Friday Question #21

By , April 11, 2008 5:54 am

Aside from your family, friends or pets, what would be the most difficult thing for you to give up in your life?

Reading. I love having something to read, something to keep me entertained. When I lived in Italy, I was constantly in search of printed items in English… just because I missed having something fresh to read everyday. I get bored on the train, or airplane, just sitting there, feeling like I have nothing to do.

12 Responses to “Friday Question #21”

  1. Odie says:

    I’m with you. I read constantly. It kind of runs in my family. Several years ago, my cousins and I decided to have a day together, just to keep in touch. After breakfast, we were all sitting around trying to decide what to do next, when one of my cousins said, “There’s this bookstore…” The rest of us simultaneously said, “Bookstore!” and we were on our way.
    If it weren’t that, it would probably be music. Just about any variety, listening or making. Doesn’t really matter.

  2. Kyra (savy) says:

    Um… chocolate?


  3. sizzle says:

    Music. I would have an extremely difficult time not having tunes to play.

  4. Jenn says:

    Reading. And chocolate, like Kyra said 🙂

    I was SO thrilled to find a bookstore with English books in Vienna that I GLADLY paid nearly $20 for one paperback book. My luck improved the next day when I found another bookstore that was having a sale and I found the one English book they had was on sale for like $2! And it turned out to be a great book.

  5. diane says:

    Music too. I love to read, but don’t have enough time for it. But some days (and some activities, ahem, exercise) I cannot get through without some good tunes!

  6. ajooja says:

    I’d probably have a difficult time giving up the Internet. My day-to-day life takes place in a very small circle. The Internet gives me a connection outside that circle. I can’t imagine life without it.

  7. Cheryl says:

    I am the exact same way. Especially on a train or plane. Must have words…

  8. Nilsa S. says:

    I wish I had more time to read. There are so many fabulous books out there. Though, right now, I’d be up shit’s creek without a car. Getting to and from work would be immensely challenging.

  9. claire says:

    Hmm. Music probably. Reading in all the forms it takes would be mighty tough to give up also.

  10. *lynne* says:

    I suppose it would be reading too, although sometimes I seem to spend most of my time spacing out to CSI/NCIS/L&O:SVU and other acronyms rather than reading :p

  11. Danielle says:

    I probably couldnt give up dancing,music & laughing.

  12. Shannon H. says:

    My computer and the Internet! Yes, I am an addict but I love playing games on the computer, chatting with friends and family and blogging!

    *Also posted on my blog along with #20 and #22. I hope to answer the rest of the questions soon!”

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