the planning side of a trip. It’s as if there are endless possibilites. Also I love schedules and set plans because it keeps me on track. But I am sure the vacation part as well will be fun! Will let you know in about 3 weeks!
P.S I love blog contests. I have yet to win one, but I think it’s fun either way. And I voted.
I love giveaways both as a blogger and winner ; ) It attracts newcomers to your blog and gives people the opportunity to try things they never would have otherwise. I agree that it can get to be too much though.
I have LOTS of upcoming travel and while I’m excited, it won’t be relaxing, haha!
This weekend – Houston to visit my BFF. We’re staying at her brother’s house, so it’ll be low-key
Next weekend – Dallas. Driving to see hubby’s best friend. Again, should be relaxing and low-key.
4 weekends from now: Vegas with a bunch of other couples. There will be NOTHING relaxing about Vegas!
April 19-21st I’m going to San Jose for a conference on diabetes — will not be relaxing at all but at least I don’t lose out on my whole weekend 🙂
and then California again in the fall for BlogHer Food! I’m sure I’ll make it to Chicago (home) a time or 2 between now and then, too.
We really wanted to go to Thailand and Singapore for our wedding anniversary in May, but I don’t know! I want to, but going back to work after that trip is going to be ROUGH and it will not be relaxing at all…I’ll be wanting to see EVERYTHING!!
Yay for all of the trips! I feel excited for you just reading about them! Don’t worry – you can never leave too long of a comment! 😉
Aruba was the best place I ever visited (and I have been many places) in May 2007. I want to go back soooooo bad! This year, I do not have ny big vacas, but a lot of mini-ones so I have something to look forward to at different times!
Oh my, that was long, I’m sorry!
I’m like you in that I love to just think about vacations! I daydream to take myself out of the boredom of daily life. I think I’ve planned trips that I knew I wouldn’t be taking. Ha. That said, I usually enjoy the actual vacation as well, but I can never sleep the last night of a trip because I’m antsy about returning home — sorting through mail, unpacking, getting ready for work. I wish I could have a week after a vacation to just rest!
We’re going to Maui at the end of April, and we’re thinking of doing a little road trip adventure in August (Seattle to Portland to Eugene). I have a friend who is in France as an au pair right now so I toy with the idea of going to visit and traveling somewhere there. Not sure about time off though…
I am in a serious need for a vacation. I only remember one vacation that we took and afterwards I truely felt relaxed and rested. We went to Bahamas from a credit we got from our Honeymoon (got chased out of Carribean because of hurricane dean). Most of the times we plan vacatiosn that we are doing something while on vacation…. getting up at 3 AM to drive 2 hrs to Maine to catch the sunrise by a lighthouse…
I love the planning and the actual vacation part, but I’d say Im actually worse off when I get home. Sad and depressed about the reality of life I guess. Sometimes not taking a vacation (and not getting that reality break) is actually better … because you dont get to see what life is like on the other side 😉
With all the bullshit happening in my life right now, just about the only thing keeping me happy is thinking about our road trip this summer. We’re planning to camp at three different national parks in the Dakotas — I can’t wait to get away! My advice for a relaxing trip is to go with people who have similar travel styles. For instance, if you like to go with the flow, don’t travel with people who like to plan everything to the hilt. Also, make sure to take all your travel companions’ opinions into consideration, whether it’s what beach to go to or what to have for dinner. Everyone should get a turn doing something they want to do, even if it’s not something you really want to do. I don’t get too stressed out about coming back to work, but that’s because my boss is awesome and I get as much advance work done as possible so I’m not dwelling on it the whole time I’m away.
i have a trip planned thursday through Monday of this week. we are going to AZ, it’s part work and the rest is play. going to our house in scottsdale with my parents for a little retreat. haven’t been down there in 5 years, so really looking forward to it.
then, my friend’s husband bought me a plane ticket to TX to see them. i cannot wait. they just had a baby, so i’m being cautious and hopefully considerate by staying in a hotel nearby.
the next week, traveling with the hubs to NYC for the day. meeting my bloggie friend Juni there, where she is graciously taking the day off work to meet me.
we tend to mainly take trips to MN where the hubs family is from and really, to be honest, we DON’T relax. i think i may have an issue with a vacation whose main goal was to relax. i like to be doing things. o.k. maybe scheduling a massage here and there would be o.k!
If I try to plan out time during the vacation for pure relaxation, AND if I give myself a few days of vacation at home before returning back to work, then I return back feeling relaxed. LOL. But those vacations where you get back late afternoon and work the next day? Not fun for me!
