One Up

By , March 12, 2008 6:11 am

When my two-year dating anniversary with Steven rolled around (back in September 2004), I wanted to get him something really special, but I didn’t have a lot of money. So I thought long and hard, “what has Steven been hinting at that he wants?”

I finally figured it out – a memory foam pillow! I knew he had mentioned wanting one. And those are expensive, right? Well, $30 seemed expensive at the time to a living-off-of-loans-and-handouts college student. And I thought it was a nice gift idea…

So I asked Steven’s so-kind brother, who lived in the same town as me, to take me to Sam’s Club to get the pillow. So, there I am, in an aisle with pillows, saying to Steven’s brother, “I really hope Steven likes this pillow! I wonder if he got me anything…”

Yes, you are meant to be laughing at me by this point.

Steven drove in from Chicago that weekend to take me to dinner for our anniversary. Oh yeah, and he did get me something – a three stone princess cut diamond engagement ring.

Of course I was ecstatic. But I kept thinking later on how dumb it was that I bought that pillow, thinking it was an exciting gift. And I felt really dumb for telling Steven’s brother how excited I was about giving it to Steven – because his brother knew all along that he planned to propose to me that night. I am surprised he could keep a straight face!

So, even from early on, I’ve started out defeated when it comes to gift exchanging between the two of us. I’ve mentioned it before – Steven always knows what I am getting him – he probably knew I was going to give him a stupid pillow (which was too stiff by the way). And, my gift always pales in comparison to his.

But, how can he guess if he receives an unexpected gift? That’s right, I bought something for him that has no associated holiday or birthday. And while I can’t keep my mouth shut about the fact that I bought him something, I know there is no way he will guess what it is.

Unless someone tells him.

So keep your mouth shut too.

12 Responses to “One Up”

  1. Kyra says:

    My husband is a TOTAL pain in the butt about gifts. He always figures out what I have gotten him. It’s pointless. He’s hit and miss with me, but I’m just glad he thinks of me at all…. and does the dishes and cooking and cleaning 50/50 with me. Mondo-gift right there.

  2. diane says:

    Oh, Kim! I’m sure Steven loved his pillow! You guys are so cute.
    Can’t wait for the “big reveal” after it’s been given. 😉

  3. Steve, your gift is a…oh wait, I don’t know what it is, hehe.

    That is such a cute engagement story!! Were you totally blown away by the proposal, did you have any idea, maybe a little inkling?

  4. Jenn says:

    Mine always guesses what gifts are, and usually is right. It’s gotten to the point where I tell him that if he’s not even allowed to jokingly guess what it is or I’ll return it. I don’t care if it’s a 6″x6″ box and he says a new car, its’ going back to the store.

  5. sizzle says:

    Surprise gifts are so much fun! The Fella struggles to find gifts for me while I love finding the perfect gift for someone. I’ve been told it’s too hard to keep up with me. 🙁

  6. Andrew says:

    It was incredibly hard to keep a straight face through that whole trip to Sam’s. I couldn’t have encouraged you to get something else because you might have become suspicious. If I tipped you off in any way Steven would have destroyed me.

  7. ajooja says:

    The pillow was a great gift, even if it wasn’t perfect. It was something he wanted.

    The worst gifts are when you make an off-hand comment comment about some meaningless object being “cool” or “neat” and you end up getting one as a gift.

    I ended up with a Jerry Garcia doll one Christmas. Jerry Garcia? I’m not even a Dead Head.

    I just thought it was cool! I didn’t necessarily want one!

  8. kilax says:

    Kyra – I am lucky in the same way – Steven is my chef. I just stand in the kitchen and chop/clean whatever he wants me to do while he cooks away…

    diane – Data liked it more than Steven. He chewed on it 😉 I can’t wait to tell you…

    Gina (Mannyed) – I was surprised! And Steven was really sneaky about it. I should have figured out! The thing is, he bought our townhome the summer before, and I was thinking, “there goes my chance at an engagement…” 😉

    Jenn – Why are men so good at this?!

    sizzle – It’s been hard to keep with how good you are at giving gifts? Or it’s hard for someone to buy one for you?

    Andrew – I wouldn’t have been able to afford anything else. I think I was eating leftovers from your house every so often at that point.

    ajooja – Oh god. I hate that too. I really like Star Wars, but I have been getting weird Star Wars gifts for way too long. I know they mean the best, but you get to a point…

  9. hahah I think a memory foam pillow is a freaking FANTASTIC gift. ol.

  10. kapgar says:

    Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? Guys suck at gift buying and women rock it? You truly are backwards. 😉

  11. i’m horrible at buying gifts… and i don’t like being there when they open it up… in case they’re really disappointed… i’m trying though!!!
    you have to tell… what did you get Steven?!?!

  12. suze says:

    Mike is the worst person to buy for – he always figures out what he’s getting too, because he’s just so hard to buy for… Ugh! I feel your pain!

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