The reasons I was so tired at work today

By , July 31, 2008 7:00 pm

1. I skipped my morning and afternoon nap on the train yesterday ( was reading a book).
2. Then I stayed up until 1:00 making Fruit Pizza and writing the previous post (I would have done it earlier but it was league night).
3. Then I woke up at 2:00 to use the bathroom and found these:

<image: Rock Band!>

(Not Data, although he DID trip me on the way out. I just think all pictures look better with him in them, don’t you? But why does this picture look so YELLOW?!)

Yes, these are Rock Band drumsticks! Did my immature and childish continual-hinting throughout the entire month of July pay off?

<image: Rock Band!>

It sure did!

I ran to the bed and said (shrieked?) to (sleeping) Steven “What are these?!?!” I wonder if he wanted me to find them in the morning… he probably didn’t plan on getting out of bed at 2:00 in the morning to play with the new Wii and Rock Band game for about an hour.

But if I would have found them in the morning, all of that fruit pizza would have gone to waste. Because I would have called in sick to play with the Wii all day.

So, I am tired because I woke up for an hour to play Wii then…

4. I had to get up at 4:30 to catch an earlier train to make it to a meeting on time.

Ugh. You do the math.

The good news is, I still have enough energy to play Rock Band tonight. Now, I know it is lame to write about a video game, especially one that other people have been raving about for sometime now, but I really REALLY wanted this game. I had dreams about it. I thought about it at work. I talked to everyone I know about it. And now, I have it! Thanks Steven (and I promise, I will still exercise with you – outside)!

19 Responses to “The reasons I was so tired at work today”

  1. Cat. says:

    OMG–TOOOTALLY cracking up at playing video games at 2 a.m.! 🙂

  2. beth says:

    You are such a lucky cat! I wanna play!!

  3. Robin says:

    I have never been tempted to buy a video game console…until the Wii. I may have to get one.

  4. Steven says:


  5. sizzle says:

    I don’t “do” math but I can speculate that you are reasonably tired! 😉

  6. Felicia says:

    Woot and Happy Birthday Week!!! I have only played the one with the Guitar and loved it!!! You will have so much fun 🙂

  7. Lisa says:

    Happy Birthday, Kim!! Stacie and I played Rock Band and Guitar Hero till 1am yesterday. FEED THE ADDICTION!!! 🙂

  8. suze says:

    oh my god, what an amazing present!!! I love Rock Band (and my wii). I’m thinking Steven might just be the best husband ever. Lucky you!

    I hope you have fun playing with your new game.

  9. kilax says:

    Cat. – Yeah… can you believe we GOT OUT OF BED to play? HA HA!

    beth – I wish we could play together. Too bad it is not one of those virtual games… or “live” games, or… whatever they call them!

    Robin – I am kind of anti-video games, but we played this one once (as well as Guitar Hero) and I LOVED it. I think the Wii was the best choice for the console!

    Steven – Thanks 🙂

    sizzle – You’re so cute! I don’t do math either. 😛

    Felicia – Thanks! I loved the one with the guitar too, but you CANNOT beat the drums! Wait! I meant, you can’t beat having drums. Ha ha. You CAN beat on them! Okay, I’m such a dweeb.

    Lisa – Thanks! 1 AM? Uh oh…. I better be careful to only feed the addiction on Friday and Saturday nights 😛

    suze – He is the best. Especially for putting up with me talking about this game for so long! Now, I just need to figure out how to use the wii… everything seems so “loose”… does that make sense? I need to figure out the controller!

  10. Sadie says:

    Oh man I went through a Guitar Hero phase too. It’s addiciting! I haven’t tried Rock Band yet, but I want to it looks awesome. Happy birthday!

  11. Alice says:

    AAHHH SOOOO JEALOUS!!! i want this so badly!!

    ..of course, i’d also need a wii, or some other gaming console too.

  12. kapgar says:

    And you call me a nerd? At least I’m not up at 2 a.m. playing Rock Band. Not that I can, I don’t own it and Katie doesn’t want a giant drum kit in our living room. 😉

  13. kilax says:

    Sadie – I went through a mental guitar hero phase – I played it once and really wanted it! But then when I heard Rock Band had drums, I was sold. 🙂 Thanks for the birthday wishes!

    Alice – That was my problem too – I wanted the game, but had no console to play it on. I am happy Steven chose the wii.

    kapgar – When have I ever called you a nerd? A lot of my other birthday gifts were Star Wars themed. I think we share the same unique interests 🙂

  14. Gina (Mannyed) says:

    OMG, I am DYING for WII! It’s hard to come by in NY so I might have it imported from Texas, lol!! Maybe for Christmas…

    In the meantime, you can play all the games and let me know the good ones to get.

  15. kilax says:

    Gina (Mannyed) – Steven ended up buying it at Toys R’ Us. They had a lot of them! But we cannot find the game Mario Cart anywhere. But… last night I downloaded Super Mario Bros 3 for the wii. Schweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

  16. martymankins says:

    I’ve not played Rock Band yet. We have Guitar Hero III for the PS3 and I try to sit down with that at least a couple times a week. My wife says I need to play it more before we invest in another video game.

  17. kilax says:

    martymankins – Yeah, you should definitely master Guitar Hero. Then the transition will be easier 😉 The drums are schweeeeeeeeeeeeet though!

  18. SJ says:

    What a great hubby you have! And yes, any photo looks better with Data in it. He’s such a handsome guy.

    I used to get yellowish photos like that back in the “film” days with tungsten lighting indoors (and fluorescent would make them greenish). Maybe your camera was on the wrong setting?

  19. kilax says:

    SJ – That could be it. I often have the camera on the wrong setting, only to realize it later. D’oh.

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