Eating Animals Giveaway – Signed Copy WINNER / What is the Blood Type Diet?

By , December 7, 2009 3:52 pm

Hi everyone. I had to re-post this because something was wrong with it the first time. I didn’t know – I’ve been in Detroit all day and am currently trying to leave… my flight is delayed and I am frustrated.

Thank you to everyone who notified me of the issue!

Winner announced at the bottom! But first, I wanted to ask for some input…

I overhead an interesting conversation in the gym Friday, regarding the Blood Type Diet. Three people were using treadmills, and the guy in the middle was essentially preaching about it to the other two. I am not sure how it came up (meaning, I doubt they asked, he sounded pushy) but he was explaining how he thinks that is the diet everyone should follow.

I only heard bits and pieces of what he was saying, but I did catch that he was telling the woman that she should not eat tomatoes (he asked her if she liked them, and when she said yes, he said, “but do they like YOU?”), and should eat ground beef instead of steak. Hmm.

So was this guy crazy? What is this diet? I briefly looked at the official website and the wikipedia page. The theory is that there is a specific diet you should follow based on your blood type. Here’s the breakdown of blood types from the wikipedia page:

  • Blood group O is believed by D’Adamo to be the hunter, the earliest human blood group. The diet recommends that this blood group eat a higher protein diet. D’Adamo bases this on the belief that O blood type was the first blood type, originating 30,000 years ago.
  • Blood group A is called the cultivator by D’Adamo, who believes it to be a more recently evolved blood type, dating back from the dawn of agriculture, 20,000 years ago. The diet recommends that individuals of blood group A eat a diet emphasizing vegetables and free of red meat, a more vegetarian food intake.
  • Blood group B is, according to D’Adamo, the nomad, associated with a strong immune system and a flexible digestive system. The blood type diet claims that people of blood type B are the only ones who can thrive on dairy products and estimates blood type B arrived 10,000 years ago.
  • Blood group AB, according to D’Adamo, the enigma, the most recently evolved type, arriving less than 1000 years ago. In terms of dietary needs, his blood type diet treats this group as an intermediate between blood types A and B.

The wikipedia page also covers some of the scientific criticism of the theory (research evidence, blood type evolution issues, etc.). Interestingly enough, I am blood type A+, which according to above, adheres to a (mostly) vegetarian diet.

But, really? This just sounds like another fad diet to me!

Have you heard of the Blood Type Diet or read the book? What do you think about it?

What is your blood type? Does the description above describe a diet you think would make you feel your best?

And now, for the big winner…

I let Data choose!

Just kidding! Steven drew the name. And the winner is…


Congratulations, Vicki! Please send me your address and I’ll send the signed copy of Eating Animals your way. I hope you share your thoughts on the book with us all.

I really want to thank everyone who entered the contest. I wish I had enough copies of the book to give one to everyone, because I think it’s a great read. See if your library has a copy! And do continue to share your thoughts on the topic!

I have fun doing these giveaways. I hope I can do more in the future.

19 Responses to “Eating Animals Giveaway – Signed Copy WINNER / What is the Blood Type Diet?”

  1. kilax says:

    Test – will this piece of shit work?!?!

  2. Kristie Lynn says:

    It’s working over here 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… =-.

  3. Erin says:

    I thought about emailing you about the comment issue but then I was like “Wait, she’s in Detroit. It’s not like she can fix it anyway!” I figured I’d wait til tomorrow and let you know then. I’m sorry to hear you’re stuck in Detroit! My horrible luck with trying to fly home must have rubbed off on you. I can always get where I’m going just fine. I just can’t ever get home it seems.

    Anyway, my comment on your actual post is that I wish I would have entered your giveaway! I didn’t have any desire to read Eating Animals but then I saw that my sister in law had it on her Christmas list and winning a copy would have been economical and useful 🙂

    Also, I have no idea what my blood type is. None. I should probably find out at some point. I do know that Jason is O something and that he swears up and down that he doesn’t feel full unless his meal includes a ton of protein. Interesting.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Six on a Saturday =-.

  4. Jillian says:

    There is nothing scientific to back it but my friend believes in it and has been eating to her blood type for six month. She said she has never felt better. I think it works more because she believes in it, you know? I think it is like a horoscope– it cannot possibly work for every single person.

