Steven’s birthday recap

By , December 23, 2009 5:58 am

Yesterday was Steven’s birthday, and even though I had to work, I wanted to make the evening as special as I could!

What do you do to make your loved one’s birthday special?

On my train ride into the office, I got off quite a few stops early to go to Steven’s favorite bakery (Deerfields) and pick up some of his favorite donuts for him (yes, the same donuts last year’s donut tower was made out of)! When I got off the train, the conductor said “Leaving so early?” When I told him I was going to the bakery, he said “Deerfields? I LOVE that place! I would hold the train for you if I could.” Ha. What a nice guy. I wish he could have held the train for me! Luckily, the bakery is right by the station, so I walked there (in the snow) and back and caught the next train. I made sure to pick up donuts for two of my coworkers too!

Steven picked me up after work, and we went to Red Robin for dinner. Red Robin is actually my favorite restaurant, but Steven wanted to go there since we hadn’t been for awhile. I love it because they have two different kinds of veggie burgers and BOTTOMLESS Vegan Steak Fries! Of course, the veggie burgers aren’t vegan, so I get the Red’s Rice Bowl without the fried noodles on top. I still love going there because I think it is great that they cater to so many diets. They even have a great tool online for calculating the calories in your meal.

Onion Rings

Red’s Rice Bowl (actually on a plate)

Whiskey River Boca Burger with Fries

Plus, the give you free ice cream on your birthday (after they sing you an obnoxious song of course)! You can’t beat that!

Steven opened his gifts before dinner. I gave him Pictionary, the same lego calendar I got Lauren (it’s so cool!), his favorite Christmas Tree Cakes, and a little monkey (we have an inside joke that he likes monkeys). A few days ago, I told Steven not to go in my closet because I had a small present in there for him that was not wrapped. So during dinner, I said, “Oh no! I just realized I left that unwrapped gift at home! You will have to open it later.” and acted all sad. But it was a trick (more below).

After dinner, we went bowling. Fun fact – we used to be on a league so we both have our own bowling balls and shoes.

I was a bit rusty – it’s been awhile! We bowled three games and Steven’s top score was 190 and mine was 132.

Steven had one of his donuts when we got home.

Is it salmon flavored?

The glorious inside of the donut

After he finished the donut, I gave him the “little gift” that was in my closet – which was really a HUGE gift that I could not have taken to the restaurant.

I got him the weight stand he wanted, and get this, I only paid a fraction of the price it was listed for on amazon! We have a reward program at work, and I used my points to get $80 worth of amazon gift cards to use towards his gift. Score! It felt good to get Steven something I know he really wanted AND needs!

The new weight stand (before, the weights just sat on the floor in this spot)

I hope Steven enjoyed his birthday – I know I enjoyed it!

What what your perfect birthday day be like?

I actually got mine this year– I got to spend the day on the river, relaxing, then eat vegan chocolate cupcakes and cake!

32 Responses to “Steven’s birthday recap”

  1. Mica says:

    You got Steven really great gifts, what fun! And I love that you have your own bowling equipment because you used to be on a league. Harrison and I like bowling, but we are terrible at it. We probably wouldn’t be any fun. Haha.

    I went to “Red Robin” yesterday, AND I got the Red’s Rice bowl. (Though with salmon.) Weird.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… My knee and pride hurt. =-.

  2. Happy birthday Steven!

    I LOVE Deerfields. We got my daughter’s cake there once and although it was kind of a drive from here to get it, it was worth it.

    On birthdays in my house, I leave love notes hidden for everyone to find. Everyone gets the number of love notes for the age they are turning. Not too difficult for a 5 year old, but getting tougher for my husband because writing out 35 of them is a lot of work (but worth it).

  3. What a fun Birthday! I’ve never been to a Red Robbin, but I’ve heard plenty of good things about it. 😀

    My favorite birthday memory is eating out at a little Tapa place with friends and family. The waitstaff kept bringing in small dishes to sample and try, and it was my 21st, so I was able to legally order my first glass of wine which is always exciting. 😉 I had so much fun, and it was nice being able to celebrate with the people that mean the most to me. 😀

  4. What a great birthday! 🙂

    I am the world’s worst bowler… it’s embarrassing, actually.

    At present, I prefer to just ignore my birthday and pretend it isn’t happening!! But I guess I might not feel that way if I did the right thing with the right person / people… I’m just not sure what that is yet.

