Overwhelmed but grateful

By , April 13, 2009 6:01 pm

I am ridiculously overwhelmed at work. The details don’t matter. Just imagine being super busy all day long and never catching up, even though you are trying SO HARD to do so. You’ve probably experienced what I am talking about.

It’s going to be like this for awhile. I’m really trying to fight the anxiety and stress it’s causing me.

Even though the day wasn’t great, I still left the office feeling good. I was able to come up with a list of things I am grateful for, and that cheered me up:

  1. My supportive husband: I called Steven around 8:30 am because I needed to share my stress. He gave me good advice, “You can only take it one day at a time.” That’s what I needed to hear. I am going to break it down even more. I can only take it one hour at a time. Even though the hours are flying by… Later he wrote me a very encouraging email, telling me he knew I could do it, and to break my workload down into tasks, and to modify my “personal work system” to accommodate the changes at work. What a sweetie.
  2. My awesome coach: I have a coach at work who oversees my work and guides me. We work on all of our projects together and get along wonderfully. I am more and more grateful everyday to be working with such an awesome teammate.
  3. After raining all day, it stopped during my walk to the train station this evening.
  4. Fencing class: I am going to be releasing some frustration tonight. Sorry, classmates. But it’s gonna feel good.

15 Responses to “Overwhelmed but grateful”

  1. diane says:

    I know how you feel!
    I am glad you have a wonderful husband and coach to help you get through the day. Remember, you can only do your best–that’s all anyone can ask.
    Have fun releasing your stress at fencing tonight!!

  2. Robin says:

    I hear you about being overwhelmed at work! I have been trying to focus on all the “positives”: having a great job (when so many others have no job), working with people that appreciate the work that I do, things like that. But I gotta tell you, in between running from one meeting to the next and trying to hit tight deadlines, some days I just have to go into the ladies room for a few minutes just to gather my thoughts without someone asking me a question—and then I’m good to go again! A stall in the ladies room can be a great refuge if you need it!

  3. Mica says:

    Hang in there, lady! I hate that overwhelmed feeling! I hope you can get on top of things soon. In the mean time, enjoy poking your classmates with the fencing stick (=foil?).

  4. Tony says:

    The work thing can get frustrating, but don’t let it get you down. I find that once I leave the confines of work, I am a different person. Try to to leave work at work and not let it affect your personal life.

    Hang in there!

  5. Christina says:

    How was class do you feel better?

    I love my crazy busy days because it makes the time fly by and reminds me that I do have a job. Others are not so lucky.

  6. **hugs**
    i’m sorry that you’re overwhelmed at work right now!!! that does suck!!! i’m glad that you made a list of things you’re grateful for!!! that’s so awesome!!!! awww- Steven is such a sweetie!!!!

  7. sizzle says:

    It’s so great that you have Steven supporting you like that and outlets for your stress (go fencing!). Keep taking care of yourself and breaking it down. You’ll get through it.

  8. kilax says:

    diane – Thank you. I needed that hug. Yesterday, I said “I need a hug” at work, and someone told me I would get one when I get home from my husband. 🙁 Ha ha. My boss keeps saying that “just do what you can.” It’s nice that she is supportive!

    Robin – Ha ha! Just this morning (before I read your comment), I was telling my coworker how I wanted to go sit in the bathroom and cry! I think you understand me EXACLTY. I love being busy, but I need a break. I am excited I have time today to take a small lunch break and respond to comments!

    Mica – LOL! Foil IS a type! We are doing epee though. Wait. Is it foil, saber and epee? Shit. Now I can’t remember. Ha ha. Thanks for making me laugh!

    Tony – I am so different outside of work now too. I have been trying really hard not to bring it home. But I am noticing that even if I am not thinking about it, it does affect my attitude a bit. So I guess I have a bit of work to do!

    Christina – Class actually made it worse! I felt disoriented and couldn’t focus, and was playing with some not so cool people. Ugh. But I did attack one person and that felt pretty good. How awful is saying that? It’s the truth. I am grateful to be busy too. I guess that should have been on my list! 😉

    CourtneyInControl – It does suck… but oh well. Ha ha. I can only move forward… and look forward to weekends! 😉

    sizzle – Thank you for your support. I do feel lucky that Steven was so understanding and thoughtful. And stabbing someone with a sword helped too!

  9. beth says:

    Hang In There! You can handle it – you are such a focused and determined person, that I know you will come out on top!

  10. Gemfit says:

    No, you need more
    There, that’s better.

    Breathe in. Breathe out. You can only do what you can. We’ve all been there and the only way through it is to realise that you’re human and you can’t be everything to everyone at all times.
    One hour at a time. One day at a time. One task at a time.

    It sounds like you have an awesome support network and a good way to break a sweat and get those frustrations out. Use it all.

    And never forget to breathe.

  11. ha ha ha, I misread and thought you had “frenching” class …I thought, now that is the way to pay back a very supportive husband!

  12. JavaQueen says:

    Why can’t we all just quit our jobs and live on love? LOL! Sorry things are stressful! Sounds like between your huz and teammate- you are in good hands!

  13. kilax says:

    beth – Thank you for the encouragement! *hug*

    Gemfit – Thanks for the hugs! I need to remember to breathe… as well as pause! I need to remember to take small breaks and step back from it all throughout the day. That will really help.

    Hotch Potchery – Ha ha. I probably need to take a class like that! 😉

    JavaQueen – I feel like I am in good hands. I just worry about how all this stress is taking toll on my body and mind.

  14. Bethany says:

    I know exactly how you feel. I’m not so much overwhelmed in work, just life in general I feel like! It’s good to look for the little blessings. Like right now, still technically “working” at 10 pm on a Friday night, I am babysitting a sleeping baby and catching up online! 😉

  15. kilax says:

    Bethany – It seems like so many of us let ourselves get this overwhelmed – always having a full schedule, always doing something… it’s so hard to relax anymore!

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