That dreaded item on the to do list

By , March 9, 2009 5:43 am

It seems like every weekend, without fail, there is some item on my to do list I am absolutely dreading. Every fiber in my body resists my completion of the item. Just thinking about doing it makes me feel upset.

It usually isn’t house chores. Yeah, I put those off, but I don’t dread them. I just would rather do something else!

And it isn’t the long runs. I look forward to those long weekend runs, where I can just have some time to myself and focus on my run. Yesterday was my first 7-miler – fun!

This weekend, it was my panel report for work. Today marks my three-month date at my new job. It’s hard to believe the time has passed so quickly!

I was placed in a trainee program when I got this new job, based on my recent graduation (2007) and experience outside of work. As part of the program, I am required to write a panel report and give a presentation of my work quarterly in my first year, and semi-annually in my second year.

My supervisor places high importance on the panel report, and has given me time to work on it while at work. But so far, I haven’t been able to get much done on it there. It’s strange to me – I love to write, and I’ve pulled together all of the facts I need! I just couldn’t concentrate very well on writing something long the last few days.

So I brought it home, even though I didn’t need to. And I put it off, until about 8 pm on Sunday night. But, I did finally work on it and get the bulk of it done. Now I just to need edit it at work.

It’s funny. I always dread these tasks, but feel so much better when they’re close to done!

What have you been dreading on your to do list?

14 Responses to “That dreaded item on the to do list”

  1. diane says:

    Ugh, I think mine is perpetually laundry. I’m so happy when I have tons of freshly clean clothes to pick from, but climbing down three flights of stairs in the cold or rain or snow is tremendously unappealing. :p I wonder if I would keep up better on my laundry if I had a washer and dryer of my own… I can’t tell at this point if it is the difficulty getting to the laundry or just the laundry in general that I’m fighting!

  2. kilax says:

    diane – Ha! I thought about writing a post this morning about how happy I was to get all of my laundry done yesterday and have a clean, full closet! The only thing sitting in my basket is last night’s pj’s. I bet you would be more likely to get it done if you had your own – then you could do it at your lesiure. You wouldn’t have to worry about being presentable to go to your laundry!

  3. I have GOT to get my house under control. I hate, hate, super hate doing housework, and for several months had a housekeeper, but while I hate doing housework I am VERY particular on how it gets done so I had to fire the service. Now I am thinking maybe they weren’t so bad.

    Yesterday I was working on it, and bent over to pick up some laundry by the brick fireplace and there was the most giant spider I ever saw. Housework OVER.

  4. bobbi says:

    albums…. I HATE designing albums!!!! BUT, I love them when they’re done πŸ˜€




  5. Alice says:

    haha, basically EVERYTHING on my list is dreaded. cleaning the bathroom! running errands! regular running! but i feel so happy when they’re done.. so silly.

  6. Marcy says:

    LOL all household chores are on my “dread” list. It’s awesome that I’m a SAHM too! πŸ˜›

    Thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚

  7. If it’s on a to do list, I dread it. : )

    Glad to hear you got the bulk done on your report. That must feel a lil freeing.

  8. Cheryl says:

    Happily, there’s nothing I ‘ve really been putting off that needs to get done. I think Mother Nature, however, should stop putting off spring and just bring it already. Cause I have cabin fever.

  9. martymankins says:

    After a long winter, it’s spring cleaning that I dread. There’s going to be a lot of dirt in odd places after snow storms and feet coming into the house.

  10. kaylen says:

    How funny – I was putting off working on a report myself!! And that’s what I was doing Sunday night as well! Dreading does not even express my feelings toward finishing the report, which I have to do tonight. πŸ™

  11. Mica says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the layout of yours–so classy!

    Ugh, I hate to-do lists, especially when I don’t DO THEM. Currently, I’m putting off researching for my big end-of-semester papers. Probably a poor decision on my part…

  12. sizzle says:

    I always dread vacuuming the apartment building. Four floors and all carpeted. BLECH!

  13. Felicia says:

    Weed and Feed of the yard! I was going to do it this past weekend (and I am sure my neighbors would appreciate it) but it kept calling for rain. Now I am going to do it this weekend barring Mother Nature. I know some people find working in the yard relaxing…I have never been one of those people.

  14. kilax says:

    Hotch Potchery – Hee hee! My husband is the same way with spiders. Well, he’s gotten better πŸ˜‰ I wonder what we would be like if we had a housekeeper. Probably the same way. We’re too picky πŸ˜‰

    bobbi – I am surprised to hear that! I bet they are awesome. Miss you too! XOXO

    Alice – I managed to put off cleaning our bathroom for about 3 weeks… I finally did it 0 right before I worked on my paper on Sunday πŸ˜‰ So, I guess I have my priorities straight? πŸ˜›

    Marcy – I wouldn’t want to do them either. I would probably end up distracted by something else πŸ™‚

    Gina (Mannyed) – Really? Even fun things like… picking up a new outfit, or a gift for a friend? Ha ha – I can even dread those, because of the crowds! I am so happy – the paper is almost 100% done now. Hurrah!

    Cheryl – LOL! You hit it DEAD ON. I AGREE!!!

    martymankins – Ugh. I hate mopping. And our kitchen has had it rough this winter as well. I tried to be a little proactive by wiping up a lot of dirt, but I still never got the mop out πŸ˜‰

    kaylen – We’re on the same wavelength! Did you finally get it done? πŸ™

    Mica – Thank you! πŸ˜€ I hated doing research. I don’t know if I found it too boring… or if I was just picking the wrong subjects… it’s something that is SUPER EASY to put off!!!

    sizzle – Oh my gosh! I would too! I just hate vacuuming our small house πŸ™

    Felicia – I don’t think I will ever be one of those people either. I just … don’t like … too dig in the dirt!

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