    <3 <3
    .-= Author's last blog post… Wanna Go Away =-.

  5. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    Those photos make me want to go bowling in such a bad way. Maybe that should be our next outing with Kevin, Tori and friends? Hmmm…

    I think you did a great job celebrating Steven on his birthday. And can I just tell you, that donut is GINORMOUS. Oh my…
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Gifts =-.

  6. AWWWWW!!!!! You are so sweet and thoughtful!!! (and Steven if you are reading this, you are lucky!) 🙂 You two are so good together and I am so happy for you two!!! Way to go making his birthday special for him Kim!!! You rock!!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Our Motto =-.

  7. lacey says:

    awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!! you really made his night special. i loved all the pictures, too. pictionary= genius!!!!!!!! and that weight stand is such a great gift, sounds like he needed one. those kind of donuts are my dad’s MAJOR FAVE (white cream filled, choc frosted).
    .-= Author’s last blog post… I am now Flocking. =-.

  8. Happy Birthday Steven! 😀 What a great day guys! So much fun!

    We celebrate birthday week here at the HQ, why have one special day when you can have a whole week of gloriousness dedicated just to you! 😀 We don’t really do much gifts (since we go all out for Christmas) but we make special meals, do stuff around town and things like that. 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… December 22nd, 2009: let’s get it started =-.

  9. P.S. Where did you get the Lego calendar? I think Scott would love that!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… December 22nd, 2009: let’s get it started =-.

    The calendar is not actually Lego brand (oops). I bought it in a store in Chicago, but you can find it on amazon here.

  10. sizzle says:

    What an awesome birthday celebration! YAY FOR STEVEN! Happy Birthday! That donut looks delicious.

    You’re so thoughtful, Kim. I think that’s what makes a birthday so great- someone special putting thought into what you’d like.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… As Luck Would Have It =-.

  11. Lindsay says:

    Wow! Red Robin is MY favourite restaurant too AND I also get the Whiskey River burger (sans the meat of course 😉 ) Hmm, there’s one in Rockford, maybe I’ll have to go there this afternoon! I have a craving now!

    Also, today (maybe), I’m going to pick up a bowling ball for Luke! I’m a bowler (also used to be on a league) and have my own shoes & ball and after I invited him to go bowling with me once, he went to buy his shoes so I figured that he’ll get a good bowling ball for a present! I went bowling on my birthday a few weeks ago, got a high score of 213 and then less than a week later got 239! Those are flukes though. Either that or the push-ups I’ve been doing have been helping my arms after all!

    The weight stand sounds like you thought out completely what to get him. Sounds perfect!! I only hope I can do the same for Luke when it’s his turn. He got me Wii Fit for my birthday. I already know what to do for his 30th birthday which will be in 2011 (if we’re together that is haha).

  12. Happy Birthday, Steven! I hope you enjoyed your day – it looked like a great time! My “perfect birthday” would be very similar to what you and Steven did – just going out doing the stuff I ilke – nothing fancy needed. Although it would be fun to be on vacation somewhere for my bday. I don’t think I ever went away on my actual bday. Kinda hard when you have a twin that you want to see that day.

  13. tra says:

    those gifts are sooo nice! happy birthday S!!!!!
    i just like doing the stuff i like to do on my birthday….IT”S MY BIRTHDAY AND I”LL DO WHAT I WANT TO! today i’m just hitting up the gym and doing exercises i like to do/or just work it out! -D
    .-= Author’s last blog post… take my breath away =-.

  14. Melanie says:

    OMG, I want one of those donuts! What a fun bday celebration!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… It Pays to Be a Runner =-.

  15. Sammi says:

    I LOVE RED ROBIN!!! They don’t serve the onion rings in a tower at that one? Their calorie calculator is pretty awesome… but also extremely depressing. The whiskey river burger is my FAVORITE!
    That donut looks freaking amazing. My first thought “why don’t we have donuts like THAT here?” My second thought “Ringos donuts is only like 5 minutes away…”
    I may go down there and get one…
    One year for my birthday, my boyfriend took me to ihop for breakfast, then to the movies (I want to say we saw two movies but I don’t remember) and then mexican food after that. He knows me well 🙂
    Pancakes and mexican food in the SAME DAY?! That may be my new ideal birthday.

    This a half order of onion rings, so no tower 😉 Guess they only do those on the full!

