Getting ahead of myself

By , April 8, 2009 6:37 am

I don’t understand me lately. I feel like my emotions and thoughts are out of my control or something. I don’t feel like they are bad, just that they move forward without me. Like my brain won’t shut off.

I’ve been writing, passionately. I have all of these post sitting in my queue, just waiting to be posted.

But I am going to take a “quiet day.”

I think I need to start reviewing before I hit “publish.” I am letting myself get overwhelmed and too caught up in things.

If I keep “going going going” like this, I am going to end up crashing and getting sick again.

17 Responses to “Getting ahead of myself”

  1. kapgar says:

    Yes, take your time. Don’t get sick. Not good at all.

  2. Mica says:

    Yeah, relax, lady! Take some “you” time!

  3. diane says:

    I am fully in support of this decision! πŸ™‚

  4. Gemfit says:

    Are you me?!

    I’m in a similar place – a million posts drafted but in a weird state of mind.

    I feel like I’m out of whack with my body and I need to regroup.

    Which is a good thing, this regrouping. Take your time πŸ™‚

  5. Christina says:

    Take all the time you need!

  6. sizzle says:

    That’s good self-care. Be gentle with yourself.

  7. i completely understand what you’re saying!!! take a quiet day… a “you” day… we don’t want you getting sick again!!! until then, know that i will be (anxiously) waiting for another post!!! (i’m just kidding, i wasn’t trying to make you feel guilty- i hope i didn’t!)

  8. Mrs. Smith says:

    Breathe, relax, take YOU time. Take care of yourself. Drink some tea. I tell everyone to drink tea, no matter what is ailing them! πŸ™‚ Spend some quiet time alone with a book…anything to re-center yourself. It will happen.

  9. Cheryl says:

    Quiet “you time” is well-deserved and necessary treat. Enjoy it!

  10. Perhaps you need a “ME DAY”, where its just about you πŸ™‚ At least your recognizing that you need to slow down a little before you start getting yourself sick!!

    Per your comment on my page about how many calories are on the typical WW plan, that’s really hard to answer. You get a certain number of points based on your current weight, age, gender, height, activity level, every time you drop into another decade (ie 70’s to 60’s) you lose a point. You earn points back for excercise. A point if roughly 50 calories, but can be as low as 20 calories or as high as about 110, all dependent on how many calories, fat & fiber are in a serving of whatever your eating.

  11. joanharvest says:

    And I just did a post about how my brain feels empty. I wish I could let you use my brain. You could fill it up a little with new thoughts. Clean out your own at the same time. A day off is a good thing. I do it all the time.

  12. I was just thinking this. (About me, obviously, not you). I feel like my thoughts are out of control. Not in a bad way, but they just are. I write stuff to post and then have no idea why I would post it. Overwhelmed. I think that is the word for what I am feeling. There isn’t any particular reason for it, which is why it took me so long to find the right description. I feel all scattered and like nothing I am doing is quite right or quite how I should be doing it. Take a break! I’ll be here if you need me!

  13. Bethany says:

    I totally understand! I think in the blogging world there is a lot of pressure to post every day, or multiple times a day. Sometimes we just need a break away from the blogging world because it’s daunting!! Enjoy your relaxation!!

  14. kilax says:

    kapgar – You know from first hand experience how PATHETIC I am when sick. That must be why you guys won Trivial Pursuit? πŸ˜›

    Mica – I had a long “me-time” nap yesterday and I loved it. I even listened a bit to a Jillian Michaels radio show! It surprisingly made me dislike her less!

    diane – You know I need it more than anyone! You have suffered directly from this! πŸ˜›

    Gemfit – You know, it seems like we are in sync with each other or something? Maybe this is a lingering effect from our sicknesses?!

    Christina – Thanks!

    sizzle – I think being gentle with myself calls for some pampering… what do you think?

    CourtneyInControl – You didn’t make me feel guilty! I just can’t seem to stop posting. I want to take a break, but then I feel like the thoughts are stuck in my head. I feel like I need to get them out, even if they don’t make sense. Thanks for always being so supportive!

    Mrs. Smith – A book! What a wonderful idea. I know it seems strange, but I have been so computer focused lately… I wonder if I need to go offline. It’s just so hard for me! I love all the blogs and the community!

    Cheryl – I plan on taking some more me-time today! Well, me and husband time! πŸ˜‰ (And cat, ha ha)

    Scale Warfare – I want a ME WEEK!!! Is that too much to ask? πŸ˜‰ Thank you for explaining the points to me! Now when I read about it, I can roughly estimate points to calories (I think in calories πŸ˜‰ )

    joanharvest – I wish we could swap! πŸ˜‰

    radioactive tori – You know EXACTLY what I mean. I haven’t noticed it about your blog though, so maybe you didn’t notice it about mine… wink wink… πŸ™‚ I wonder why we feel this way. Is it the pressure of… what? I think overwhelmed is the right word for me too. Every time I try to slow down, I feel kind of guilty at the end of the day.

    Bethany – And I think that is making me WANT to post everyday. But I am losing my inner editor on what I should and shouldn’t post. I am addicted πŸ™

  15. kapgar says:

    That, my friend, is balls. The gauntlet is thrown down. Bring it on. πŸ˜‰

  16. kilax says:

    kapgar – HA HA HA! Rematch?

  17. kapgar says:

    Oh yeah. It’s on.

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