Was that a “weekend”?
I am sick of these bullshit weekends. Is anyone else?
You’re crazy busy, running errands both days – you feel more exhausted at the end of each night than you do on a weeknight.
Yay, weekends.
I am sick of these bullshit weekends. Is anyone else?
You’re crazy busy, running errands both days – you feel more exhausted at the end of each night than you do on a weeknight.
Yay, weekends.
Steven told me I am becoming known in his office as “the wife who bakes cookies.”
Even though I vowed in November that I never wanted to “bake, see or eat another cookie EVER again,” I’ve probably made cookies at least four times since then – as Christmas gifts, for birthdays, baby showers, now for Valentine’s Day.
It always seems like there are extras for Steven to take into work. Oops. This time, the cookies were a request (sort of) from a coworker/friend. He informed Steven that I could make him sugar cookies for any of his birthdays (?), Valentine’s Day, etc. “You can never have too many sugar cookies.”
Sugar cookies are my favorite to make – probably because I’ve been baking them the longest, and have figured out exactly how to make them. I’ve got the frosting figured out too. I have fun sitting down and decorating them – even though my decorating isn’t the prettiest.
Yum. Cookies. The thing is, I like to make them, but haven’t been eating a lot of them lately. I just like to share. I do have a live-in taste tester though!
What is your opinion on wearing a uniform to work or school? Would you be upset if you had to wear one, or happy?
Last week, I was discussing work attire with two coworkers, and one of them asked me what the dress code was at Steven’s office. I told them that Steven wears a long-sleeved button-down shirt with the company logo and his name on it almost everyday, every week.
They were very excited about this.
“Wow, that sounds great! I would love to wear a company shirt and a pair of khakis each day!”
“It would be so much easier!”
I thought about it, and although it would be easier and save time, I think I might miss wearing “my own” clothes after awhile. I don’t have great style or anything, but it might get old to see everyone wearing the same thing, day after day.
Now that I think about it, this question should be asked directly to my dad, who is a mechanic, and wears those blue Dickies almost 365 days a year, and has as long as I can remember.
It felt good today, to meet a friend in a similar profession for lunch, and tell her exactly what I do in my new job, and how much I like it. I told her passionately, without hesitation – something I haven’t been doing much of lately.
A lot of people have preconceived thoughts in their head about what it means to work for the federal government. A lot of people also have preconceived thoughts in their head about what I should be doing with my architecture degree.
Please stop judging me. Please let me be. I think I will figure this out on my own.
I hate that I feel afraid to talk about my job, because of other people’s judgment. I’m sorry I’m not being more specific – I think that would be inappropriate. Let me just say, I thank you all for the support you’ve given me.
I’m always drawn to the animal-related stories in the newspaper. I have to read them.
Unfortunately, a lot of them mention abused, mistreated animals, living in squalor conditions.
Once I read something like that, I can’t get it out of my mind, no matter how hard I try. I still think of a program I saw on tv when I was 8 or 10 years old. I am not sure what the program was about – animal abuse, or druggies – but they talked about how these people put their fish in the microwave, and shot up their dog with drugs.
I feel sick just writing that, imagining that.
And those Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials? Don’t even mention them. I have to mute the tv and look away (Steven can attest to that!).
So, I was happy to see this article in the newspaper today, about a firefighter who saved a mom, son and cat from a fire that destroyed their home.
“A life is a life, no matter whether it’s a person or an animal,” said Chuck Sanow, the firefighter who rescued the cat.
I can tell you, that is a statement I agree with 100%, and I was very happy to see the article on page 3 of the paper.
I know it’s just a fluff, “feel-good,” story, but it worked on me. It did make me feel good. The quote gave me some hope that other people feel the same way.
I even went as far as to cut out the article and put it on my wardrobe at work for inspiration.
*Christina (my sister), I feel like I am channeling Horton!
I had a post scheduled for tonight and I took it down at the last minute. It’s the first time I’ve ever done that.
The post was poorly written, and in effect, I think some of the responses would have frustrated me.
All I do is work and run. So… just imagine there’s a post here tonight about either of those topics. Thanks.
Awhile ago, Steven told me he felt like he needed to start eating more. The half marathon training was making him feel hungry all the time (plus he does weights and about 10 million crunches every night).
I was a bit behind Steven in the training, so I was kind of like, “Uh huh, use that as an excuse to eat more. Sure.” I mean, why would running more make you more hungry? That just doesn’t make any sense.
Uh… duh, Kim.
Now I am putting in around 16 miles a week (4 days of running) and a few miscellaneous hours here and there (walking, fencing, wii tennis [ha – can I include that?], etc.) and I am HUNGRY. HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY.
I don’t know why, but I just wasn’t expecting this effect. I thought about how I would have to eat healthy, to fuel my body, but I didn’t think my body would respond by demanding more fuel. I guess it all makes sense though.
It feels really good to eat healthy food all day, then have a long run at night. When I am eating healthy, with fueling my body in mind, it doesn’t feel like work. It doesn’t feel like I am being forced to do it. It just feels good – it feels like the right thing to do. It’s the thing I WANT to do.
Will this half marathon training actually make me have a healthy relationship with food? Is that even possible?
I’ve just noticed that I seem to be less worried about how much I eat, since I am running so much, and actually feel hungry. I feel less guilty, having a treat on a rest day, because I know I will work it off. I feel like I deserve it!
Of course, I must admit that my competitive streak did kick in just a tiny bit on the work Biggest Loser Challenge. More about that tomorrow, but I do realize I need to be careful. I want to lose weight, but I don’t want to be so weak I can’t walk up a flight of stairs – I’ve exercised/eaten so little before that I’ve been in that situation, and it’s awful.
That’s not my intent. When I say I am hungry, it means I am eating more, and enjoying it!
So… we’ll see where all of this goes. I am only 6 weeks into my training. I have 10 weeks of training left – and I will be running quite a bit more during those last 6 or so weeks. Maybe the hunger will go away as my body gets used to running so much. Or maybe I will just have to keep eating more. There’s nothing wrong with that, as long as my body continues to adapt if I end up putting in less miles per week after the half marathon.
Blog friends, I need some fashion advice.
Remember when I mentioned my sore neck and shoulder a couple of weeks ago? Well, I decided to stop using my super heavy shoulder bag for awhile, and use a messenger bag instead. The problem is, the only messenger bag I have at home is this awful one from college – please see the photos below.
This messenger bag seems to be in a TON of my photos from living in Italy.
It worked well for me then! But it’s time for something new – uh, and a bit more professional.
(Apparently, even Steven used it!)
The bag seems to be working well – my neck and shoulder do not hurt as much. But, as you can tell from the photos, it has a very “college” look to it. I feel like a doofus carrying in on the train and into the office.
Can anyone recommend a more professional-looking messenger bag? I only prefer that:
Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks!
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