  16. Looks like a special birthday for your guy!! That birthday donut looks especially delicious– and I’m not even a huge donut lover 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Rockin’ with the Rockettes =-.

  17. Wow, everything looked wonderful. Nice work tricking him with the weight rack and who doesn’t love a sweet deal! Those donuts look EVIL. For some reason, I thought Steven was a vegan too. Did I make that up?
    I love making birthdays special for Len even though I don’t feel like they are a big deal for myself– for Lens 30th I threw him a party on a roof top bar in Boston– It was an awesome deal bc all I had to do was pay for appetizers, no rental fee or anything which is so rare in the city.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Morning. =-.

    That rooftop party sounds like a lot of fun!

    Steven is a vegetarian, but cooks vegan meals for us.

  18. Oh my!! I love your blog, girl!!!

    Bowling is so much fun it looks like you had a wonderful night…and I hope Steven did too 😉

    I look forward to many more great posts!!


  19. Kim says:

    Happy Birthday to your husband! I love celebrating birthdays. I also love Red Robin steak fries. My sister and I used to go there after school JUST for the fries!

    It sounds like you guys had a fabulous day/night. My favorite birthdays are spent with my husband, enjoying a meal out, a movie maybe. I like to keep it lowkey 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Back to good =-.

  20. Chez Julie says:

    That sounds like a great birthday! I want you to help plan my next birthday! Ha ha. Actually my husband did a great job for my 40th with a surprise party and some vintage jewelry so I can’t complain.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Yikes! + 2 lbs. =-.

  21. JennyMac says:

    Looks like you both were having a great night. Happy belated bday!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… It is time for some jingle bell rock….. =-.

  22. Holly says:

    You are such a good wife! I hope Steven had a great birthday. 🙂

    I haven’t played Pictionary in ages! I LOVE getting games as presents. Clothes are great, and money, too, but games make me feel like I’m a little kid all over again. Plus, I only have about 3 of them and my nieces/nephew think that’s LAME.

    Hmm…perfect birthday? Probably NOT working, sleeping in, hanging out with friends/family, going for a run, and ending with LOTS of cake and ice cream. I don’t even care about my meal…I just want the cake and ice cream!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… What a Crock! =-.

  23. Hey Kim– I realized I didn’t reply to your comment reply about The Reader. I would love to read that, if you’re still looking for someone to pass it on to!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Baby’s Got (a sore) Back =-.

  24. Leah says:

    That looks like an AWESOME birthday! I love bowling but Im so bad at it, and apparently Im too old to get the bumpers put up! Stupid rules!!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… I Have Found The Perfect Man! =-.

  25. aw this is great! Mike and I aren’t big on birthdays. We usually just go out to dinner. We decided to just do gifts on Christmas. That way we could go all out that time of year! 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Pizza! =-.

  26. Erin says:

    Happy Birthday, Steven!!

    Sounds like the perfect birthday to me! Those donuts look to die for and I love bowling. So, yeah, sign me up for that birthday celebration, too!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Winter Misery One Miler =-.

  27. my b-day is tomorrow and i’m wondering what would make it perfect?! i guess just living in the moment and appreciating everything i have.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Lynn – Pepe’s With Poom =-.

  28. tra says:

    thanks i’m having a great bdayyyyy

  29. RunningLaur says:

    Looks like a great birthday! I love that you got him the donuts that he really likes 🙂

    I used to be in a bowling league too – it’s what my brother and I did when we were little for prob close to 7 or 8 years. I know it’s one of the reasons that I’m so good at math now.

    As far as perfect birthday? One year (I think 20th?) the fiance threw me a surprise party – he’d conspired to get all of my friends over to my house while I was out with him and then we were ridiculous and played capture the flag deep in the woods late into the night. I’d never had anyone throw a party for me before, so it was really really nice. 🙂

  30. diane says:

    Happy belated birthday to Steven! (I wished him one on Facebook so I’m not totally behind–ha ha). Looks like you guys had a really great celebration. And I’m glad your body’s all healed up so that you can bowl again! Yeah!

  31. Susan says:

    Happy birthday Steven!! Red Robin is so good…love those bottomless fries, although they can really get me in trouble. Deerfields is awesome as well…I’ve been to the one in Schaumburg! I like to just go in and look around at their creations.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… A Christmas Tale, Part II: To the ER =-.

  32. Christina says:

    My sister in law loves Deerfield bakery. It looks like you two had a good time!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… A Rosie outlook =-.

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