Friday Question #65

By , May 8, 2009 5:36 am

What is your response in classes/seminars when you are asked to tell “three interesting things about yourself” during introductions?

I was surprised on Monday morning when our instructor asked us to reveal “three interesting things abut ourselves” to our table-mates, then later to the class. I couldn’t remember the last time an instructor asked me to do that. Sure, tell where you are from, what your degree is, blah blah blah, I’ve done all that, but three interesting facts?

The first three things that came to my mind were:

  1. I am vegetarian
  2. I am a runner
  3. I write a blog

I think those are some of the more interesting facts about me. Or at least, somewhat unique facts about me.

But what I said was:

  1. I am a runner
  2. I like to travel
  3. I like to read

Lame-o, cop-out responses! I didn’t want anyone asking me about why I am a vegetarian, and I didn’t want anyone asking me what a blog is, what I blog about, or what my blog address is, so… I was totally vague*.

Which turned out to be a good thing, because I did get a lot of questions, at least at my table, about my running. Which makes me think they would have asked about the other two things. Which means they are polite people, but… I just don’t like talking about my vegetarianism to people. I am so tired of hearing the same questions over and over, and the same excuses for why they eat meat, or why they couldn’t give up meat. It’s rude for me to say this, but I don’t care. Some people automatically assume they have to justify their diet to me, when I really DON’T CARE. Why people are so interested in what I eat continues to fathom me.

Hmm. Wasn’t expecting all of that to come out. Sorry.

So I guess my real question is: If you had to share “three interesting things” about yourself, would you share the first three that come to your mind, or think about it for awhile and maybe come up with something else? What would those three (or up to six) things be?

Yeah. And just ignore all the crazy writing above.

*I think the fact that I did this says something about my personality… but I am not sure what. I am usually very open, but maybe there are just certain things I am guarded about? Who knows. I’m tired.

More Wisconsin Half Marathon Follow-Up!

By , May 7, 2009 12:25 pm

I had this rant post about my weeklong training all prepared to post today, but… the half marathon pictures came in, so  you are excused from my reading my rant (about immature classmates)! Hurrah! It’s your lucky day!

First, I must say, it is making me ABSOLUTELY CRAZY to let my body rest this week and only do short (3 mile) runs (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, giving myself tonight off). I am really itching to get a longer run in (6-8 miles) this weekend… and I can’t wait to start marathon training in June!

Okay, on to the photos! All of these were taken by Action Sports International. I knew they would be there, so I made sure to smile every time I saw a cameraman. I tend to run with my mouth open, so I can only imagine how lovely all of the photos would be if I just ran “au natural.”

I put these in chronological order. The only way I could tell what was chronological was by my changing outfit – tissues, then no tissues, then no belt. Ha ha.


Check out all those tissues (again)! Notice the difference in what the two of us are wearing? Steven has on long sleeves, long pants and GLOVES!!! I wished I was wearing a tank. Yeah. I am a super sweaty runner and PROUD of it!




This was right after I went to the bathroom and was still adjusting my hydration belt. Ha ha! I like the “skinny legs” optical illusion going on in this photo!


I remember having my tongue out for this picture! I wondered how it would turn out. No more “skinny legs” optical illusion. That didn’t last long!


Right after I saw my mom and ditched the belt. “I want to break free…”


Approaching the finish line…


… and crossing! Nice bunched up shorts! Hee hee. At least I didn’t chafe at all.


Hey! Steven kind of looks happy! Is that allowed?

This is the first time I’ve participated in a race with professional photos. It’s fun to look at them now, but I am not sure if any of them turned out good enough to order. I kind of like that one of me crossing the finish line, but my shorts are all bunched up. Does anyone ever order these?

Another “wah wah I am overwhelmed” work post

By , May 4, 2009 5:56 am

Everyone in my office has a Blackberry. I think it is a great tool, when used correctly. I especially like using the calendar in it, as well as previewing emails before I get into the office. I was really excited when I got mine, back in December.

That was before I really had any use for it.

Now it just serves as a constant reminder of how many “unread” emails I have (I read them and mark them as unread if there is something I need to act on) and how much work I have to do.

Yesterday I looked at my Blackberry and started saying, “shit shit shit.” My mom was there and of course, wanted to know what I was “shit shit shitting” about. Just work stuff mom…

I am in an all day business training every day this week. I need this training to get a certification in my office, so it is really important that I attend. And I am honestly looking forward at being away from my desk all week.

But… that doesn’t mean my regular job is going to do itself while I am out all week! I was “shit shit shitting” about the emails I received this weekend. They were all regarding things that have to be taken care of this morning, which means I had to get up extra early, to make it into the office at 7:00, before my 8:30 training starts, to get these things done… blah blah blah.

