Star light, star bright

By , December 29, 2007 4:22 am

For Christmas, Steven had a star named after me near the Leo constellation! He named the star Ilax.

Hmm, do you think he secretly hoped this would prompt me to finally change my last name? We’ll see… someday I’ll have time to go to the DOT and Social Security office…

I’ve been trying to research the leo constellation, and I think you can see it in the northern hemisphere in March, near Ursa Major (aka “The Big Dipper”). The star’s actual coordinate numbers are RA10h44m37.02s D10°52’50.49″. Does anyone know what that means? Nope? Me either.

But you can guess what I will be doing come March!

6 Responses to “Star light, star bright”

  1. Kyra says:

    Hubby had a star named after me for our first Christmas together about 14 years ago. I found it… once. 😉

    As for changing your name, I was back and forth on that personally. So, I simply added his to my own. Not hyphenated or anything, I simply have four names: first middle, last, and another last. My middle and my maiden name tend to operate like middle names that can be dropped or added as I need them. The kids have both last names too.

    I’m stubborn. My last name has castles attached. And I think the whole last name thing makes me a bit… tetchy.

  2. how cool, an ILAX star! I want a star featuring my maiden name too! Maybe next Christmas! :o)

  3. Christina says:

    Awwh, I love the Ilax star!!

  4. Very cool! I’ve always thought that would be kind of neat to have!

  5. Jenniy says:

    That’s so cool! Btw, I completely understand the name changing thing. I’ve changed my drivers license, and I think an AmEx card, but that’s all. I have to change my SSN before work will change my last name, and I just don’t have the time or patience to sit through that office. I do, however, need a new passport soon, so I really need to just get to it.

  6. kilax says:

    Kyra – did he name it Kyra, or after your last name?

    Gina (Mannyed) – should I relay the hint to the husband?

    Christina – it is actually named for all of us! 😉

    Gary LaPointe – I am supre excited! I can’t wait to see it!

    Jenniy – the passport is going to be the b*tch, I think. I will feel nervous to send it out! 🙁

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