Friday Question #39

By , September 26, 2008 12:03 pm

Do you follow the wash instructions on your clothing?

Yesterday, I realized the pants I bought last weekend are “dry clean only.” I asked Steven, “Do you think I can put these dry clean only pants in the washer?”


I guess that means I will ( be having him) take them to the dry cleaner.

I thought about this a bit, and realized I follow the instructions on my clothing when I first get them… to keep them “fresh” and “new,” but after awhile, it’s sort of a free for all. I’ll just throw a ton of random stuff in the washer, and hope for the best. I’m not mixing color-families, but I sure as hell am not reading those wash tags anymore.

11 Responses to “Friday Question #39”

  1. martymankins says:

    Other than don’t high-fry them, I rarely do for any of my daily clothes. Dress up clothes, I follow the instructions to the T. Last time I didn’t, I donated a $400 coat to the rag pile. I was pissed, to say the least.

  2. javaqueen says:

    My huz does ALL the laundry – and we don’t have a lot of dry clean clothes, but the ones that say “dry clean only” would definitely be brought to the cleaners.

    You are right though, after time, who really cares? LOL!

  3. Nilsa says:

    I tend to follow instructions on my clothes for the life I wear them. That is, except that wool “dry clean only” cardigan that somehow wiggled it’s way into the washing machine earlier today. Whoops!

  4. Hilly says:

    The only label I pay attention to is “dry clean only”. Other than that, I don’t even look…I’ve been doing laundry long enough to figure it out. 😉

  5. sizzle says:

    I pretty much wash everything in cold anyhow so it’s covered and hardly buy dry clean only. I’m so not fancy!

  6. teeni says:

    I try not to buy dry clean only clothes too but the ones that I do have, I actually use that Dryel stuff in the dryer and it keeps everything fresh between dry cleanings. I still bring them to the dry cleaner but only like every five or six wears instead and use the Dryel in between. I don’t know how it works and maybe I don’t want to know. I just know it seems to work pretty good and saves me money. 🙂

  7. Kyra says:

    Uh, I don’t dry clean. Period. I find new ways to do things. 🙂

  8. Alice says:

    huh. my laundry has tags?

  9. christy says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. 😛

    I never follow the instructions on my clothes. I usually cut them off. Ha, ha…

  10. kaylee says:

    what? Is this you speak of?

  11. kilax says:

    martymankins – $400? I would be beyond pissed…. what a bummer – when you buy a $400 coat, you expect it to last a long time! 😛

    javaqueen – It just seems like a lot of clothes are not meant to last forever, so who cares anymore? Unless it’s really expensive!

    Nilsa – Uh oh! Is it okay?

    Hilly – I think that is a good philosophy! That, and “it’s safe to wash anything on cold.” (Right, right?!)

    sizzle – I try not to be fancy too – the dry clean only was a MISTAKE! Ha ha. Although, I do love the pants.

    teeni – I am going to have to check out this Dryel stuff! Sounds like it will save me some money 🙂

    Kyra – Is it a one-hour drive to go the dry cleaner where you live? 😛

    Alice – LOL!

    christy – Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil? 😛

    kaylee – Ha ha, don’t worry about it! It must not be a problem if you don’t know 😉

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