I stressed out about all of this for an hour or so yesterday, then told myself – just get done what you can. I am someone who likes to have everything completed and have a clean slate to start the day. That’s just not possible anymore.

Even though I know that though, I still try.

On a related note, I am going to be super busy this week and probably won’t be reading blogs on my lunch break like I normally am. So… the 700+ unread blog entries in my reader is just going to keep growing! I am sorry I’ve been MIA! I’ll get there! You might just be seeing a ton of comments at once from me!

How cool is the Forerunner 405?! / Wisconsin Half Marathon Follow-up

By , May 3, 2009 5:56 pm

My birthday isn’t until July 31st, but this is what I want:

The Forerunner 405CX, 405, or whatever cool version is out in July…

image:Forerunner 405CX

Steven has had his Forerunner 405 (Jack) since December 22, but really hasn’t started using it intensely until now, since we finally have weather that permits outdoor running.

We were already impressed that it kept track of our pacing and distance, and even figured out when we were running laps at the park, but when Steven connected Jack to the computer today and showed me the Garmin Connect website… I was blown away.

The website shows elevation, speed, heart rate, as well as a physical google map of your run! I cannot believe we haven’t looked at this until today!

Of course, many of you already know this… and have been sharing your maps/charts on your blogs, but wow. This is one cool little watch!

If you click here, you can see our stats from yesterday’s race. And if you click on the “player” button (and hit play), it will show a little video of our movement on the map as well as our elevation vs. speed (chart shown below).

image:Forerunner 405CX

Today is a “Yes, I love technology” day!

It’s also a “I am so happy my legs aren’t as sore as they were yesterday” day! My legs aren’t usually sore after a long run, but they were immediately yesterday. I was changing in the backseat of my car, and just lifting my leg up while in the sitting position made my calf cramp. We walked around for about an hour and a half after the race, so I am happy we just didn’t get into the car and drive home! I imagine that would have made it much worse.

I really, really, really think I am going to have to try ice baths after my long runs now. Anything that prevents injury and lets me keep running… brr!

13.1 numero uno: Wisconsin Half Marathon

By , May 2, 2009 1:53 pm

Today was the big day… Steven and I ran the Wisconsin Half Marathon! I am still waiting to get our official time. I think it was 1:57:45 or something like that. Update: Official time is 1:57:47.

It was a beautiful, perfect day for a half marathon! Clear blue skies, weather starting in the low 40s and moving into the mid 50s – we couldn’t have asked for better weather!

image:Kenosha Scenery

The beautiful scenery! We got to run along Lake Michigan for much of the race!

image: Steven and Kim before the Wisconsin Half Marathon

The calm before the storm (Check out all those tissues! I didn’t use one!). I am happy I wore green – it was very easy for people to find me!

image: Beginning of the Half Marathon

In the beginning, we looped right past the start and I yelled to my dad (as a joke), “I’m tired!” He yelled back, “Quit your whining!” Ha ha. (Click to enlarge – see me waving in the green?)

The race went really well. I felt great most of the time, despite spending half of it feeling like I had to go poo. I finally succumbed and went at mile 10. Talk about a load off! It took me a full mile and a half to catch up with Steven, which was kind of a bummer since it was so close to the end of the race and I wanted to run with him.

image: Steven runng alone

Ever wonder what Steven is thinking when he has to run alone?

image: Kim running by herself

I had just handed my hydration belt off to my mom before this photo – I am so happy my parents were there!

The Jelly Bellies worked really well for me! I ate 25 of them around mile 6 and they tasted great and maybe gave me a little boost? I am not sure. I would definitely use something with electrolytes in it for a full, but they worked fine for me for this half.

Steven got really dehydrated in the last couple of miles, and I felt so awful there was nothing I could do for him. We still finished strong, together!

image: Crossing the finish line!

Crossing the finish line!

image: Kim running by herself

Still nipping out after 13.1 miles! Check out the cheese medal!

image: Kim and Mom

My mom made this fun sign for us. When she got here last night I asked if she made me a sign. She said, “I didn’t know people did that!” So I happily supplied her with paper and markers. Yeah. I’m kind of lame.

image:Kim and her parents

Me and los padres (doesn’t that background look like something bobbiandmike would like?).

My legs immediately felt sore and tired after the race. I quickly changed out of my race clothes and into my “frump” outfit to walk back to the finish line to watch other runners and check out the booths. And dance on the rocks.

image:Polka time!

They were planning polka music at the finish line so my mom and I had to do some dancing.

We saw my coworker finish her half, and well as Susan BOSTON QUALIFY! You rock Susan! I am so impressed!

image:Go Susan Go!

Go Susan Go!

This race left me totally pumped. I was really energetic throughout it, talking to the spectators, making jokes… I definitely see a full marathon in my future!

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