It’s no penguin but…
… and you shall receive!
My parents arrived bearing gifts last night. Yes, I know I am spoiled!
I am so completely exhausted right now. I don’t think my body has felt this physically exhausted in a long, long time.
My sister, mother, grandma and I got up early and took the train to Chicago My grandma had never been to downtown Chicago! We mostly shopped, but I also had a chance to meet up with my friend Clare, WHO I HAVE NOT SEEN SINCE SHE WAS A BRIDESMAID IN MY WEDDING OVER A YEAR AGO! (Yeah, I was a bit excited!)
Kim, Clare and Katie (a college roommate of hers)
It’s really crazy that you can feel so close to someone, after not seeing them for an entire year. I meet Clare the last semester of college, and I always wish we had gotten to know each other sooner. We immediately clicked. That doesn’t happen often. I wish we could have visited longer today, but she was in town for a conference and had to leave.
We had a lot of fun in Chicago, going to the shops on State Street and Michigan Avenue. We took the train home very late. I am so happy Steven had dinner started when we got home. We cooked, ate, did dishes… and started in with the treats! I made all of my sugar cookie dough so it could cool in the fridge overnight, and my mom started in on the caramel popcorn!
Yummy… cookie dough! I resisted!
It’s just as good as it looks!
Even though it was a somewhat stressful day – not because I am unhappy, but because a lot is going on – I still managed to be in control of my eating. Yes, I ate more than I do on a daily basis, but I didn’t stuff my face. I suppose I just hope to make it through this weekend and next week without gaining weight. It’s going to be hard though. I cannot do my normal exercise for a few days this week, and I get pretty stressed about food around Thanksgiving. But, like I’ve said before, I am just going to keep going and trying.
Sounds like you’re having fun! Enjoy your visit
The pictures are so cute!! It looks like you had such a nice time, but I can understand how you would be exhausted. Hope you get some time to rest over the next couple days!
Just remember–as you always point out to me, once upon a time you weren’t exercising at all so you are already ahead of the game!!
Try not to worry too much about gaining weight. I mean, I think it is sort of inevitable that we are all going to do that this week, and that lots of sugar and comfort foods will bloat us up a bit. But real substantial weight gain happens over a long period of time. Get back to your routine as soon as you can and you will be fine!
Wow! What fun! I’m so glad you got your humidifier and I hope it does wonders for you! Oh, cookie dough and caramel popcorn look yummy, but even better is the quality time you got to spend with people who are special to you! You look so happy in the pics that I can’t help smiling right along with you.
There is something about family dynamics and overeating that go hand in hand for me. I am hoping to avoid it by taking my nephew out to the park or for a long walk. Here’s to both of us staying on track!
Looks like fun! How did the cookies turn out?
Nice gift. BTW, nice will power not partaking of the cookies. This week will prove to be challenging to those of us trying to keep it all down. We have been doing the 3 salads a week for dinner (will document this week in a blog post) and trying to do our best to keep a balance before Turkey Day arrives.
willpower, eh? i’ve heard of this. perhaps i should try it out some day.
those pictures are super cute. you look AWESOME. thanksgiving can’t take away everything you’ve accomplished these past few months, no matter how you spend the day!!
suze – Thank you! I can’t believe it is already time for everyone to leave!
diane – You are so right. And I didn’t stay on track today at all. It doesn’t matter to much in the long time. I need to get a grip with the big picture.
teeni – we have had the humidifier running for a full day now. The room doesn’t feel different, but I haven’t had a bloody nose. Thank you about the pictures! I am usually all smiles when the family is around (okay, not usually, but a lot of the time).
sizzle – That is a great idea! And you nephew would probably love it!
Robin – The cookies turned out okay
We didn’t get to a lot of them, and a few recipes turned out to be duds. We still had fun, but there were a lot of disappointments.
martymankins – I think that is the best plan – just keep it as balanced and regular as possible until the big day. Because we all know we’ll overeat that day!
Alice – Thank you
You’re right – I need to focus on where I am now, what I am afraid of becoming again! That’s just… so hard.
What a fun weekend! And I’m sure all that walking around downtown will help offset some of the food splurges. Maybe if you have some free time during lunch, you can walk a few blocks to get in some excersize. Just try to enjoy family, friends and food. A day or two of a lil overeating will not undid what you have done.
You look so amazing in those pictures! Great smile!! The cookie dough picture is so funny!
ohhh and I just noticed the header! LOVE IT! I love how your apron says sous chef!
Gina (Mannyed) – We walked so much on Saturday! It was great. A bit cold, but great! Thanks about the photos
We love to pose (well, me and my sis!). Steven’s apron says “Chef”! I can only ever be a sous chef. All I can do is follow recipes!
Haha me too. I always tell Stephen that I’ll be the sous chef unless I bake. Then he’s my sous chef ie slave. haha.
Gina (Mannyed) – I am the same way! Ha. Now I don’t feel so bad.
aren’t parents awesome?!?! very cool of them to hook you up with a humidifier!!! it sounds and looks like you had a great time this weekend!!! way to use your willpower and resist the temptation of all the goods that you baked!!! your new pic at the top is too cute!!! dc is always joking that i’m the sous chef too!!!