Reason #141 I’d be an unfit mother

By , June 8, 2008 1:13 pm

On a scale of 1-5, how annoyed are you when I write a post about our cat, Data? (1 being “not annoyed at all, I find it endearing!” and 5 being “I am unsubscribing Kim from my reader RIGHT NOW”)

I’ll give it a 3 – “I like it from time to time, but not ALL THE TIME.” Ha ha.

On the weekends, starting around 6:00 am, Data likes to sit next to me and meow constantly into my ear. Then he likes to knock over the garbage can next to my bed. Then he goes to the windows, and bats at the blinds. Then he gets onto Steven’s dresser, and tries to reach into his dresser door to get his glasses out. Then he comes back to me on the bed and starts the cycle over at 6:05 am.


So I had the BRILLIANT idea to get out his automatic feeder to use on the weekends. We fill it up Friday and Saturday nights, set it for 6:00 am, and we blissfully sleep in until at least 8:00 am.


Data starts whining when he sees us putting the food into the feeder. He finally comes to bed, but then gets up around 3:00 am to go push the feeder all around the house, banging it into things, trying to get it to open. He still comes and meows in my ear, wanting me to open the feeder early. Why don’t I just leave a bag of food on the floor for him?

Even after he eats the food, he acts like it is “extra” food that he found on his own. Finders keepers! “When are you going to feed me again Mommy?!” He’ll sit next to his feeder and wait for someone to walk by and see how pathetic and starved he looks.

Notice the feeder is all taken apart? Thanks to Data!

So, I never get to “truly” sleep in anymore (Steven sleeps right through all of this nonsense), I have to get up and get this little monster my furbaby to shut up some food.

Don’t you feel sorry for me? No really, don’t you? I am only joking, it’s not a big deal, but I think it demonstrates again, what awful of a mother I would make… getting so annoyed by this…

(Wow. What a long and pathetic post about MY CAT. I think I just upped my vote to a 4 – “I’m on the verge of annoyed and stopped reading after the third paragraph.” I promise something of more substance tomorrow. Maybe.)

13 Responses to “Reason #141 I’d be an unfit mother”

  1. Dave2 says:

    I love Data stories! I think he needs his own blog!

  2. Jenn says:

    I don’t mind them at all.

    One thing I love about Katie is HER love of sleeping in. I honestly don’t remember one time that she’s woken me up in the morning. During the week she’s sound asleep until my alarm goes off (then goes potty, eats breakfast, and heads straight back to sleep!) and on the weekends on the rare occasion she’s awake before me she just lays at the foot of the bed looking out the window (I crack the shutters) and waits for me to get up. It’s wonderful.

    Of course my idea of sleeping in is 6:30, but on the rare occassion I’m up late or sick, she doesn’t even bug me at 10:00.

  3. kilax says:

    Dave2 – Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ That means a lot to me.

    Jenn – I wish I could say that about Data! Are all dogs like that?

  4. Christina says:

    Data is so funny! He acts like a person! I just got a fish! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. i l-o-v-e your Data posts!! they are awesome!!! i can completely relate to your current situation. the kitties insist they are starving at about 4am, it was 6am but it keeps getting earlier and earlier. ah, the joys of “motherhood”. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Robin says:

    I love your posts about Data!

    Cats are really smart. They know what they want and they know how to DEMAND when they want it!

  7. Stephanie says:

    When my cat thinks he is hungry (or sometimes just because), he wanders around the house making this pathetic “mmmrrrooooowwww!” whining sound. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he had been trapped in a closet all day, so pathetic and miserable is the sound.

    Come to think of it – he WAS trapped in the closet one day, and he didn’t even sound like that!

  8. Data is so smart – I love him! Luckily, Manny doesn’t beg for food that early in the morning. He does come running when he hears the fridge open or the silverware draw opens.

  9. Kelsey says:

    kimbot, i love data stories. i knew he was feisty, thus perfect for you.

    *laughs evilly*

  10. kilax says:

    Christina – Cool! What kind of fish?

    CourtneyInControl – We need to work together to find a solution to our kitty problem! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Robin – Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ I like to think that Data is smart. Ha ha ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Stephanie – HA HA HA!!! It seems like Data makes a new weird “I’m hungry” noise each day! He sounds like he is dying!

    Gina (Mannyed) – So how do you get Manny to be quiet?

    Kelsey – Ha ha ha! I’m so happy you called me when you found Data! We love him to pieces! I miss you, girl ๐Ÿ™‚ Did you watch this season of ANTM? I thought of you!

  11. javaqueen14 says:

    No, your pet Data is your family…. it’s all good!

  12. Alice says:

    i get up and throw my cats out of my bedroom on weekend mornings, then go back to bed ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. kilax says:

    javaqueen14 – Thanks for putting up with me. I always like your doggy posts. Hey! Where have you been lately?! I miss your posts!

    Alice – We used to do that… but he stands up and bangs on the door handle. And I feel guilty locking him in a room ๐Ÿ˜‰

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