I kind of agree that much of the relief from a vacation comes from getting excited about it. My favorite part of marathoning is marathon TRAINING. I mean, I do love the vacation and the actual marathon, but thinking about gives you something to look forward to in life! When I was really down in the dumps, my mom would always suggest that I start planning a vacation. It takes your mind off of the current situation and gives you something to make you smile…can’t beat that!
I was just looking for suggestions for a vacation spot, and I thought of Denver! I’m checking out that post next. 🙂
i just got my (wee!) bonus at work, and am DYING to spend it immediately on a caribbean vacation. want.. sun.. now… 🙂
I totally agree that the most happiness comes with planning a vacation!
Have a good night and keep it up with the giveaways….
I LOVE trip planning! Well not so much trip planning but trip anticipating! Spring break plans are currently in the works… could be fun 🙂 I went to Aruba in August! I loved the big fat iguanas everywhere!
It’s funny, I read the title of your post and thought “NO.” lol
Honestly, I like to be productive and always doing something. Our family vacations always end up being wayyyy too relaxed for my liking. Don’t get me wrong, I like chillin’ on the beach- but I can only do that for so long! I think a vacation should be more of a state of mind than a location. Ok I’m getting philosophical with this comment…I’ll just say I’m a homebody 🙂
I think giveaways are fun even if I don’t win or enter. I do enjoy both the vacation and the planning. Anticipating what we will do is very fun for me!
I love to plan for vacations, but I always feel weirdly unexcited about them when they begin. I think I’ve spent so long planning that I’m subconsciously afraid of ruining my expectations. In any event, I always try to have a really good time on my vacations, even if that means having a trip that is “lame” by everyone else’s standards. It’s my trip, so I do what I want!
I wish I had a vacay to plan to for, I always get very excited and spend soo much time packing and planning and scheduling.
I <3 entering and hosting giveaways – such a great way to try new products!
I actually think there is a big difference between a “trip” and a “vacation”, and I usually take trips which are not super relaxing. But the memories and experiences tend to be fantastic, so even if I don’t feel more relaxed after a vacation/trip, it doesn’t mean that I don’t see long-term benefits.
(Oh my god, the last two trips we took – when we got back, I felt like I had hit a wall, but we were traveling by car, with dogs in tow, visiting family and dealing with VERY long days.)
I am actually SUPER psyched about two upcoming trips we have – to San Francisco to visit friends and hang out and also to France and Spain. With both of those trips, I do plan to return and not immediately go back to work, so I’ll be able to fully appreciate them. Yeah!
That describes me perfectly. I get so excited waiting for trips!
OMG We were in Aruba in Dec. and go every year. Way more than a comment box field reply but I love Aruba! We stay for a month. Where were you? When were you there? Anyway I love it there, it’s my paradise 🙂
We went in November of 2007 for our honeymoon. We stayed at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Aruba. We loved it! 🙂
I’m leaving on spring break in 17 days– YAY! Truthfully I haven’t done any planning except that I know where I’m going. I should probably get on that…lol~! Yes, I’m excited~
I heard about this study yesterday on the radio and laughed … it is totally me. I love planning, packing, shopping for vacation toiletries love it all. My favourite part, when I am the most excited is going to the airport. I love planning what I am going to do there, buy a book, have my first holiday beer. I’m excited just writing this.
I think I need a holiday!
That’s not good! Most of the time, it’s kind of hard to plan vacations because we have to wait to the last minute to see how booked up the flights look.
I can’t believe people actually wrote that they don’t want giveaways! lol. I like them 🙂 too bad most of the time I start filling out a comment entering it and then end up never finishing it 🙁 lol
It occurred to me the other day that I don’t enjoy planning trips. I mean, I like planning to GO somewhere, but I don’t like to plan out day-by-day itineraries. I realized this when my cousin-in-law declared that we MUST plan out everything for when she and her husband come to Istanbul in September. To me it just feels like too much pressure to stick to a schedule and pick things that everyone will like. I like to wake up and plan, or plan the day before.
But I DO understand that they’re traveling like 3,000 miles to get there and we’re traveling 300, plus they’re paying a lot more! If I were her I would want to squeeze the most out of my trip as well, so I will humor her. In the back of my mind, I’m also thinking “We’re going to be traveling with a 5 month old baby, PLAN, are you crazy?”
Oh gosh. The baby will determine the plan in the end!
I love to have a loose schedule of things to see and do, because I would hate to think I missed something (especially if traveling 3000 miles), but at the same time – you have to be flexible!
I could not tell you the last time I took a full week vacation. Possibly when I was in college and had the summer off.
Traveling sort of stresses me for a number of reasons, but coming back to work with a backlog is a big part of it. The few times I’ve taken off for vacations, no one has picked up the slack and stuff just doesn’t get done. Then I’m depressed from being back from vacation and stressed out about all the work I have to do! Blah.