Unwanted appointments

By , June 5, 2008 5:55 am

I hate it when I plan on attending something, or even make an appointment to attend something, and don’t feel like going to it at the last minute. That happened a lot in college. I would plan on attending a guest lecture or something, then decide I’d rather stay at home and have dinner, work, relax, eat, whatever (of course, I still went to Michael Moore, Barack Obama, Morgan Spurlock and Steven Holl’s lectures).

Lately it’s been these townhome association meetings. Well, there have only been two of them, but they are at 7:00 pm, require me leaving work at 5:00, and eat up more of my night then I’d like. But hey, if we’re going to bitch and moan about what’s going on in our neighborhood, we better make an appearance at the meetings, and become involved, right?

Anyway, I told one of our reps I would go out to lunch with her today. This will probably be good for me to learn to be social and interact with other people in the industry, but when I woke up today… I just didn’t feel like it. I think I’d rather sit at my desk and sleep eat. Or stay at home and sleep. Or something like that.

I’m sure by lunch time I’ll feel like doing it. But right now, I just feel BLAH.

6 Responses to “Unwanted appointments”

  1. javaqueen14 says:

    I’m not big on appointments either, but I wonder who is? Is there someone out there that doesn’t flip out a bit right before and 1) Try to come up with an excuse NOT to go. 2) Try to delay the inevitable by rescheduling? 3) or are just SO bleeping tired they convince themselves they cannot possibly go? I’m with you. I even fret about going to a movie- but once I’m there, the lights dim, it’s all good. I wonder what that’s all about? If it’s any consolation; tomorrow’s FRIDAY 😉 Whoot! Whoot! Have a great weekend Kim!

  2. Jess says:

    This happens to me ALL THE TIME. And you’re right, it was worse in college. I’d plan on going to something, and then something else I wanted to go to would come up at the same time, and I would start thinking about which one I wanted to go to more, and in so doing come up with reasons not to go to both, and wind up going to neither. I sucked. I did go see Dennis Kucinich and Gloria Steinem, though. (Not together.)

  3. sizzle says:

    That happens to me all the time too. I will have every intention when I make the plans but then the day of? Meh, I’m tired or feeling ugly or something. I usually push myself to go because it’s just my lazy self-esteem talking and generally I have a good time.

  4. Nilsa says:

    Tell me about it. I work in an office where there is no dress code. So, as I began gaining weight, I started wearing sloppier and sloppier clothes. Talk about feeling like crap about yourself. But, I just don’t like spending a lot of money on clothes and don’t like shopping all that much. So, it’s easier to wear old clothes in slight disrepair than worry about looking sharp, crisp, ready to attack the day.

  5. Rachel says:

    I always feel especially blah when it’s time to do something. Unless I get into a rhythm and keep a busy schedule, I’m much happier doing a whole lotta nothing.

  6. kilax says:

    javaqueen14 – I’m 1, 2 and 3 every time. But feel better after I actually go. What is with that?

    Jess – In college, I skipped a lot of things to take naps. Or eat dinner. It’s easy to try to do too much. But when you miss something, you sometimes wish you would have done it!

    sizzle – I almost don’t feel like going to work because I feel ugly. But I have to 🙁

    Nilsa – That is the description of me right now 🙁 Clothes that just fit but don’t look quite right. Sigh.

    Rachel – I am the same way – if I can hit appointment after appointment, I’m all good. But if there is downtime in between, I seem to rather do nothing!

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