Marathon (???) Training Week 10

By , August 23, 2009 9:37 pm

Welcome to week 10 of marathon training! If you click on the activity link after the dates, it will take you to the Garmin connect website for full stats.

Day 64 | Monday, August 17: Rest Cross-Train

Wow – this must have been a tough workout, because I felt dizzy and weak when I was done!

I ordered a shin brace on Monday night (thanks for the suggestion, Holly!). I am excited to see if that helps.

Bike Time: 30 min | Distance: 8.8 miles

Day 65 | Tuesday, August 18: Run 4 miles Cross-Train

I wanted to run on Tuesday, but figured since my shin was bothering me laying in bed Monday night, and it hurt when I woke up, I better NOT.

I feel really bummed out when my running friends at work ask me how training is going, and I have to tell my sad story. But, telling them at least got me a referral to a doctor a lot of them use at the UIC Sports Medicine Center.

I called my regular doctor asking him for a referral on Tuesday morning, and he said he could give me a name, but all I was going to hear was “rest and physical therapy.” He told me to take two weeks off from running, do low intensity workouts, then come back to running slowly. I asked him if this meant I could still run two times a week… and he kind of said “no.”

He told me there is no reason to see a doctor, because there is nothing there (in your shin) to hurt majorly. Yeah, not sure what he meant about that. BUT, there actually is a small bump in my leg where it hurts. I can feel it when I massage my leg.

So, I hope this UIC guy can give me some pointers (my appointment is 9/3). I don’t expect a miracle.

Elliptical Time: 30 min |Distance: 2.9 miles

Day 66 | Wednesday, August 19: Run 8 miles Rest

Woke up limping. Why?! Why would I be limping?! I haven’t been running!

Day 67 | Thursday, August 20: Run 4 miles Cross-Train

I had a lunch-time run scheduled with Erin, but she had to cancel (She forgot her work computer at home and didn’t realize until she got to the office! So she went  home and worked from there). I was sad I didn’t get to see Erin, but it’s probably better that I took another day off from running. It was down to the office gym for the third time this week…

Bike Time: 30 min | Distance: 8.9 miles

Day 68 | Friday, August 21: Rest

Day 69 | Saturday, August 22: Run 17 miles Run 2 miles

I left to run at 11:00 am. It was about 68°F. In August! This is wrong! I keep saying, “Why wasn’t it this cool last Saturday…?”

Anyway, my goal was to run 2 miles. I got out to the park and thought, “Ooo, maybe I can do 3 or 4!” Yeah. I ran 1 mile and walked 1 mile (plus warm-up and cool-down).

During the first .25 miles of my run, my gait was SO OFF. It was like I forgot how to run. It felt unnatural and uncomfortable. I got in to it after the first .25 miles, but my shin started to ache at about .75 miles. So I called it quits at 1 mile. LAME-O. And I probably shouldn’t have even walked a whole mile after that, because my shin was throbbing a bit. I iced it when I got home. I ice it a lot now. I don’t think it does much anymore.

Distance: 2.00 | Time: 26:01 | 1: 9:57 | 2: 16:04

Day 70 | Sunday, August 23: Cross-Train

Steven got my bike ready on Saturday, so I could take my first “real” bike ride on Sunday! And, since my awesome-o car can fit TWO bikes in it, he decided to come with me!

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Love my car.

We went back to the Rollins Savanna for an easy 12 miles, which is two times around the path.

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

I know nothing about biking.

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

I like this Forest Preserve because it feels like it’s in the middle of nowhere. Once you get on the trail, there are only a few times you see the highway or houses.

We saw four deer together and stopped to take some photos. A man rode by on his bike and said to us, “that’s what it’s all about!” He’s right. Life IS all about enjoying these small things. Life isn’t about worrying about your crappy shin and how you can’t run.

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

There is a place to stop and look through binoculars over the savanna. We were spying on some people who were letting their dog play in the swamp. The entire lower half of his body was covered in mud!

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Later we saw a hot air balloon (you’ll have to click on the image to make it larger).

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

We enjoyed our bike ride. I still felt like I got somewhat of a workout (I made sure to use a high gear when we were riding so I could feel it in my quads), but had fun while doing it.

My shin brace came on Saturday, so I wore it most of the day, and on our bike ride. It feels good to wear it. It distracts from the pain, but my shin still ached when we were done with our ride.

Bike Time: 1:07:12 | Distance: 11.81 miles

Week Summary:

Thank you to everyone who has been sticking around for the pathetic-ness my “marathon” training has become. I am not even really sure if I can call this “marathon training” anymore. It may become “half-marathon training,” or just, “training.” I did change the name of the category to Running/Training.

I am not terribly upset that I may not be able to run this marathon. If my body wants me to wait, I’ll wait. It’s just that now, I have to decide what to do. Should I try to run the half instead? Not run at all? I don’t really feel like going to Kansas City just to run 13.1 miles. Especially since Steven’s 10-year reunion is about two weeks later and we might go down there for that.

