Dealing with inconsistent personalities / Love to Run Pendant Giveaway WINNER

By , February 22, 2010 4:35 am

In life, we sometimes tend to base our actions on how we think others will react, right? If Steven was annoyed the last time I sloppily hung the towels in the bathroom, I am definitely not going to do that again (or I might, to annoy him).

We mentally log how people react when we say/don’t say and do/or don’t do things. Unless we are trying to aggravate someone, we tend to act in a way that is agreeable to them (as long as it is agreeable to us).

But what about the people who have COMPLETELY inconsistent personalities?! That thing you did last week, and they loved? Oh gosh, how they hate it now! Remember when they told you to do xyz? Well, you’re getting yelled at the next time xyz happens.

They’re up one minute, down the next. One day you’re their best friend, the next day, everything you do is wrong.

So, how do you deal with these people?! You have NO WAY to judge how they are going to react to something. You are walking on eggshells around them. Even when you reassure yourself it is “all their issue” that doesn’t mean it doesn’t cause you stress!

I try not to waste time trying to figure out what causes someone to be so up and down, back and forth, day and night… but I am curious. Don’t people realize how incredibly inconsistent they are? How, dare I say, hypocritical?

Don’t they realize their inconsistency makes it very hard for us to make them happy?

Have you ever had to interact with someone like this?

Thank you for all of your entries in the Love to Run Pendant Giveaway! Isn’t the Tarma Designs website awesome?! There are so many pieces on there I would love to have (let me know if you want a list, Steven!).

On to the winner! Data inspected the names before Steven drew…

Data likes to help

Stef‘s name! Congrats, Stef!

Stef is the winner!

Stef liked the Cast Lotus Pendant. I have a feeling she will love this one too! Stef, please email me your address and I will send the Love to Run Pendant your way!

Again, thank you to all who entered. I have another giveaway coming up (just waiting on the mail) so stay tuned!

21 Responses to “Dealing with inconsistent personalities / Love to Run Pendant Giveaway WINNER”

  1. Amy says:

    Honestly, I think people who do that have no clue they are doing it. I have learned over the years that you just cannot please some people, no matter what you do, it’s never good – so you might as well not worry too much about it and do what you think is best.

  2. Ugh– I had a roommate like that. But I honestly think that she was dealing with more mental issues (depression, etc.) than just inconsistent in her personality. It made living with her HELL.

  3. Shannon says:

    Thankfully, I have no one in my life like that right now. But I have known people like that and that’s probably the reason I’m not still close with them! Unpredictable people can be exhausting! But there are also those whose personality issues are due to real mental health problems, and I try to always be cognizant of that.

  4. Kristie says:

    I had a roommate that was up and down all the time – I think she was just going through a tough time in her life but it SUCKED for me. The last week of the semester I was practically living with Chris (who I had been dating for about a year at that point) and his roommate (yeah, in one of those all-guy small dorm rooms).

  5. Joanne says:

    Congratulaions to Stef. Lucky her. There were some really nice pieces on that web site.

    Inconsistent personalities: Sometimes it’s forgiveable, opinions, likes and dislikes, are bound to change.

  6. Oh, gosh… I had a boss like that once. (Can I blame that on the fact that she was menopausal?!) My solution was to stay as far away as possible from her!

    <3 <3

  7. Congrats Stef on winning the necklace 🙂

    I can’t stand people who are one way one day and completely opposite the next day. It annoys me so my way of dealing with it is, if it happens a couple times then I just completely stop trying. We are all busy with work, social stuff and our hobbies.. I don’t have extra time to sit around and try to figure someone out.

  8. ChezJulie says:

    I saw your post title and thought, “I know this one!” Sadly, I think you have to assume that the person is going to eventually act from the down part of their personality. Otherwise you get sucked in by the nice, up part of their personality and then you get burned. It’s very difficult to deal with someone like this.

  9. Don’t they realize their inconsistency makes it very hard for us to make them happy?

    Ummm, I think this is your problem. It’s not YOUR job to make other people happy. They can only find happiness from within.

    Personally, I have very little tolerance for people who are all over the place like that. I don’t give them many chances before I move on, preferring to devote my time to people who appreciate my presence in their lives.

  10. Ameena says:

    Lucky Stef!!

    I have no tolerance for people that are up and down. The older I get the less I keep those types of people in my life. I figure there are so many other people out there that I’d rather spend time with, why waste the energy??

  11. Karin says:

    I hate it when people are like that but I try to make sure to keep my distance because I’ve been hurt/annoyed by people like these in the past and don’t need that additional stress!

    Congrats to Stef :)!

  12. Christina says:

    I have dealt with this type of personalities throughout my life. I think as I get older, I can usually hone in on this earlier and earlier and tend to avoid them.

    I work with a few colleagues who are inconsistent and it is more of a challenge since I can’t walk away. I have found if I “Play” to their mood at the moment they respond. It is weird mind play but things needs to get done.

  13. Erin says:

    Lucky Stef! That was a great giveaway!

    My old boss was like this. One day she’d be gung-ho about a project and the next day she’d act like it was the worst idea ever. I pretty much just stopped relying on her if I didn’t get it in writing. It was tough and, in the end, one of the reasons I quit that job.

  14. Kim says:

    I’m a bit confused by inconsistent people. Even when I’m going through a hard time, people on the outside would probably have no idea, because I try not to pull them into my mood swings. I like predictable people. It makes me nervous if I have to guess every day if someone wants to kill me or hug me. Maybe some people are just really emotional. I am really emotional, but people would probably say I’m “level.” I guess I’m not so willing to let the freak flag fly. Anyway, ya, you can’t spend too much time trying to figure someone out. Sometimes, there’s nothing to figure.

  15. Stef says:

    EEEEEEE!!! omg i’m so excited, thank you!! yay i can’t wait to sport that awesome pendant :). i used to make fun of people who went all apeshit when they won prizes on game shows and such, but now that i know the amazing feeling of winning a giveaway i will never again poke fun! hooray!

    inconsistent personalities: yikes. yeah…to be honest i feel like i tend to be that way, but it’s something i’m working on bc it drives me crazy when other people are like that!

    • kilax says:

      How do you feel like you are inconsistent? At least you are AWARE of it, if you really are!

      Steven is sending the necklace today! I will respond to your other email when I know he has sent it 🙂

  16. […] blogging gods lately! This morning I was thrilled to discover that I won an awesome pendant from Kim at ilaxSTUDIO. And then the UPS man brought me some joy in the form of NuNaturals stevia from Katie’s […]

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