We should get out more often
Steven and I went to a “Condo-warming” party Saturday night. It was one of those things were I only knew one person there – obviously the new owner. I don’t mind going to parties like that, but I also don’t expect to stay very long, because, hey, I only know one person, right?
< insert warning of “sappy, isn’t life grand? post ahead” here>
I know this friend because we worked together at a small residential architecture firm in summer ’05. She’s a structural engineer, who went on to get her Master’s degree in PA, then came back to Chicago in ’07 to work at SOM.
Even though we only worked together for one summer, we always stayed in touch. Our personalities just clicked. And now that we are both in Chicago, we’ll meet up from time to time.
I was really excited to see her new place on Saturday (she is on the 15th floor and has a great view of the city(!!!), and because I am an architect, I was excited to see the new floors, etc. she put in), but was not expecting to stay that long. I don’t know why, but I didn’t think we’d find anyone to talk to for very long (you must understand the bad mood I was in on Saturday).
I should have known better. A lot of her friends are coworkers or people from college, also in the design discipline. I won’t say that I talked shop all night, but it is really fun to talk to people who are in the same field as you – they understand your horror stories! And even Steven had a few to share – he works with architects (myself included) on a regular basis.
But like I said, we didn’t talk about design/engineering stuff all night long – I’m usually not that boring.
We ended up staying a long time, because we were having such a great time. I had a little “party buzz” from meeting and chatting with new people (okay, and from drinking sangria).
I get so caught up and worn out in my day-to-day life that I forget how much I love to meet new people. When I lived on my own in Rome I would start conversations with new people on almost a daily basis. Of course, that has more to do with the lifestyle there, but I don’t think it is a bad thing to do.
Meeting new people, and making new friends means expanding your mind and learning something new. Yes, I warned you this would be sappy.
Let’s just hope this sappy feeling stays for awhile. (And before you ask, meeting the new neighbors doesn’t count here)