19 Responses to “Marathon (???) Training Week 10”

  1. Jamie says:

    what a huge bummer. I hope your shin heals quickly – so frustrating! nice job staying active for the week while you need to take a break from running.

  2. Julia says:

    I think you’re doing a great job of listening to your body! You don’t want to get even more injured, and hey a half marathon would be still be awesome I think (my first is in Oct. so I’m making educated guesses : )
    That bike ride looked awesome! I’m super jealous, I need to get a helmet, I decided I’m not riding again until I do!

  3. Carol says:

    I’d be kind of ticked at my doctor if he diagnosed me like that without seeing me. Good thing you have an appointment with a sports medicine doc. But I think there are a lot of doctors who blow off runners like that. All my docs are runners and it makes a huge difference in their attitude and treatment. They do everything they can to get (or keep) me running. I hope things get better soon with that shin!!

  4. Etta says:

    That stinks that you can’t run right now, especially since it’s something you enjoy so much! It’d be another thing entirely if your doctor told you to stop doing things like… file your taxes… have root canals…

    I hope it feels better soon!

  5. I think that if you think you should see the specialist, by damn you should see him, even if that dude says rest 2 weeks—-peace of mind!!!

  6. Holly says:

    I hope your shin brace helps! I’ve heard they are life savers for shin splints.

    I’m really bummed for you that you’re going through this, but glad you are okay with possibly not doing the full marathon. You know, I trained for my 1st marathon when I was about 22, got halfway through my training (I think I did a 16 mile run), and developed a stress fracture. It just wasn’t meant to be THEN. But I did go on and run a marathon two years later. Hopefully you can figure out exactly what’s going on with the shins and then you’ll be back and better the next time!

  7. tori says:

    It’s interesting that both of us with our injuries are learning that it is fine to take it easier. I hope the doctor is able to give you some suggestions so you at least know what to do to make it get better!

    I love that you saw the deer and that forest preserve looks beautiful. I don’t think I have ever been there, but I may have to bring my kids for a bike ride.

  8. Mica says:

    Bummer about your shin pain. I’m sorry that it has been getting you down. At least you’ve been pro-active about your exercise! Your bike ride looks really nice. I bet it was the perfect way to get out after a disappointing week of running.

  9. Christina says:

    Feel better soon, don’t push yourself too hard, let your body rest.

  10. Ren says:

    I definitely think that you need to avoid running until you either have this properly diagnosed or you’ve seriously rested it enough that it no longer bothers you.

    Of course, I have no expertise in this matter. Hopefully, the sports medicine doc will have something more useful to say.

    Sorry that you can’t do what you want….

  11. diane says:

    I’m glad that you’re coming to peace with the fact the marathon may not work out. I would definitely say the best idea is to see what the specialist says and ask for his/her opinion. I am glad you are going to see a specialist, even if your doc is a stinky-head!
    Your bike ride looks so nice, too. I am a little envious b/c it is so scary to ride a bike in the city, and I had a bike accident in high school which left me with a concussion so I get very uneasy on a bike regardless. Maybe if I was riding out by my parents’ house, where there are like 2 cars an hour, it would be fun again! 🙂

  12. Erin says:

    I was bummed that I missed our “date” too! Maybe we should plan for lunch in the park again instead of running.

    I’m glad you got your bike fixed up but sad that your shin still hurt after biking. Too bad the sports medicine doc couldn’t get you in sooner!!

  13. Lindsay says:

    I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time. I’m sure it’s very frustrating but I’m glad that you’re feeling OK with it. I think you could wait until marathon day to decide what you’re gonna do. A friend managed to go down from the St. Louis Marathon to the Half on the day of.

  14. Tony says:

    Just keep listening to your body and don’t worry about the training so much. I know you will do just fine.

    What a beautiful trail to run/ride on. I think I will need to investigate that one, it looks awesome.

  15. aron says:

    OH NO 🙁 this is not good news!!! you are doing a good job of playing it smart and listening to your body. hang in there girl, i hope you heal up FAST!

  16. teeni says:

    Love this path especially the wooden part – how cool! What a pretty place to bike! 🙂

  17. teeni says:

    Oops! I hit “post” before I added that I hope you are healing quickly and not in too much pain!

  18. Jen512 says:

    Has anyone suggested that you might have a stress fracture on your shin? That bump kinda sounds suspicious to me, it might be trying to heal over the cracked area. Owwwie…I’m sorry this has messed up your training goals, but I agree with what everyone else has said, and also what you’re telling yourself: if your body is not ready, it’s not ready. Plus there’s always more marathons in the future!

    Speaking of, have you ever heard of Team in Training? You train with a group (and on your own), you raise money for cancer research AND they send you to destination marathons for free! I did it once, I had a great time but I had to bow out early because I was taking on too much with work and school. Great cause though. Here’s a link to the Illinois chapter-

  19. kaylen says:

    ick, shin splints are the worst. my son had them for three weeks so painful he could barely walk last year when he thought he could go from not running at all ever, to running in cross country miles and miles a day. Weird that didn’t work out….

    I love when you go out- you take such great photos!

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