Babies and Pie

By , October 19, 2008 11:44 pm

Time for a collective “Awwwwwww!”

<image: Thomas Patrick>

I finally got to meet my new nephew, Thomas Patrick, this weekend. Finally! What a cutie.

<image: Thomas Patrick>

Beth embroidered Thomas’s name on a bib and burping towel and sent them to me! How sweet is she? That’s one of the things I love about the blogosphere – the thoughtfulness of the other bloggers you get to know. My brother and sister-in-law really loved the bib and towel. My mom even pointed out that the towel was made out of a baby diaper! She got a kick out of that. Thank you, Beth (and sorry I did not get a very good photo of him!).

<image: Thomas Patrick>

Another blogger helped me out this weekend – teeni! She recommended this apple pie recipe, which I made for my dad for his birthday on Friday, and I thought turned out tasting really good. (But notice how much better it looks in HER picture than in mine? Oops. “Presentation” isn’t really my strong point when it comes to food!) Thank you, teeni!

<image: Dad's apple pie>

What an exhausting weekend THAT was. Maybe I should have taken Monday off as well!

20 Responses to “Babies and Pie”

  1. Amy says:

    He is super cute and what a head of hair! BTW – you look really great in those pictures! Keep up the good work!

  2. Courtney Ilax says:

    Thank you beth for the things you made for Thomas. I love them. i have already washed the burp rag . It was nice seeing you this weekend kim. It felt as though the weekend went by way fast. .. can’t wait to see you guys again.

  3. tori says:

    That sounds like such a great weekend. What a beautiful baby!

  4. diane says:

    My goodness, you two were busy this weekend! He is a cutie, that is for sure. And that hair! Love it!

  5. Cheryl says:

    Awww! So cute. And what a busy weekend you had!

  6. your new nephew is SO cute!!! you look absolutely fabulous!!!!! i know i keep saying this but between your posts, pictures, and watching your weight loss ticker move i am so motivated and inspired by you!!! it looks like you had a great time!!!

  7. Alice says:

    YAAAY BABY!!! awwwww!! i had some baby time this weekend too… although with an 8 mo old, who now seems HUGE compared to adorable little thomas patrick 🙂

  8. marissa says:

    He is SO precious!

  9. de says:

    he is a cutie pie!

    your pie may have looked a little better if you had posted that pic in another entry 😉 I’m kidding, it looks yummy

  10. Hilly says:

    What a cutie and look at all that hair!

  11. Denise says:

    He is such an adorable baby! You look great! Dad looks good too! Bet you had a good time even if it was exhausting. The apple pie looks yummy. I enjoy so much the family photos whenever you post them. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  12. kilax says:

    Amy – Thank you! And don’t you just want to run your fingers through his head of hair? It’s so soft!

    Courtney Ilax – I felt like we hardly got to see you! 🙁 We’ll be there for Christmas though… 😀

    tori – It was a great weekend! But now I feel tired and drained. 😉

    diane – Don’t you just want to pick him up and squeeze him? (And I think your weekend WAS busier than mine!)

    Cheryl – Thanks 🙂

    CourtneyInControl – I am happy to hear I am motivating you… and not annoying you with all of my health realted posts! Thanks for your compliments!

    Alice – 8 months is still young enough to hold and snuggle with! Aw! Baby time is fun 🙂

    marissa – I think so too 😉

    de – LOL! You’ve got a good point! I am going to work on making it look better if I try it again.

    Hilly – I hope they leave his hair long like this for a long time!

    Denise – I am happy you like the photos! Maybe I should send you some more in an email. Although, I didn’t get too many good ones this weekend! We were too busy having fun to think about taking photos 🙂

  13. Bethany says:

    Oh my gosh, what a precious little guy he is! What a fun weekend 🙂

  14. martymankins says:

    I was expecting to see a picture of a baby eating pie…. lol. Your new nephew looks very cute.

  15. Felicia says:


    Love family time and it looks like everyone is happy 🙂 The apple pie does sound good 🙂

  16. kilax says:

    Bethany – It was a fun weekend! I can’t wait to go back and see everyone again!

    martymankins – Ha ha! I should put more thought into my titles. I’ve thought about that before.

    Felicia – I could go for some apple pie right now. Yum.

  17. javaqueen says:

    Aw, cutie pie! And the pic of you and your dad is great- great job on the pie- I always think homemade gifts are the best!

  18. kilax says:

    javaqueen – Thank you! I love to give out homemade pies and cakes and cupcakes and cookies…

  19. teeni says:

    Ooops. I thought I posted a comment here already! Sorry about that.. Your pie looks like it came out great! They all look different – but hopefully they all taste good and that is what counts. 😉 Your nephew is gorgeous! I think he has more hair then me though – maybe he can send me some. What a cutie he is! Oh, I would so be smothering him with kisses. You’re a very fortunate Auntie! 🙂

  20. kilax says:

    teeni – I think next time I try the pie, I am going to be careful not to touch any of the apples with the spatula when I put the “crust” on. That is what made it lumpy. Or maybe I will make it all lumpy on purpose! 😉 I am going to smoother him with kisses the next time I see him!

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