On a scale of 1-5, how annoyed are you when I write a post about our cat, Data? (1 being “not annoyed at all, I find it endearing!” and 5 being “I am unsubscribing Kim from my reader RIGHT NOW”)
I’ll give it a 3 – “I like it from time to time, but not ALL THE TIME.” Ha ha.
On the weekends, starting around 6:00 am, Data likes to sit next to me and meow constantly into my ear. Then he likes to knock over the garbage can next to my bed. Then he goes to the windows, and bats at the blinds. Then he gets onto Steven’s dresser, and tries to reach into his dresser door to get his glasses out. Then he comes back to me on the bed and starts the cycle over at 6:05 am.
So I had the BRILLIANT idea to get out his automatic feeder to use on the weekends. We fill it up Friday and Saturday nights, set it for 6:00 am, and we blissfully sleep in until at least 8:00 am.
Data starts whining when he sees us putting the food into the feeder. He finally comes to bed, but then gets up around 3:00 am to go push the feeder all around the house, banging it into things, trying to get it to open. He still comes and meows in my ear, wanting me to open the feeder early. Why don’t I just leave a bag of food on the floor for him?
Even after he eats the food, he acts like it is “extra” food that he found on his own. Finders keepers! “When are you going to feed me again Mommy?!” He’ll sit next to his feeder and wait for someone to walk by and see how pathetic and starved he looks.
![Notice the feeder is all taken apart? Thanks to Data!](http://www.ilaxstudio.com/pathetico.jpg)
So, I never get to “truly” sleep in anymore (Steven sleeps right through all of this nonsense), I have to get up and get this little monster my furbaby to shut up some food.
Don’t you feel sorry for me? No really, don’t you? I am only joking, it’s not a big deal, but I think it demonstrates again, what awful of a mother I would make… getting so annoyed by this…
(Wow. What a long and pathetic post about MY CAT. I think I just upped my vote to a 4 – “I’m on the verge of annoyed and stopped reading after the third paragraph.” I promise something of more substance tomorrow. Maybe.)