Too much talk about skirts

By , June 25, 2009 6:05 am

I hate how I can feel my inner thighs rubbing together* when I wear a skirt. But… I love how breezy it is on hot summer days. Comfort (temperature) wins!

Yesterday was my second quarterly panel report, so I wore a skirt/suit outfit. Then there was a discussion within my team about the merits of wearing a skirt. Some people actually have very strong opinions about wearing or not wearing a skirt. I was kind of surprised. But kind of not. Because some people just like to present their opinions in that strong manner.

Anyway, I have a big box in my closet full of skirts. I got it down this morning and pulled out one of my favorites – this brown/black/orange/white floral print from H&M.

image:Brown Flower H&M skirt

I’ve had this skirt a couple of years, but I just can’t find the right top to wear with it.

With the heat we’ve been having, I’ll probably be wearing skirts more often this summer than I normally would. I just hope I don’t get too much flak about it. Because people generally don’t like to be teased about what they are wearing. Or really, even have it noticed, unless it’s to give a compliment.

*Will they ever NOT rub together…?

23 Responses to “Too much talk about skirts”

  1. Amy says:

    Why do people care so much if you wear a skirt? I think you look fine.

  2. Gemfit says:

    I love love love wearing skirts and I’ve gotten over the whole thighs-rubbing-together thing because at the end of the day, I’m a normal sized person and thighs rub together.

    I don’t think I’ll be wearing jeans until the weather cools down. I have a ton of twirly girly skirts which makes me feel all dressed up even with a t-shirt thrown on top.

    I think you look lovely in that skirt!

  3. tori says:

    I am a smallish person and my thighs rub together when I wear a skirt. I rarely do wear skirts though because I am not so lady like and don’t like to have to sit properly. I suppose if I had an outside of the house job I would have to sit properly anyway and then I’d probably wear skirts more. This heat we have been having is crazy! My kids had tennis last night (and tonight too) and I was dying just watching them!

  4. Mica says:

    I do like how cool skirts feel, but I agree, sometimes you get a lot of crap for it. My favorite are like, “WHAT? You own skirts?” or “Wow, you look like a girl!”

  5. sizzle says:

    I am skirtaholic. I wear them 5 out 7 days. And dresses! Why would people give you grief about wearing a skirt?

  6. you look so pretty in your skirt!!!! ugh to thighs rubbing together!!! until i started reading the “truu confessions” website i don’t think i realized that there were people whose thighs didn’t rub together!!! oops!!! it makes me uncomfortable when people call me out when i dress up… i’m like, maybe if you didn’t make such a big deal about it i would do it more!!! i’m trying to learn to say to hell with them though!!!!

  7. SoMi's Nilsa says:

    Ooooh, I’m interested to hear about people’s strong opinions about skirts. I didn’t realize it was such a hot topic (no pun intended). I love wearing skirts in the summer, but agree with you about the thigh issue. I have a couple pairs of boy short underwear. Now, if only they were slightly longer, they’d totally do the trick (plus, then you don’t see panty lines!).

  8. Hilly says:

    I love wearing skirts when I don’t have to walk around more than the average bear. Yanno, I don’t care about the thigh rub thing unless it’s 100 degrees out and I have to hike three miles in the blazing sun!

    I think you look cute in your skirt!

  9. I think you look adorable in that skirt. I love to wear skirts, but also hate the thigh thing.

    But yes, I don’t like to be teased about what I wear. When I was in grad school I wore t-shirts from my undergrad school people commented all.the.time. So I like my undergrad school? get over it.

  10. diane says:

    Yeah, that is a little odd to me that people have such strong opinions about skirts at work. I feel self-conscious about wearing open-toed shoes to work without hose and I am very clearly in the minority at my job!
    I don’t know where you would find them or what they are called, but I have these loose, silky shorts-like things my mom gave me and I wear them under skirts/dresses. Works like a slip, but protects my thighs. And yes, I don’t know a single woman in real life whose thighs don’t touch.
    Oh, and your outfit is cute!

  11. Susan says:

    What’s wrong with wearing skirts? Is it that whole move toward looking more masculine in the workplace? I don’t personally wear skirts that often…personal preference because I’ve never liked them that much, although I wish I could be “that girl” who just throws on a summer dress for the day.

  12. Holly says:

    I love skirts. Yours is so cute! I seriously wear them almost everyday in the summertime (to work – not tryin’ to pull a fancy grocery shopping trip). I just like them because I have “plainish” ones (black, white, jean….) that I can put with any top. I get tired of pants, I guess. Sounds horrible, right???!!

