Walking Data

By , April 11, 2009 6:12 pm

I’ve admitted that we walk our cat, Data, outside on the leash. There was a bit of curiosity about it, so I made a couple of videos to show you!

image: Kim walks Data

Data actually walking:

Data stops for a second:

Ha ha. I keep laughing at myself about that second video. I think I am the only one I make laugh. Oh well! I laugh at myself all day long.

Yes, I realize I am strange for taking Data out on the leash. He really likes it though, and this way we can go outside together and I don’t have to worry about him.

20 Responses to “Walking Data”

  1. Jen says:

    I wish our cats would do this. I tried it once and Bean totally freaked out. We do take them out on long tieouts sometimes but I always feel sort of silly about it.

  2. Stacey says:

    I’m pretty sure my cats wouldn’t be into the leash thing. They’re fun like that.

  3. Jenn says:

    That is so funny! Do people comment when they see you out walking him? I’d have to laugh if I saw someone walking their cat. Well, if I had time to laugh while trying to get Katie to not eat it.

  4. Mica says:

    Haha, he seems pretty interested in stopping in the second video!

  5. Lindsay says:

    My ex & I did that with his cats. One did what Data did in the second video, just kept laying down. The other one wanted to just crawl in the tall plants to eat them.

  6. Mrs. Smith says:

    OMG, this is soooo funny! I totally love that you take Data out on a leash. I also love how he walks in a perfectly straight line on the sidewalk. Total cat personality!!!

  7. Jo says:

    I’ve seen cats on a leash before! Cute videos. I think it’s great–and safe! =)

    Happy Easter

  8. java says:

    Controversial? Really? Obviously he’s an indoor cat and you are making sure he doesn’t get injured whilst roaming about on his own. I think it shows how much you adore him – he gets so much out of that- a chance at some exercise and fresh air. That is amazing! Good job!

  9. kilax says:

    Jen – Do they enjoy it when you take them out though? I felt silly at first, but then realized, if it makes Data happy, so what? πŸ˜€

    Stacey – Especially a new kitten! Hee hee! He would probably run all over the place!

    Jenn – People always comment! “I’ve never seen a cat on a leash! How cute!” or “You have such a beautiful cat.” Hee hee. They are probably thinking, “This lady is CRAZY!!!”

    Mica – I know! I liked how he just plopped over like he was exhausted. What a dork!

    Lindsay – That is Data’s main interest most of the time – eating plants and grass. He is crazy about it. What is the deal with that? We bought him some indoor cat grass once too.

    Mrs. Smith – Thanks πŸ™‚ I always laugh when he walks on the sidewalk like he knows where he is going!

    Jo – Thank you πŸ˜€ Have a Happy Easter! πŸ˜€

    java – Hee hee, people just think I am crazy, but I do adore him. And he loves it! Thanks πŸ™‚

  10. Denise says:

    I loved the videos of Data out for a stroll!! Ours would never do that. The “lay down” in the second video was cat talk for “carry me Mom.” πŸ˜€ Cute how he walks along the sidewalk. I would love it if just ONE of ours would do the whole walk on a leash thing.

    Cute red shoes too!!! Um…er.. Yours, not Data’s. haha
    I have a shoe thing, I always see shoes on someone else
    that I like.

  11. kilax says:

    Denise – Thanks! Data loves to lay down in the sun, and rub his body all over the sidewalk! Maybe you could train one of yours! It took Data awhile to get used to walking on the leash. Thanks about the shoes! They are from Payless, of course! Hey, did you ever wear those other red ones we both have from Target?

  12. martymankins says:

    That was one of the coolest things I’ve seen. What a great cat he is.

    That bright red leash against his gray fur is a nice contrast.

  13. OMG!!!! i can’t tell you how i love that pictures and your videos!!!! (if i tell you how many times i watched the videos you’ll think i’m psycho!) i love Data!!!! and i think it is so adorable that he walks on his leash!!!! i so wish the kitties would walk on leashes!!!! Data is freaking phenomenal!!!!

  14. kilax says:

    martymankins – Thank you! πŸ˜€ Maybe I should get him a red collar too! πŸ™‚

    CourtneyInControl – Thanks! I wrote this post just for you! I told Steven you wanted to know more about it so we took the photos and made the videos! I am happy you liked it πŸ™‚

  15. AAAAWWWWW!!!!!!! you and Steven are TOO sweet!!!! (and of course Data for “participating” and being the star of the whole thing!!!) i was so excited about your post last night when i got home i was telling dc all about it! i l-o-v-e this post!!!! oh, and for the record, you make me laugh too!!!! πŸ™‚ give Data some skritches for me since he did such a fantastic job!!!!

  16. kilax says:

    CourtneyInControl – Ha ha. What did dc think? That we are CRAZY??? I will give the star some extra love for you! πŸ˜€

  17. michaelm says:

    Pretty sure my cats wouldn’t dig the leash but all three are indoor cats anyway.
    My female, Opus, tries to escape the ‘prison’ anytime she can (only to return 5 minutes later because it’s no fun having no one to play with)
    Data seems perfectly comfortable with it which explains the 2nd video.
    I love when they fall down with no particular reason.
    Followed a comment of yours from JavaQ
    Very nice blog you have here.
    I’ll be back . . .

  18. kilax says:

    michaelm – I wish I could let Data out on his own and trust that he would come right back! Today we went outside again, and he spent a lot of time just sitting in the grass, and then on the sidewalk. Thanks for visiting!

  19. *lynne* says:

    Hi Kim,

    We have occasionally taken our cat out for “walks”… or at least, to hang out in the grounds of our apartment building. She doesn’t seem to like it too much, tends to kinda slink around and likes to hide (as in majorly burrow into our bellies and curl up)… although I think when we were taking her out pretty regularly (one a week or so) last year she seemed used to the idea, and didn’t mind exploring the grass surrounding where we’d laid out our blanket (we’d just lie down and read for an hour or so in the sun). We’ll probably start doing this again – the weather’s warming up nicely (ignoring the rain of the past few days!).

    Kosh is pretty sure her discomfort is because we use a harness on her, as opposed to a leash attached to her collar – we don’t want the risk of her slipping our of her collar! I couldn’t tell from the video – do you have Data in a leash, or also in a harness?

  20. kilax says:

    *lynne* – Yay! I am not the only “crazy” one. We DO have Data on a harness. And he even slips out of that sometimes! He used to just slink around in it, and act like it was super uncomfortable, but after awhile he got used to it πŸ™‚

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