Vegan Chocolate Cake

By , September 7, 2009 7:54 am

Yesterday while I was cutting up our vegetables and fruit (and cleaning the fridge and running to the grocery store),

Fruits and Veggies

Veggies and some fruit for the week.

Steven made a vegan chocolate cake! The same one my grandma made me for my birthday in July.

Kim's 25th Birthday Cake

Nom nom nom nom nom.

My mom got me a mixer for my birthday (can you believe I have been mixing everything by hand until now?!), so we’ve been using that for all of our baking lately.

Vegan Chocolate Cake Batter

The batter.

Batter in a bundt cake pan

Does anyone else ALWAYS think of My Big Fat Greek Wedding whenever they see a bundt cake now?

Baked Vegan Chocolate

I want to eat it now!

Vegan Chocolate Frosting

The frosting… we had a bit extra…

Vegan Chocolate Frosting on a Strawberry

So we had to be creative on how to use it! (There are still two cups in the fridge!)

Finished Vegan Chocolate Cake

The finished product!

This cake is so decadent, dense, moist, rich and PERFECT. When my grandma made it for me for my birthday, I think I ate a fourth of it in one day. I couldn’t get enough. I have never had chocolate cake this good (I don’t even really LIKE chocolate cake that much!!!). Try it if you get the craving for something AWESOME and CHOCOLATE. You can find the recipe here.

A slice of Vegan Chocolate Cake


Happy Labor Day Everyone! We stayed in town this weekend and have been taking it easy. It’s been nice!

(What would this post be without a pic of Data? He was very chill while we were working in the kitchen. He has been enjoying many long walks this weekend, followed by long naps.)

Data is so chill

15 Responses to “Vegan Chocolate Cake”

  1. diane says:

    Yum!! That looks sooooo good.
    I love Data’s header at the top. I just want to reach through the screen and scritch his little ears. 🙂

  2. Mica says:

    Man, this cake looks awesome! It doesn’t sound too hard either, maybe I could do it without messing it up!
    .-= ´s last blog… 12+8=20! =-.

  3. ShutupandRun says:

    I’m sure that recipe is somewhere, but remind me where??? My daughter was drooling.
    .-= ´s last blog… Bear Crap with Berries =-.

  4. martymankins says:

    Wow. Reading the ingredients on that vegan cake. It looks good (and I imagine tastes good, too). Curious as to how a cake gets made without the use of eggs.

    And another cool Data pic to complete the post.
    .-= ´s last blog… Meat and Eat / Meet and Greet =-.

  5. Susan says:

    Ohh that cake looks tasty! Leftover frosting is always awesome as a fruit dip. Yummmmm.
    .-= ´s last blog… All I do is run… =-.

  6. Amanda says:

    That looks delicious!!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Happy Labor Day =-.

  7. claire says:

    Wow, that looks very tasty!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Homemade Rock Star =-.

  8. Julia says:

    That cake looks amazing! I definitely can’t see a bundt cake without thinking of My Big Fat Greek Wedding haha!
    Thanks for posting the recipe! Oh and is it possible to make it using anything besides a bundt pan…I definitely don’t have one : (
    .-= Author’s last blog post… What a Relaxing Day! =-.

  9. Bethany says:

    Oh my gosh, that looks delicious! Yum!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… I’m BACK! =-.

  10. Whenever I see Windex I think of that movie…I don’t remember the bundt cake, but yours looks delish. I may have to try to make it without letting everyone in on the vegan secret!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… the Fat God’s smiled upon me… =-.

  11. Sophia says:

    That cake looks OBSCENELY good! Wow, SO intense and dark!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… How Calbi BBQ Got It’s Ass Kimchi-ed =-.

  12. tori says:

    I don’t really like chocolate cake, but that looks really good. It reminds me of the recipe I made for my son that actually made me like chocolate cake. I always feel like vegan cake has such a good texture that I love it no matter what. I have no idea why that is, but vegan chocolate cake is the only kind of chocolate cake I like.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Always Learning =-.

  13. Alice says:

    my mom makes a vegan chocolate cake every once in a while when we have some vegan friends over… it’s so delicious! i didn’t believe her the first time that chocolate cake could be good without dairy, but i was definitely wrong!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… like any of you didn’t know about the pole dancing already.. =-.

  14. sizzle says:

    Yum! And yes, I totally think of My Big Fat Greek every time I hear the word “bundt”.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Sure Hope You Mean It =-.

  15. Holly says:

    HOLY COW! That cake looks so incredibly moist and delicious!

    My favorite cake is white w/white icing, but I allllways forget about chocolate + chocolate!! I shouldn’t forget about it. It could be my new fave.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Me Gusta Cilantro Y Couscous =-.

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