  13. Holly says:

    I hate how my thighs rub too. But it’s nice to wear a skirt! When it’s really hot, it gets a little sticky up in there! I use deodorant between my legs and it’s all better. πŸ™‚

  14. Christina says:

    I use a bit of baby powder just blog along the thighs and it helps.

    I’ve been wearing skirts the past few days and have this new addiction to buying dresses.

  15. Jo says:

    Looks cute!

    I don’t even own a dress or skirt. I used to wear them all the time when I worked eons ago. At this point, not only do my thighs rub together, but they sweat. No amount of corn starch baby powder would help. lol

    Wear what you want to wear–that’s my motto!

  16. Alice says:

    i have been OBSESSED with skirts and dresses this summer. it’s been so sunny and warm, it seems criminal to put on PANTS in the morning… i’ve worn a skirt or a dress to work every day for probably the past 3 weeks straight!

  17. Erin says:

    At my old job whenever I would wear a skirt people would say, “Oooh, why are you so dressed up??” To them, skirt = fancy event. Unless it was a denim skirt.

    I have a cute skirt that I bought on clearance at The Limited a few years ago and I’ve never been able to find a top that I like with it. Why is it so difficult??

  18. I’m wearing a skirt today…feeling the chub rub. ugh.

  19. Jamie says:

    I live in skirts and dresses in the summer. It is just too hot not to. I’ve been feeling the leg chub rub as long as I can remember. It will always be there unless I ever resort to surgery πŸ˜‰

  20. Shaina says:

    I LIVE in skirts during the summer. To me, nothing feels better than throwing on a tank top and an easy cotton skirt!

  21. kilax says:

    Amy – Why do people EVER care so much about what someone else is doing? That’s what I want to know!

    Gemfit – Thanks! I have a fave pair of jeans, and I think I may be ditching them this summer as well.

    tori – I have issues with being lady-like too πŸ˜‰ When I am in meetings and stuff, I remember to sit properly, but when I am behind my desk, I sit however I want! Ha ha!

    Mica – Exactly! Comments like that are SO annoying!!!

    sizzle – I thought of you when I wrote this! I wonder if people are giving me grief because they themselves do not feel comfortable enough with their body to wear a skirt? That is my hypothesis. Whenever someone gives me crap about something, I always think “this is their issue, not mine!”

    CourtneyInControl – Thanks πŸ˜€ That is one of the comments I got. So I made some comment asking if they thought I looked like crap every other day of the work….? That put them on the spot.

    SoMi’s Nilsa – Their strong opinions are about not wearing them, but they are really not based on anything… they just wanted to go on and on about how they would never wear skirts. I don’t get it. Why would you keep saying that to someone who was wearing a skirt. Why would you bring it up over and over throughout the day?

    Hilly – Thanks πŸ™‚ It was getting close to 100 when I was doing the thigh rub! I got all hot on the walk to work, then too cool at work. Oh well. I was more comfortable overall!

    Hotch Potchery – Thanks. I guess this is just another thing that people like to make fun of? Sure, I notice what people wear, and some people wear things that I WOULD not, but do I ever say anything? No! It’s none of my business.

    diane – Thanks! I think I need one of those slips. I am also self conscious about open-toed shoes at work. I wore nice open-toed shoes with a heel with that skirt, but it was a day that not many people were in the office. And of course, I still got a comment that day, “Oh… another skirt?” ARGHHH!!!

    Susan – I think there just may be a masculinity in my group πŸ˜‰ LOL.

    Holly – That makes sense to me! I need to invest in some more so I have more choices like you!

    Holly – Ooo, good idea! And I always have deodorant at work!

    Christina – I LOVE looking at dresses! But… I have been good in not buying any!

    Jo – Thanks! I like your motto. πŸ˜‰ I need you in my office.

    Alice – I think I am going to start doing that soon! I got all of my skirts out this weekend!

    Erin – Maybe that is the mentality I am dealing with πŸ˜‰ I feel like I have a hard time matching a top to this skirt because it is a sheer material, and I cannot find another sheer material that matches… the sweater top seems too heavy!

    Gina (Mannyed) – I bet you look super cute though!

    Jamie – I feel so much better knowing I am not the only one! πŸ˜€

    Shaina – Even your description makes me wish I was wearing a skirt today!

  22. I never get compliments when I wear a skirt πŸ˜‰

  23. kilax says:

    Gary LaPointe – Maybe you are not wearing the right style for your body type πŸ˜›

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