  5. Jen says:

    I’m a type A and I’d be OK with eating for my type — I’m not a big red meat fan anyway. I also can’t tolerate milk very well. I still think it’s BS because people in the same family have different types, but presumably have the same ancestors. My sister is an O and she hates meat.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Meeting today: Disappointing all around =-.

  6. RunningLaur says:

    I see how the blood type thing could make sense if you think about it enough (or not at all). I think it’s hilarious that I’m O, and do not like meat at all and usually have to force myself to eat any sort of protein. My fiance is AB and won’t consider veggies!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Fiesta Bowl Half Marathon – shortie short =-.

  7. Damn you, Vicki!!!

    Er, I mean, congratulations! 🙂

    I have a friend who swears by the blood type diet. I don’t know– I’ve heard some experts weighing in on how it’s a bunch of phooey…but then, parts of it do kind of make sense to me.

    I have no idea what my blood type is, so I don’t know if it would be accurate for me or not! I should probably find that out…
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Vegetarian BBQ =-.

  8. Lindsay says:

    Heh. That’s funny. My blood type is A- and guess what? I’m a vegetarian too! That’s very interesting!

  9. I think I am a Type A, which means the description fits me perfectly. I am not sure of my blood type though so I called the blood bank and they are going to mail me my type. As interesting of a reading.. I don’t know of how much I would believe a diet based on blood type.. cause I know some skinny type A who eat tons of steak… Blood type diet a diet for weight loss of a lifestyle diet? I guess I need to read more about it.

  10. diane says:

    Well I’m AB, which is supposed to be a blend of A and B, and I’m lactose intolerant and have a crappy immune system.
    The theories behind it are interesting but I think it’s a bunch of baloney.
    Sorry to hear you are stuck! Hope you get home soon. 🙁

  11. Vicki says:

    OH MY GOODNESS! I have been away from the blog world for a few days due to an insane weekend of company and was coming on to catch up on my favorites tonight and wow!! I have never won anything good! 🙂 Ahhh! I am so excited. Thanks Kim!!

  12. Vicki says:

    I think the blood type diet sounds a little kooky to me, but then again, there was a time when I thought all vegans were extremist nut jobs, so who knows?

    I’m an O blood type and have never felt healthier than I have since becoming a veg. In my case, I’d say that the blood type diet thing is way off base.

    And umm, I just have to say it again: OH MY GOODNESS!! Can’t believe I won. 🙂 Thanks again Kim!!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… The Fashionista and a Weak Run =-.

  13. Christina says:

    Hope you get home safely and quickly! Love you!

  14. Jen says:

    I agree it sounds like yet another fad diet (like we need any more of those these days) but I too am blood type A+ and vegetarian, so maybe they are on to something. Who knows!

    Hope you have/had a safe trip back!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas =-.

  15. Funnily enough I was just talking about this diet with someone else recently! I would read the book because I find the concept interesting but in practice it doesn’t apply to me. I’m Type O and would perish if I had to live on a diet of large quantities of protein. I love protein! But in animal form I can only take it in small doses otherwise I feel icky. Seafood is preferable if I can get it. 😀
    .-= Author’s last blog post… December 7th, 2009: fill ‘er up =-.

  16. Holly says:

    haha I LOVED your first comment. 🙂

    That is interesting!! I am type A positive (easy to remember, huh?), and I definitely don’t eat a lot of red meat. Like, maybe 1 or 2 times a month, if that? I do eat veggie meals far more than meat, too. I feel better (I think) eating this way. I’ve never heard of this, though!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… It’s My Hump Day! =-.

  17. Seals says:

    I heard about it last week and looked up the same Wiki page. Once my magazine is done, I’m doing something. I wouldn’t mind giving this one a shot. Like most diets, it makes sense. I just don’t know how long I can stick with it.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… The New Boyfriend =-.

  18. Ok so I just got my blood type in mail from MD Anderson (I donate every 3 months) couldn’t remember what my blood type was so I called them and the mailed it out to me… Anyhow.. I am AB+ so I guess I can go between A and B per this which I don’t believe.. since it says type B has a flexible digestive system… hmmm they should come talk to me about my recent problems..
    .-= Author’s last blog post… One more day…. =-.

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