Touring Obama’s transition office

By , January 22, 2009 5:55 pm

For a few weeks in December, I worked in the same building as Barack Obama. The office I work for was actually in charge of his transition! Of course, I wasn’t one of the lucky people that got to meet him (My mom kept saying to me, “If you run into him, tell him I said hi!” To which I responded, “Mom. You voted Republican.” Her response: “That’s okay! Tell him hello anyway!” Ha.).

Today we were allowed to tour his transition office. I felt kind of dorky going up there, but knew I would regret it if I didn’t.

His office layout is very similar to the layout of the floor I work on. Actually, the only difference is the color of the chairs and columns, and a few different office configurations. It was exciting though, to know which office was Obama’s, his wife’s, Biden’s, Jarrett’s, Emanuel’s, etc.

I’m not sure if this guy is moving in now or what. I think that most of the excitement is in the past now though.


Me at Obama’s old desk


Obama’s conference room


Obama’s private bathroom… built just for him!

16 Responses to “Touring Obama’s transition office”

  1. de says:

    okay, for some reason I am cracking up over here! (did you find any left over paper clips???) did his office has a view of our old office??? well, what . . . . okay, never mind me, I’m being silly but I gotta ask, why did you take a pic of the toilet?


  2. Amy says:

    How cool!! Your hiney is touching where the President of the free world’s hiney was sitting!

  3. kilax says:

    de – His office is on the north side of the bldg., so I could see you guys from way up there… and it was spic and span. Nothing leftover! Very clean! And the toilet… hmm. Can’t answer that one with an answer that makes sense. Just felt like it! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Amy – Ha! It was a rather nice chair ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Christina says:

    Awh that is so cool!!! Sister, can I drop out of school and come live with you? I could be a janitor where you work!!

  5. SJ says:

    You look pretty good sitting at a desk flanked by flags. Perhaps you should consider going into politics!

  6. JavaQueen says:

    omg, you are so cute! Ya just had to get behind his desk! LOL! What, no potty picture? Ya didn’t feel the need to sit in that chair? LOL! This is great!

  7. I am so damn jealous of you, Kim! HAHA! I’m so glad you decided to go on the tour.

  8. martymankins says:

    Wow. That’s pretty cool. And I like what you mom said, too… that was poignant.

    Only one thing comes to mind when I see that pic of the bathroom: “To Shit Where Obama Shat”…. sorry… I couldn’t resist.

  9. that is SO freaking awesome!!!! I am so jealous!!!! I agree with Gina, I’m glad you decided to go on the tour!!!!

  10. tori says:

    Your mom sounds like fun!

    And what a cool thing to do. I’m glad you did it because as you said, you would regret it if you hadn’t.

  11. kilax says:

    Christina – You can come live with me. But you have to finish school out here ๐Ÿ˜‰ The house next door is for sale for REALLY cheap… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    SJ – Thanks! Ha ha. I… do not have the patience. I am WAY too laid-back and… hmmm. I am not a pushover, but I don’t like to argue a point unless it really matters. I would be a good assistant though!

    JavaQueen – Hee hee, thanks! A lot of my coworkers were taking potty photos! They were looking for a newspaper as a prop, but could only find a book (for reading material ๐Ÿ˜‰ ).

    Gina (Mannyed) – There is still hope that you will meet someone cool and famous at your office! I am jealous of you! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    martymankins – Ha! I wonder if anyone used the bathroom during the tour. I swear I heard it flush once!

    CourtneyInControl – I am happy I went too. It was fun to be where he was. I wish I could tour where he is now! ๐Ÿ™‚

    tori – She is fun. She is a big goober, like me. And she’s very good about accepting other people’s political views, whether or not she agrees with them.

  12. kapgar says:

    Okay, that’s really cool and I totally would’ve gone too.

    But that bathroom leaves a lot to be desired.

  13. kilax says:

    kapgar – I also thought the bathroom was a bit lame. They could have at least used cool finishes or SOMETHING! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. teeni says:

    Wow. He’s got much plusher digs now, huh? LOL. Love the shot of you at his old desk!

  15. kilax says:

    teeni – Yeah he does! I thought the office was nice, but a bit low-key for the President Elect!

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