It’s a mad mad world

By , December 1, 2007 11:22 am

After leaving the house to run a few errands this morning, I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t want to leave the house for the rest of the weekend. Or perhaps ever again.

Too many crazies driving on the streets, too many crazies in the stores… too many crazies driving me crazy!

I can’t believe I am saying this, but thank god it is supposed to snow/rain all day. It forces me to stay inside. I can set up the Star Wars Christmas tree then cuddle with Steven and Data for the rest of the day!

7 Responses to “It’s a mad mad world”

  1. sizzle says:

    that sounds like a perfect way to spend the weekend. it’s supposed to snow here (barely compared to there) but i’m using that (and my bad head cold) as an excuse to stay in and avoid the crazies too.

  2. Russ says:

    I notice from your blogroll you are a friend of Gina’s. Thanks for visiting my new blog! I will be by here often as well…

    Oh and I completely agree with you about being forced to stay inside is not necessarily a bad thing…


  3. Diane says:

    Sounds like you have a pretty good plan for the day, lady. Enjoy! Snow is a good excuse for cuddling! 🙂

  4. Lisa says:

    Star Wars Christmas tree??? Inquiring (fanatical) minds want to see, and know what you’re talking about.

  5. kilax says:

    sizzle – hopefully you can rest this weekend and finally get rid of that cold!

    Russ – Gina recommended your site to me and I am happy she did 🙂

    Diane – I can guess you were staying inside yesterday too? 😉

    Lisa – We usually have one real tree that looks elegant – with silver balls and white lights – then we have a little fake tree that Steven lets me put all of my Star Wars ornaments on! It is pretty small, but I will try to take a photo of it to show you 🙂

  6. SJ says:

    I think we’re actually going to put up a tree this year! How do you keep Data from messing with it?

  7. kilax says:

    SJ – we don’t keep him from messing with it 🙁 He just chews on it all day and we tell him to stop whenever we see him doing it… if you learn any tricks, let me know!!!

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